842 research outputs found

    Road detection via a dual-task network based on cross-layer graph fusion modules

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    Road detection based on remote sensing images is of great significance to intelligent traffic management. The performances of the mainstream road detection methods are mainly determined by their extracted features, whose richness and robustness can be enhanced by fusing features of different types and cross-layer connections. However, the features in the existing mainstream model frameworks are often similar in the same layer by the single-task training, and the traditional cross-layer fusion ways are too simple to obtain an efficient effect, so more complex fusion ways besides concatenation and addition deserve to be explored. Aiming at the above defects, we propose a dual-task network (DTnet) for road detection and cross-layer graph fusion module (CGM): the DTnet consists of two parallel branches for road area and edge detection, respectively, while enhancing the feature diversity by fusing features between two branches through our designed feature bridge modules (FBM). The CGM improves the cross-layer fusion effect by a complex feature stream graph, and four graph patterns are evaluated. Experimental results on three public datasets demonstrate that our method effectively improves the final detection result

    MASANet: Multi-Angle Self-Attention Network for Semantic Segmentation of Remote Sensing Images

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    As an important research direction in the field of pattern recognition, semantic segmentation has become an important method for remote sensing image information extraction. However, due to the loss of global context information, the effect of semantic segmentation is still incomplete or misclassified. In this paper, we propose a multi-angle self-attention network (MASANet) to solve this problem. Specifically, we design a multi-angle self-attention module to enhance global context information, which uses three angles to enhance features and takes the obtained three features as the inputs of self-attention to further extract the global dependencies of features. In addition, atrous spatial pyramid pooling (ASPP) and global average pooling (GAP) further improve the overall performance. Finally, we concatenate the feature maps of different scales obtained in the feature extraction stage with the corresponding feature maps output by ASPP to further extract multi-scale features. The experimental results show that MASANet achieves good segmentation performance on high-resolution remote sensing images. In addition, the comparative experimental results show that MASANet is superior to some state-of-the-art models in terms of some widely used evaluation criteria

    Road Extraction with Satellite Images and Partial Road Maps

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    Road extraction is a process of automatically generating road maps mainly from satellite images. Existing models all target to generate roads from the scratch despite that a large quantity of road maps, though incomplete, are publicly available (e.g. those from OpenStreetMap) and can help with road extraction. In this paper, we propose to conduct road extraction based on satellite images and partial road maps, which is new. We then propose a two-branch Partial to Complete Network (P2CNet) for the task, which has two prominent components: Gated Self-Attention Module (GSAM) and Missing Part (MP) loss. GSAM leverages a channel-wise self-attention module and a gate module to capture long-range semantics, filter out useless information, and better fuse the features from two branches. MP loss is derived from the partial road maps, trying to give more attention to the road pixels that do not exist in partial road maps. Extensive experiments are conducted to demonstrate the effectiveness of our model, e.g. P2CNet achieves state-of-the-art performance with the IoU scores of 70.71% and 75.52%, respectively, on the SpaceNet and OSM datasets.Comment: This paper has been accepted by IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensin

    LR-CNN: Local-aware Region CNN for Vehicle Detection in Aerial Imagery

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    State-of-the-art object detection approaches such as Fast/Faster R-CNN, SSD, or YOLO have difficulties detecting dense, small targets with arbitrary orientation in large aerial images. The main reason is that using interpolation to align RoI features can result in a lack of accuracy or even loss of location information. We present the Local-aware Region Convolutional Neural Network (LR-CNN), a novel two-stage approach for vehicle detection in aerial imagery. We enhance translation invariance to detect dense vehicles and address the boundary quantization issue amongst dense vehicles by aggregating the high-precision RoIs' features. Moreover, we resample high-level semantic pooled features, making them regain location information from the features of a shallower convolutional block. This strengthens the local feature invariance for the resampled features and enables detecting vehicles in an arbitrary orientation. The local feature invariance enhances the learning ability of the focal loss function, and the focal loss further helps to focus on the hard examples. Taken together, our method better addresses the challenges of aerial imagery. We evaluate our approach on several challenging datasets (VEDAI, DOTA), demonstrating a significant improvement over state-of-the-art methods. We demonstrate the good generalization ability of our approach on the DLR 3K dataset.Comment: 8 page

    AGSPNet: A framework for parcel-scale crop fine-grained semantic change detection from UAV high-resolution imagery with agricultural geographic scene constraints

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    Real-time and accurate information on fine-grained changes in crop cultivation is of great significance for crop growth monitoring, yield prediction and agricultural structure adjustment. Aiming at the problems of serious spectral confusion in visible high-resolution unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) images of different phases, interference of large complex background and salt-and-pepper noise by existing semantic change detection (SCD) algorithms, in order to effectively extract deep image features of crops and meet the demand of agricultural practical engineering applications, this paper designs and proposes an agricultural geographic scene and parcel-scale constrained SCD framework for crops (AGSPNet). AGSPNet framework contains three parts: agricultural geographic scene (AGS) division module, parcel edge extraction module and crop SCD module. Meanwhile, we produce and introduce an UAV image SCD dataset (CSCD) dedicated to agricultural monitoring, encompassing multiple semantic variation types of crops in complex geographical scene. We conduct comparative experiments and accuracy evaluations in two test areas of this dataset, and the results show that the crop SCD results of AGSPNet consistently outperform other deep learning SCD models in terms of quantity and quality, with the evaluation metrics F1-score, kappa, OA, and mIoU obtaining improvements of 0.038, 0.021, 0.011 and 0.062, respectively, on average over the sub-optimal method. The method proposed in this paper can clearly detect the fine-grained change information of crop types in complex scenes, which can provide scientific and technical support for smart agriculture monitoring and management, food policy formulation and food security assurance

