10 research outputs found


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    Tuberkulosis (TB) adalah salah satu penyakit yang menyebabkan kematian tinggi pada manusia. Pencegahan penyakit ini telah dicari oleh para profesional medis dan peneliti. Sayangnya, penanganan TB masih dilakukan secara manual dan sangat tergantung pada ahli medis yang jumlahnya terbatas, sehingga dalam penelitian ini dilakukan pengembangan sistem informasi alternatif untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut. Sistem diagnosis gejala TB ini dikembangkan menggunakan metode sistem pakar fuzzy. Data masukan pada sistem ini adalah gejala yang diderita penderita, yang terdiri dari batuk, penurunan berat badan, sesak napas, kehilangan nafsu makan, demam, berkeringat di malam hari, dan malaise. Prosesnya dimulai dari memasukkan data gejala, kemudian diproses menggunakanfuzzy yang terdiri dari proses fuzifikasi, inferensi dan defuzifikasi.Aturan penyakit diberikan oleh para ahli yang ahli di bidangnya dan dari sumber jurnal. Keluaran dari sistem menampilkan antarmuka diagnosis penyakit di web. Hasil penelitian ini adalah sistem informasi yang dapat memberikan hasil diagnosis penyakit kepada pengguna. Perhitungan nilai akurasi juga dilakukan untuk mengetahui seberapa akurat fuzzy dalam sistem ini, dan dari hasil perhitungan ditemukan bahwa nilai akurasi yang didapat adalah sebesar 82% yang menunjukkan bahwa logika fuzzy baik untuk proses diagnosis. Kata kunci — TB, pakar, sistem pakar fuzzy, logika fuzzy, diagnosis Tuberculosis (TB) is one of the diseases that causes high mortality in humans. The prevention of this disease has been sought by medical professionals and researchers. Unfortunately, the handling of TB is still manual and very dependent on medical experts who are very limited in number. In this study we propose an alternative information technology to overcome this problem. To overcome this problem a TB diagnostic system is developed using a fuzzy expert system. Input data on this system are the symptoms suffered by the sufferer, which consists of cough, weight loss, breathless, loss of appetite, fever, sweat at night, and malaise. The input data is then processed using fuzzy logic which consists of a process of fuzification, inference and defuzification. The output of the system displays the disease diagnosis interface on the web. Disease rules are given by experts who are experts in their fields and from journal sources. The results of the study are information systems that can provide the results of disease diagnosis to the user. The calculation of the accuracy value is also done to find out how accurate the fuzzy logic is in this system, and from the results of these calculations it is found that the accuracy value is 82% which shows that fuzzy logic is good for the diagnostic process. Keywords—tuberculosis, expert, fuzzy expert system, fuzzy logic, diagnosi

    Risk Prioritization using A FUZZY BASED Approach in Software Development Design Phase

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    The success of a software project's objective is directly proportional to the degree to which it satisfies all of the stakeholders' concerns regarding the project's requirements, including the budget, schedule, and overall performance. Risks can occur throughout the software development lifecycle (SDLC) phases and affect every phase. The design phase of the SDLC yields an overview of the software and can be defined as the software's blueprint. Different types of software have their own unique design phases and have different types of risks. With the high number of interacting components, complex systems have a greater propensity to be more volatile, which increases the risk. It is necessary to prioritize the risks in order of their severity levels. The issue at hand is the lack of effective methods to prioritize and mitigate the risk. Recent studies have suggested several methods for prioritizing risks, but it is clear that few of these have been implemented. These methods are overly complicated, time-consuming, prone to inconsistency, and challenging to put into practice. This paper proposes a novel Fuzzy-based approach to risk prioritization in the software design phase using MATLAB software. Fuzzy-based models have been shown to be more accurate than other techniques when using standard datasets to prioritize risks. Fuzzy-based methods that have been proposed take into account the characteristics of risks by modelling those characteristics as fuzz

    Test case prioritization using test case diversification and fault-proneness estimations

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    Context: Regression testing activities greatly reduce the risk of faulty software release. However, the size of the test suites grows throughout the development process, resulting in time-consuming execution of the test suite and delayed feedback to the software development team. This has urged the need for approaches such as test case prioritization (TCP) and test-suite reduction to reach better results in case of limited resources. In this regard, proposing approaches that use auxiliary sources of data such as bug history can be interesting. Objective: Our aim is to propose an approach for TCP that takes into account test case coverage data, bug history, and test case diversification. To evaluate this approach we study its performance on real-world open-source projects. Method: The bug history is used to estimate the fault-proneness of source code areas. The diversification of test cases is preserved by incorporating fault-proneness on a clustering-based approach scheme. Results: The proposed methods are evaluated on datasets collected from the development history of five real-world projects including 357 versions in total. The experiments show that the proposed methods are superior to coverage-based TCP methods. Conclusion: The proposed approach shows that improvement of coverage-based and fault-proneness based methods is possible by using a combination of diversification and fault-proneness incorporation

