3 research outputs found

    Fog Computing for Detecting Vehicular Congestion, An Internet of Vehicles based Approach: A review

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    Vehicular congestion is directly impacting the efficiency of the transport sector. A wireless sensor network for vehicular clients is used in Internet of Vehicles based solutions for traffic management applications. It was found that vehicular congestion detection by using Internet of Vehicles based connected vehicles technology are practically feasible for congestion handling. It was found that by using Fog Computing based principles in the vehicular wireless sensor network, communication in the system can be improved to support larger number of nodes without impacting performance. In this paper, connected vehicles technology based vehicular congestion identification techniques are studied. Computing paradigms that can be used for the vehicular network are studied to develop a practically feasible vehicular congestion detection system that performs accurately for a large coverage area and multiple scenarios. The designed system is expected to detect congestion to meet traffic management goals that are of primary importance in intelligent transportation systems

    Performance analysis of V2V dynamic anchor position-based routing protocols

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    Recently, vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) have received more attention in both academic and industry settings. One of the challenging issues in this domain is routing protocols. VANETs unique characteristics such as high mobility with the constraint of road topology, fast network topology changes, frequently disconnected networks, and time-sensitive data exchange makes it difficult to design an efficient routing protocol for routing data in vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) and vehicle-toinfrastructure communications. Designing routing protocols for V2V commutations are more challenging due to the absence of infrastructure nodes in the communication procedure. They become even more challenging, when they get benefit from dynamic anchor computation method in which the anchor nodes (junctions or basic nodes for routing) are dynamic in their routing procedure. Positionbased routing protocols have been proven to be superior and outperform the other protocols since there is no requirement to establish and save a route between source and destination during the routing process which is suitable for dynamic nature of vehicular networks. In this paper, the performance of V2V dynamic anchor position-based routing protocols, which are proposed for the most challenging condition of packet routing in VANET, are investigated and evaluated under two different scenarios (i.e. various vehicle densities and velocities) through NS-2. The obtained results are then illustrated based on average delay, packet delivery ratio and routing overhead as routing performance indicators. Our objective is to provide a quantitative assessment of the applicability of these protocols in different vehicular scenarios. The comparison provided in this paper makes the research contribution of this survey paper quite higher than a regular survey paper only with explanations.This research is supported by UM High Impact Research MoE Grant UM.C/625/1/HIR/MOHE/FCSIT/09 from the Ministry of Education Malaysia.Jabbarpour, MR.; Marefat, A.; Jalooli, A.; Noor, RM.; Khokhar, RH.; Lloret, J. (2015). Performance analysis of V2V dynamic anchor position-based routing protocols. Wireless Networks. 21(3):911-929. doi:10.1007/s11276-014-0825-8S911929213Jalooli, A., Shaghaghi, E., Jabbarpour, M.R., Md Noor, R., Yeo, H., & Jung, J.J. (2014). Intelligent advisory speed limit dedication in highway using VANET. The Scientific World Journal, 2014, 629412.Jalooli, A., Hussin, N., Noor, R.M, & Jung, J.J. (2014). Public alerts on landslide natural disaster using vehicular communications. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks. doi: 10.1155/2014/969864 .Vasilakos, A.V. (2008). Special issue: Ambient Intelligence. 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