    More Diverse Means Better: Multimodal Deep Learning Meets Remote Sensing Imagery Classification

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    Classification and identification of the materials lying over or beneath the Earth's surface have long been a fundamental but challenging research topic in geoscience and remote sensing (RS) and have garnered a growing concern owing to the recent advancements of deep learning techniques. Although deep networks have been successfully applied in single-modality-dominated classification tasks, yet their performance inevitably meets the bottleneck in complex scenes that need to be finely classified, due to the limitation of information diversity. In this work, we provide a baseline solution to the aforementioned difficulty by developing a general multimodal deep learning (MDL) framework. In particular, we also investigate a special case of multi-modality learning (MML) -- cross-modality learning (CML) that exists widely in RS image classification applications. By focusing on "what", "where", and "how" to fuse, we show different fusion strategies as well as how to train deep networks and build the network architecture. Specifically, five fusion architectures are introduced and developed, further being unified in our MDL framework. More significantly, our framework is not only limited to pixel-wise classification tasks but also applicable to spatial information modeling with convolutional neural networks (CNNs). To validate the effectiveness and superiority of the MDL framework, extensive experiments related to the settings of MML and CML are conducted on two different multimodal RS datasets. Furthermore, the codes and datasets will be available at https://github.com/danfenghong/IEEE_TGRS_MDL-RS, contributing to the RS community

    SEG-ESRGAN: A multi-task network for super-resolution and semantic segmentation of remote sensing images

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    The production of highly accurate land cover maps is one of the primary challenges in remote sensing, which depends on the spatial resolution of the input images. Sometimes, high-resolution imagery is not available or is too expensive to cover large areas or to perform multitemporal analysis. In this context, we propose a multi-task network to take advantage of the freely available Sentinel-2 imagery to produce a super-resolution image, with a scaling factor of 5, and the corresponding high-resolution land cover map. Our proposal, named SEG-ESRGAN, consists of two branches: the super-resolution branch, that produces Sentinel-2 multispectral images at 2 m resolution, and an encoder–decoder architecture for the semantic segmentation branch, that generates the enhanced land cover map. From the super-resolution branch, several skip connections are retrieved and concatenated with features from the different stages of the encoder part of the segmentation branch, promoting the flow of meaningful information to boost the accuracy in the segmentation task. Our model is trained with a multi-loss approach using a novel dataset to train and test the super-resolution stage, which is developed from Sentinel-2 and WorldView-2 image pairs. In addition, we generated a dataset with ground-truth labels for the segmentation task. To assess the super-resolution improvement, the PSNR, SSIM, ERGAS, and SAM metrics were considered, while to measure the classification performance, we used the IoU, confusion matrix and the F1-score. Experimental results demonstrate that the SEG-ESRGAN model outperforms different full segmentation and dual network models (U-Net, DeepLabV3+, HRNet and Dual_DeepLab), allowing the generation of high-resolution land cover maps in challenging scenarios using Sentinel-2 10 m bands.This work was funded by the Spanish Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI) under projects ARTEMISAT-2 (CTM 2016-77733-R), PID2020-117142GB-I00 and PID2020-116907RB-I00 (MCIN/AEI call 10.13039/501100011033). L.S. would like to acknowledge the BECAL (Becas Carlos Antonio López) scholarship for the financial support.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Multi-temporal data augmentation for high frequency satellite imagery: a case study in Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 building and road segmentation

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    Semantic segmentation of remote sensing images has many practical applications such as urban planning or disaster assessment. Deep learning-based approaches have shown their usefulness in automatically segmenting large remote sensing images, helping to automatize these tasks. However, deep learning models require large amounts of labeled data to generalize well to unseen scenarios. The generation of global-scale remote sensing datasets with high intraclass variability presents a major challenge. For this reason, data augmentation techniques have been widely applied to artificially increase the size of the datasets. Among them, photometric data augmentation techniques such as random brightness, contrast, saturation, and hue have been traditionally applied aiming at improving the generalization against color spectrum variations, but they can have a negative effect on the model due to their synthetic nature. To solve this issue, sensors with high revisit times such as Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 can be exploited to realistically augment the dataset. Accordingly, this paper sets out a novel realistic multi-temporal color data augmentation technique. The proposed methodology has been evaluated in the building and road semantic segmentation tasks, considering a dataset composed of 38 Spanish cities. As a result, the experimental study shows the usefulness of the proposed multi-temporal data augmentation technique, which can be further improved with traditional photometric transformations.Christian Ayala was partially supported by the Government of Navarra under the industrial Ph.D. program 2020 reference 0011-1408-2020-000008. Mikel Galar was partially supported by Tracasa Instrumental S.L. under the project OTRI 2020- 901-156, and by the Spanish MICIN (PID2019-108392GB-I00 / AEI / 10.13039/501100011033)