    Test case prioritization technique based on string distance metrics

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    Numerous test case prioritization (TCP) approaches have been introduced to enhance the test viability in software testing activity with the goal to maximize early average percentage fault detection (APFD). There are different approaches and the process for each approach varies. Furthermore, these approaches are not well documented within the single TCP approach. Based on current studies, having an approach that has high coverage effectiveness (CE) and APFD rate, remains a challenge in TCP. The string-based approach is known to have a single string distance based metric to differentiate test cases that can improve the CE results. However, to differentiate precisely the test cases, the string distances require enhancement. Therefore, a TCP technique based on string distance metric was developed to improve CE and APFD rate. In this research, to differentiate precisely the test cases and counter the string distances problem, an enhanced string distances based metric with a string weight based metric was introduced. Then, the metric was executed under designed process for string-based approach for complete evaluation. Experimental results showed that the enhanced string metric had the highest APFD with 98.56% and highest CE with 69.82% in Siemen dataset, cstcas. Besides, the technique yielded the highest APFD with 76.38% in Robotic Wheelchair System (RWS) case study. As a conclusion, the enhanced TCP technique with weight based metric has prioritised the test case based on their occurrences which helped to differentiate precisely the test cases, and improved the overall scores of APFD and CE

    Weighted string distance approach based on modified clustering technique for optimizing test case prioritization

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    Numerous test case prioritization (TCP) approaches have been introduced to enhance the test viability in software testing activity with the goal to maximize early average percentage fault detection (APFD). String based approach had shown that applying a single string distance-based metric to differentiate the test cases can improve the APFD and coverage rate (CR) results. However, to precisely differentiate the test cases in regression testing, the string approach still requires an enhancement as it lacks priority criteria. Therefore, a study on how to effectively cluster and prioritize test cases through string-based approach is conducted. To counter the string distances problem, weighted string distances is introduced. A further enhancement was made by tuning the weighted string metric with K-Means clustering and prioritization using Firefly Algorithm (FA) technique for the TCP approach to become more flexible in manipulating available information. Then, the combination of the weighted string distances along with clustering and prioritization is executed under the designed process for a new weighted string distances-based approach for complete evaluation. The experimental results show that all the weighted string distances obtained better results compared to its single string metric with average APFD values 95.73% and CR values 61.80% in cstcas Siemen dataset. As for the proposed weighted string distances approach with clustering techniques for regression testing, the combination obtained better results and flexibility than the conventional string approach. In addition, the proposed approach also passed statistical assessment by obtaining p-value higher than 0.05 in Shapiro-Wilk’s normality test and p-value lower than 0.05 in Tukey Kramer Post Hoc tests. In conclusion, the proposed weighted string distances approach improves the overall score of APFD and CE and provides flexibility in the TCP approach for regression testing environment

    Redefining and Evaluating Coverage Criteria Based on the Testing Scope

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    Test coverage information can help testers in deciding when to stop testing and in augmenting their test suites when the measured coverage is not deemed sufficient. Since the notion of a test criterion was introduced in the 70’s, research on coverage testing has been very active with much effort dedicated to the definition of new, more cost-effective, coverage criteria or to the adaptation of existing ones to a different domain. All these studies share the premise that after defining the entity to be covered (e.g., branches), one cannot consider a program to be adequately tested if some of its entities have never been exercised by any input data. However, it is not the case that all entities are of interest in every context. This is particularly true for several paradigms that emerged in the last decade (e.g., component-based development, service-oriented architecture). In such cases, traditional coverage metrics might not always provide meaningful information. In this thesis we address such situation and we redefine coverage criteria so to focus on the program parts that are relevant to the testing scope. We instantiate this general notion of scope-based coverage by introducing three coverage criteria and we demonstrate how they could be applied to different testing contexts. When applied to the context of software reuse, our approach proved to be useful for supporting test case prioritization, selection and minimization. Our studies showed that for prioritization we can improve the average rate of faults detected. For test case selection and minimization, we can considerably reduce the test suite size with small to no extra impact on fault detection effectiveness. When the source code is not available, such as in the service-oriented architecture paradigm, we propose an approach that customizes coverage, measured on invocations at service interface, based on data from similar users. We applied this approach to a real world application and, in our study, we were able to predict the entities that would be of interest for a given user with high precision. Finally, we introduce the first of its kind coverage criterion for operational profile based testing that exploits program spectra obtained from usage traces. Our study showed that it is better correlated than traditional coverage with the probability that the next test input will fail, which implies that our approach can provide a better stopping rule. Promising results were also observed for test case selection. Our redefinition of coverage criteria approaches the topic of coverage testing from a completely different angle. Such a novel perspective paves the way for new avenues of research towards improving the cost-effectiveness of testing, yet all to be explored

