This paper addresses a risk-constrained decentralized stochastic
linear-quadratic optimal control problem with one remote controller and one
local controller, where the risk constraint is posed on the cumulative state
weighted variance in order to reduce the oscillation of system trajectory. In
this model, local controller can only partially observe the system state, and
sends the estimate of state to remote controller through an unreliable channel,
whereas the channel from remote controller to local controllers is perfect. For
the considered constrained optimization problem, we first punish the risk
constraint into cost function through Lagrange multiplier method, and the
resulting augmented cost function will include a quadratic mean-field term of
state. In the sequel, for any but fixed multiplier, explicit solutions to
finite-horizon and infinite-horizon mean-field decentralized linear-quadratic
problems are derived together with necessary and sufficient condition on the
mean-square stability of optimal system. Then, approach to find the optimal
Lagrange multiplier is presented based on bisection method. Finally, two
numerical examples are given to show the efficiency of the obtained results