11 research outputs found

    Risk-Constrained Control of Mean-Field Linear Quadratic Systems

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    The risk-neutral LQR controller is optimal for stochastic linear dynamical systems. However, the classical optimal controller performs inefficiently in the presence of low-probability yet statistically significant (risky) events. The present research focuses on infinite-horizon risk-constrained linear quadratic regulators in a mean-field setting. We address the risk constraint by bounding the cumulative one-stage variance of the state penalty of all players. It is shown that the optimal controller is affine in the state of each player with an additive term that controls the risk constraint. In addition, we propose a solution independent of the number of players. Finally, simulations are presented to verify the theoretical findings.Comment: Accepted at 62nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Contro

    Decentralized Stochastic Linear-Quadratic Optimal Control with Risk Constraint and Partial Observation

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    This paper addresses a risk-constrained decentralized stochastic linear-quadratic optimal control problem with one remote controller and one local controller, where the risk constraint is posed on the cumulative state weighted variance in order to reduce the oscillation of system trajectory. In this model, local controller can only partially observe the system state, and sends the estimate of state to remote controller through an unreliable channel, whereas the channel from remote controller to local controllers is perfect. For the considered constrained optimization problem, we first punish the risk constraint into cost function through Lagrange multiplier method, and the resulting augmented cost function will include a quadratic mean-field term of state. In the sequel, for any but fixed multiplier, explicit solutions to finite-horizon and infinite-horizon mean-field decentralized linear-quadratic problems are derived together with necessary and sufficient condition on the mean-square stability of optimal system. Then, approach to find the optimal Lagrange multiplier is presented based on bisection method. Finally, two numerical examples are given to show the efficiency of the obtained results

    Global Convergence of Policy Gradient Primal-dual Methods for Risk-constrained LQRs

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    While the techniques in optimal control theory are often model-based, the policy optimization (PO) approach can directly optimize the performance metric of interest without explicit dynamical models, and is an essential approach for reinforcement learning problems. However, it usually leads to a non-convex optimization problem in most cases, where there is little theoretical understanding on its performance. In this paper, we focus on the risk-constrained Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR) problem with noisy input via the PO approach, which results in a challenging non-convex problem. To this end, we first build on our earlier result that the optimal policy has an affine structure to show that the associated Lagrangian function is locally gradient dominated with respect to the policy, based on which we establish strong duality. Then, we design policy gradient primal-dual methods with global convergence guarantees to find an optimal policy-multiplier pair in both model-based and sample-based settings. Finally, we use samples of system trajectories in simulations to validate our policy gradient primal-dual methods

    Risk-Aware Stability of Discrete-Time Systems

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    We develop a generalized stability framework for stochastic discrete-time systems, where the generality pertains to the ways in which the distribution of the state energy can be characterized. We use tools from finance and operations research called risk functionals (i.e., risk measures) to facilitate diverse distributional characterizations. In contrast, classical stochastic stability notions characterize the state energy on average or in probability, which can obscure the variability of stochastic system behavior. After drawing connections between various risk-aware stability concepts for nonlinear systems, we specialize to linear systems and derive sufficient conditions for the satisfaction of some risk-aware stability properties. These results pertain to real-valued coherent risk functionals and a mean-conditional-variance functional. The results reveal novel noise-to-state stability properties, which assess disturbances in ways that reflect the chosen measure of risk. We illustrate the theory through examples about robustness, parameter choices, and state-feedback controllers

    On Optimizing the Conditional Value-at-Risk of a Maximum Cost for Risk-Averse Safety Analysis

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    The popularity of Conditional Value-at-Risk (CVaR), a risk functional from finance, has been growing in the control systems community due to its intuitive interpretation and axiomatic foundation. We consider a non-standard optimal control problem in which the goal is to minimize the CVaR of a maximum random cost subject to a Borel-space Markov decision process. The objective takes the form CVaRα(maxt=0,1,,NCt)\text{CVaR}_{\alpha}(\max_{t=0,1,\dots,N} C_t), where α\alpha is a risk-aversion parameter representing a fraction of worst cases, CtC_t is a stage or terminal cost, and NNN \in \mathbb{N} is the length of a finite discrete-time horizon. The objective represents the maximum departure from a desired operating region averaged over a given fraction α\alpha of worst cases. This problem provides a safety criterion for a stochastic system that is informed by both the probability and severity of the potential consequences of the system's trajectory. In contrast, existing safety analysis frameworks apply stage-wise risk constraints (i.e., ρ(Ct)\rho(C_t) must be small for all tt, where ρ\rho is a risk functional) or assess the probability of constraint violation without quantifying its possible severity. To the best of our knowledge, the problem of interest has not been solved. To solve the problem, we propose and study a family of stochastic dynamic programs on an augmented state space. We prove that the optimal CVaR of a maximum cost enjoys an equivalent representation in terms of the solutions to this family of dynamic programs under appropriate assumptions. We show the existence of an optimal policy that depends on the dynamics of an augmented state under a measurable selection condition. Moreover, we demonstrate how our safety analysis framework is useful for assessing the severity of combined sewer overflows under precipitation uncertainty.Comment: A shorter version is under review for IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, submitted December 202