    Black-Box Testfall-Selektion und -Priorisierung fĂĽr Software-Varianten und -Versionen

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    Software testing is a fundamental task in software quality assurance. Especially when dealing with several product variants or software versions under test, testing everything for each variant and version is infeasible due to limited testing resources. To cope with increasing complexity both in time (i.e., versions) and space (i.e., variants), new techniques have to be developed to focus on the most important parts for testing. In the past, regression testing techniques such as test case selection and prioritization have emerged to tackle these issues for single-software systems. However, testing of variants and versions is still a challenging task, especially when no source code is available. Most existing regression testing techniques analyze source code to identify important changes to be retested, i.e., they are likely to reveal a failure. To this end, this thesis contributes different techniques for both, variants and versions, to allow more efficient and effective testing in difficult black-box scenarios by identifying important test cases to be re-executed. Four major contributions in software testing are made. (1) We propose a test case prioritization framework for software product lines based on delta-oriented test models to reduce the redundancy in testing between different product variants.(2) We introduce a risk-based testing technique for software product lines. Our semi-automatic test case prioritization approach is able to compute risk values for test model elements and scales with large numbers of product variants. (3) For black-box software versions, we provide a test case selection technique based on genetic algorithms. In particular, seven different black-box selection objectives are defined, thus, we perform a multi-objective test case selection finding Pareto optimal test sets to reduce the testing effort. (4) We propose a novel test case prioritization technique based on supervised machine learning. It is able to imitate decisions made by experts based on different features, such as natural language test case descriptions and black-box meta-data. All of these techniques have been evaluated using the Body Comfort System case study. For testing of software versions, we also assesses our testing techniques using an industrial system. Our evaluation results indicate that our black-box testing approaches for software variants and versions are able to successfully reduce testing effort compared to existing techniques.Testen ist eine fundamentale Aufgabe zur Qualitätssicherung von modernen Softwaresystemen. Mangels limitierter Ressourcen ist das Testen von vielen Produktvarianten oder Versionen sehr herausfordernd und das wiederholte Ausführen aller Testfälle nicht wirtschaftlich. Um mit der Raum- (Varianten) und Zeitdimension (Versionen) in der Entwicklung umzugehen, wurden in der Vergangenheit verschiedene Testansätze entwickelt. Es existieren jedoch nach wie vor große Herausforderungen, welche es zu lösen gilt. Dies ist vor allem der Fall, wenn der Quellcode der getesteten Softwaresysteme unbekannt ist. Das Testen von Black-Box-Systemen erschwert die Identifikation von zu testenden Unterschieden zu vorher getesteten Varianten oder Versionen. In der Literatur finden sich wenige Ansätze, welche versuchen diese Herausforderungen zu lösen. Daher werden in dieser Dissertation neue Ansätze entwickelt und vorgestellt, welche beim Black-Box Testen von Software-Varianten und -Versionen helfen, wichtige Testfälle zur erneuten Ausführung zu identifizieren. Dies erspart die Ausführung von Testfällen, welche weder neues Verhalten testen noch mit hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit neue Fehler zu finden. Insgesamt leistet diese Dissertation die folgenden vier wissenschaftlichen Beiträge: (1) Ein modell-basiertes Framework zur Definition von Testfallpriorisierungsfunktionen für variantenreiche Systeme. Das Framework ermöglicht eine flexible Priorisierung von Testfällen für individuelle Produktvarianten. (2) Einen risiko-basierten Testfallpriorisierungsansatz für variantenreiche Systeme. Das Verfahren ermöglicht eine semi-automatisierte Berechnung von Risikowerten für Elemente von Produktvarianten und skaliert mit großen Produktzahlen. (3) Ein multi-kriterielles Testfallselektionsverfahren für den Regressionstest von Black-Box Software-Versionen. Es werden Black-Box Testkriterien aufgestellt und mittels eines genetischen Algorithmus optimiert um Pareto-optimale Testsets zu berechnen. (4) Ein Testfallpriorisierungsverfahren für Black-Box Regressionstests mit Hilfe von Machine Learning. Der verwendete Algorithmus imitiert Entscheidungen von Testexperten um wichtige Testfälle zu identifizieren. Diese Ansätze wurden alle mit Hilfe von Fallstudien evaluiert. Die resultierenden Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Ansätze die gewünschten Ziele erreichen und helfen, wichtige Testfälle effektiv zu identifizieren. Insgesamt wird der Testaufwand im Vergleich zu existierenden Techniken verringert