74,711 research outputs found

    Incremental Learning for Robot Perception through HRI

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    Scene understanding and object recognition is a difficult to achieve yet crucial skill for robots. Recently, Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), have shown success in this task. However, there is still a gap between their performance on image datasets and real-world robotics scenarios. We present a novel paradigm for incrementally improving a robot's visual perception through active human interaction. In this paradigm, the user introduces novel objects to the robot by means of pointing and voice commands. Given this information, the robot visually explores the object and adds images from it to re-train the perception module. Our base perception module is based on recent development in object detection and recognition using deep learning. Our method leverages state of the art CNNs from off-line batch learning, human guidance, robot exploration and incremental on-line learning

    From Imprinting to Adaptation: Building a History of Affective Interaction

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    We present a Perception-Action architecture and experiments to simulate imprinting—the establishment of strong attachment links with a “caregiver”—in a robot. Following recent theories, we do not consider imprinting as rigidly timed and irreversible, but as a more flexible phenomenon that allows for further adaptation as a result of reward-based learning through experience. Our architecture reconciles these two types of perceptual learning traditionally considered as different and even incompatible. After the initial imprinting, adaptation is achieved in the context of a history of “affective” interactions between the robot and a human, driven by “distress” and “comfort” responses in the robot

    A Unified Model For Developmental Robotics

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    We present the architecture and distributed algorithms of an implemented system called NeuSter, that unifies learning, perception and action for autonomous robot control. NeuSter comprises several sub-systems that provide online learning for networks of million neurons on machine clusters. It extracts information from sensors, builds its own representations of the environment in order to learn non-predefined goals

    Design and implementation of a real-time autonomous navigation system applied to lego robots

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    Teaching theoretical concepts of a real-time autonomous robot system may be a challenging task without real hardware support. The paper discusses the application of the Lego Robot for teaching multi interdisciplinary subjects to Mechatronics students. A real-time mobile robot system with perception using sensors, path planning algorithm, PID controller is used as the case to demonstrate the teaching methodology. The novelties are introduced compared to classical robotic classes: (i) the adoption of a project-based learning approach as teaching methodology; (ii) an effective real-time autonomous navigation approach for the mobile robot. However, the extendibility and applicability of the presented approach are not limited to only the educational purpose

    Deep Predictive Policy Training using Reinforcement Learning

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    Skilled robot task learning is best implemented by predictive action policies due to the inherent latency of sensorimotor processes. However, training such predictive policies is challenging as it involves finding a trajectory of motor activations for the full duration of the action. We propose a data-efficient deep predictive policy training (DPPT) framework with a deep neural network policy architecture which maps an image observation to a sequence of motor activations. The architecture consists of three sub-networks referred to as the perception, policy and behavior super-layers. The perception and behavior super-layers force an abstraction of visual and motor data trained with synthetic and simulated training samples, respectively. The policy super-layer is a small sub-network with fewer parameters that maps data in-between the abstracted manifolds. It is trained for each task using methods for policy search reinforcement learning. We demonstrate the suitability of the proposed architecture and learning framework by training predictive policies for skilled object grasping and ball throwing on a PR2 robot. The effectiveness of the method is illustrated by the fact that these tasks are trained using only about 180 real robot attempts with qualitative terminal rewards.Comment: This work is submitted to IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems 2017 (IROS2017

    Vision-based deep execution monitoring

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    Execution monitor of high-level robot actions can be effectively improved by visual monitoring the state of the world in terms of preconditions and postconditions that hold before and after the execution of an action. Furthermore a policy for searching where to look at, either for verifying the relations that specify the pre and postconditions or to refocus in case of a failure, can tremendously improve the robot execution in an uncharted environment. It is now possible to strongly rely on visual perception in order to make the assumption that the environment is observable, by the amazing results of deep learning. In this work we present visual execution monitoring for a robot executing tasks in an uncharted Lab environment. The execution monitor interacts with the environment via a visual stream that uses two DCNN for recognizing the objects the robot has to deal with and manipulate, and a non-parametric Bayes estimation to discover the relations out of the DCNN features. To recover from lack of focus and failures due to missed objects we resort to visual search policies via deep reinforcement learning

    Towards modeling complex robot training tasks through system identification

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    Previous research has shown that sensor-motor tasks in mobile robotics applications can be modelled automatically, using NARMAX system identi�cation, where the sensory perception of the robot is mapped to the desired motor commands using non-linear polynomial functions, resulting in a tight coupling between sensing and acting | the robot responds directly to the sensor stimuli without having internal states or memory. However, competences such as for instance sequences of actions, where actions depend on each other, require memory and thus a representation of state. In these cases a simple direct link between sensory perception and the motor commands may not be enough to accomplish the desired tasks. The contribution to knowledge of this paper is to show how fundamental, simple NARMAX models of behaviour can be used in a bootstrapping process to generate complex behaviours that were so far beyond reach. We argue that as the complexity of the task increases, it is important to estimate the current state of the robot and integrate this information into the system identification process. To achieve this we propose a novel method which relates distinctive locations in the environment to the state of the robot, using an unsupervised clustering algorithm. Once we estimate the current state of the robot accurately, we combine the state information with the perception of the robot through a bootstrapping method to generate more complex robot tasks: We obtain a polynomial model which models the complex task as a function of predefined low level sensor motor controllers and raw sensory data. The proposed method has been used to teach Scitos G5 mobile robots a number of complex tasks, such as advanced obstacle avoidance, or complex route learning

    Dance Teaching by a Robot: Combining Cognitive and Physical Human-Robot Interaction for Supporting the Skill Learning Process

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    This letter presents a physical human-robot interaction scenario in which a robot guides and performs the role of a teacher within a defined dance training framework. A combined cognitive and physical feedback of performance is proposed for assisting the skill learning process. Direct contact cooperation has been designed through an adaptive impedance-based controller that adjusts according to the partner's performance in the task. In measuring performance, a scoring system has been designed using the concept of progressive teaching (PT). The system adjusts the difficulty based on the user's number of practices and performance history. Using the proposed method and a baseline constant controller, comparative experiments have shown that the PT presents better performance in the initial stage of skill learning. An analysis of the subjects' perception of comfort, peace of mind, and robot performance have shown a significant difference at the p < .01 level, favoring the PT algorithm.Comment: Presented at IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation ICRA-201
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