    Optimization in Dynamical Systems: Theory and Application

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    In this dissertation, we study optimization methods in interconnected systems and investigate their applications in robotics, energy harvesting, and mean-field linear quadratic multi-agent systems. We first focus on parallel robots. Parallel Robots have numerous applications in motion simulation systems and high-precision instruments. Specifically, we investigate the forward kinematics (FK) of parallel robots and formulate it as an error minimization problem. Following this formulation, we develop an optimization algorithm to solve FK and provide a theoretical analysis of the convergence of the proposed algorithm. Then, we investigate the energy optimization (maximization) in a specific class of micro-energy harvesters (MEH). These types of energy harvesters are known to extract the largest amount of power from the kinetic energy of the human body, making them an appropriate choice for wearable technology in healthcare applications. Employing machine learning tools and using the existing models for the MEH's kinematics, we propose three methods for energy maximization. Next, we study optimal control in a mean-field linear quadratic system. Mean-field systems have critical applications in approximating very large-scale systems' behavior. Specifically, we establish results on the convergence of policy gradient (PG) methods to the optimal solution in a mean-field linear quadratic game. We finally consider the risk-constrained control of agents in a mean-field linear quadratic setting. Simulations validate the theoretical findings and their effectiveness

    Constrained Learning And Inference

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    Data and learning have become core components of the information processing and autonomous systems upon which we increasingly rely on to select job applicants, analyze medical data, and drive cars. As these systems become ubiquitous, so does the need to curtail their behavior. Left untethered, they are susceptible to tampering (adversarial examples) and prone to prejudiced and unsafe actions. Currently, the response of these systems is tailored by leveraging domain expert knowledge to either construct models that embed the desired properties or tune the training objective so as to promote them. While effective, these solutions are often targeted to specific behaviors, contexts, and sometimes even problem instances and are typically not transferable across models and applications. What is more, the growing scale and complexity of modern information processing and autonomous systems renders this manual behavior tuning infeasible. Already today, explainability, interpretability, and transparency combined with human judgment are no longer enough to design systems that perform according to specifications. The present thesis addresses these issues by leveraging constrained statistical optimization. More specifically, it develops the theoretical underpinnings of constrained learning and constrained inference to provide tools that enable solving statistical problems under requirements. Starting with the task of learning under requirements, it develops a generalization theory of constrained learning akin to the existing unconstrained one. By formalizing the concept of probability approximately correct constrained (PACC) learning, it shows that constrained learning is as hard as its unconstrained learning and establishes the constrained counterpart of empirical risk minimization (ERM) as a PACC learner. To overcome challenges involved in solving such non-convex constrained optimization problems, it derives a dual learning rule that enables constrained learning tasks to be tackled by through unconstrained learning problems only. It therefore concludes that if we can deal with classical, unconstrained learning tasks, then we can deal with learning tasks with requirements. The second part of this thesis addresses the issue of constrained inference. In particular, the issue of performing inference using sparse nonlinear function models, combinatorial constrained with quadratic objectives, and risk constraints. Such models arise in nonlinear line spectrum estimation, functional data analysis, sensor selection, actuator scheduling, experimental design, and risk-aware estimation. Although inference problems assume that models and distributions are known, each of these constraints pose serious challenges that hinder their use in practice. Sparse nonlinear functional models lead to infinite dimensional, non-convex optimization programs that cannot be discretized without leading to combinatorial, often NP-hard, problems. Rather than using surrogates and relaxations, this work relies on duality to show that despite their apparent complexity, these models can be fit efficiently, i.e., in polynomial time. While quadratic objectives are typically tractable (often even in closed form), they lead to non-submodular optimization problems when subject to cardinality or matroid constraints. While submodular functions are sometimes used as surrogates, this work instead shows that quadratic functions are close to submodular and can also be optimized near-optimally. The last chapter of this thesis is dedicated to problems involving risk constraints, in particular, bounded predictive mean square error variance estimation. Despite being non-convex, such problems are equivalent to a quadratically constrained quadratic program from which a closed-form estimator can be extracted. These results are used throughout this thesis to tackle problems in signal processing, machine learning, and control, such as fair learning, robust learning, nonlinear line spectrum estimation, actuator scheduling, experimental design, and risk-aware estimation. Yet, they are applicable much beyond these illustrations to perform safe reinforcement learning, sensor selection, multiresolution kernel estimation, and wireless resource allocation, to name a few