430 research outputs found

    Detection and avoidance of routing attack in mobile ad-hoc network using intelligent node

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    The routing attacks are created in order to damage the network in Mobile Ad-hoc. Previously, Dempster-shafer theory introduced a solution for these routing attacks where it entirely works on the principle of Dempster rule with various important factors to mitigate these critical routing attacks. Previously the system contains an Intrusion detection mechanism which is used to create a message whenever the attacker attacks the network. This Intrusion detection system sends an alert message to each mobile node in the network, when the attacker attacks the network. Then, Routing table change Detector identifies exactly how many changes has occurred in each node after receiving the alert messages from the intrusion detection system and also it make some changes in the routing table of each node in the network. From these changes, the Intrusion detection system identifies the attackers and these attackers are isolated from the network. The main drawback of this existing system is whenever the attacker is occurred, the Intrusion detection system has to send an alert message every time and the routing table change detector has to make some changes in the routing table. In order to avoid these drawbacks, the knowledge based intelligent system is proposed. In this proposed system, initially a source node has to get an authorized path from the intelligent node (a node with high energy) to send a data to the destination node. This proposed system discussed with the four routing attacks such as route salvage, sleep deprivation, colluding miss relay and collision attack

    A Trust and Node Capability Model for Reliable and Secure MANET Communication

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    The Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET) is a rapidly deployable network. That is valuable for industrial and domestic applications due to flexible, mobile, and wireless communication. But the network is constrained with resources and security. In this paper, we are presenting a node capability based trusted routing named TNC-AODV for MANET. It is a hybrid approach for maintaining route reliability and security. The model is composed of the property of node capability and Trust. The Node capability is defined by the quality of service parameters like remaining energy, available bandwidth, buffer length, and mobility pattern. The aim is to ensure the discovery of reliable routes. Additionally, the trust is implemented by using a local and global trust for securing the network. The TNC-AODV is implemented through modification of AODV routing. That routing technique has been tested on three security threats namely Black-hole, wormhole, and DOS flooding attack. The simulation has been carried out using the NS2 simulator. The experimental results demonstrate that TNC-AODV provides security against attacks. Additionally, improve the packet delivery ratio, and throughput. Finally, the possible and feasible future extension of the work has also been proposed


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    A Mobile Ad-Hoc Network(MANET) is a structure-less network where the mobile nodes randomly moved in any direction within the transmission range of the network. Due to this mobility, wide range of intrusion occurs in MANET. Therefore, Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) are significant in MANETs to identify the malicious behavior. In order to improve the secured data communication an efficient Quantum Phase Shift Energy Conserved Data Security (QPSEC-DS) technique is introduced. The Quantum Phase Shift (QPS) technique is used for ensuring the security during the data transmission from sender to receiver in MANET. Initially, the quantum based approach is used to encrypt the information using QPS at the sender through secret key distribution. The receiver side also performs the same QPS, and then the encrypted bit is received successfully. This in turns attains the secured packet transmission without any malicious node in the MANET. Based on the phase shifting, the energy conservation between the sender and receiver is measured for transmitting the data packet using QPSEC-DS technique. Also, the enhanced Dynamic Source Routing (DSR) protocol is applied in QPSEC-DS technique is implemented to improve the energy management and secured data communication between the source and destination in an efficient manner. The QPSEC-DS technique conducts the simulations work on parameters including packet delivery ratio, energy consumption, communication overhead and end to end delay

    Analysis of cyber risk and associated concentration of research (ACR)² in the security of vehicular edge clouds

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    Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) is a rapidly growing research space with many issues and challenges. One of the major concerns is to successfully integrate connected technologies, such as cloud infrastructure and edge cloud, into ITS. Security has been identified as one of the greatest challenges for the ITS, and security measures require consideration from design to implementation. This work focuses on providing an analysis of cyber risk and associated concentration of research (ACR2). The introduction of ACR2 approach can be used to consider research challenges in VEC and open up further investigation into those threats that are important but under-researched. That is, the approach can identify very high or high risk areas that have a low research concentration. In this way, this research can lay the foundations for the development of further work in securing the future of ITS

    A Survey of Security Challenges and Issues in Manet

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    Nodes intriguing element in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANET) are predictable to hold to the rules stated by the routing protocol utilized in the network. Safe routing protocols endeavor to decrease the ill-effect of nodes under the control of malicious entities who intentionally violate the protocol.. There are so many generic tools which are universal for individual as well as organizations for customers to offer protection which comprises Antivirus, Ant spam, etc., and network securities have turn into important issue in MANET. Security is one of the major issues in the MANET particularly w.r.t. complexity and size of the network. The main focus of this survey is to discuss & represent special characteristics of security in MANET and also apply several of the solutions security threats within MANET network similar to intruder activities, tapping and integrity, MANET link layer and network layer operations w.r.t. information security etc) w.r.t. MANET network. This Survey paper also discusses different number of security scenarios of MANET, Attacks in MANET and IDS in MANET. Keywords: AODV, MANET, Network Security, IDS, Attack

    Synoptic analysis techniques for intrusion detection in wireless networks

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    Current system administrators are missing intrusion alerts hidden by large numbers of false positives. Rather than accumulation more data to identify true alerts, we propose an intrusion detection tool that e?ectively uses select data to provide a picture of ?network health?. Our hypothesis is that by utilizing the data available at both the node and cooperative network levels we can create a synoptic picture of the network providing indications of many intrusions or other network issues. Our major contribution is to provide a revolutionary way to analyze node and network data for patterns, dependence, and e?ects that indicate network issues. We collect node and network data, combine and manipulate it, and tease out information about the state of the network. We present a method based on utilizing the number of packets sent, number of packets received, node reliability, route reliability, and entropy to develop a synoptic picture of the network health in the presence of a sinkhole and a HELLO Flood attacker. This method conserves network throughput and node energy by requiring no additional control messages to be sent between the nodes unless an attacker is suspected. We intend to show that, although the concept of an intrusion detection system is not revolutionary, the method in which we analyze the data for clues about network intrusion and performance is highly innovative

    Game theory analysis and modeling of sophisticated multi-collusion attack in MANETs

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    Mobile Adhoc Network (MANET) has been a core topic of research since the last decade. Currently, this form of networking paradigm is increasingly being construed as an integral part of upcoming urban applications of Internet-of-Things (IoT), consisting of massive connectivity of diverse types of nodes. There is a significant barrier to the applicability of existing routing approaches in conventional MANETs when integrated with IoT. This routing mismatch can lead to security risks for the MANET-based application tied with the IoT platform. This paper examines a pragmatic scenario as a test case wherein the mobile nodes must exchange multimedia signals for supporting real-time streaming applications. There exist two essential security requirements viz. i) securing the data packet and ii) understanding the unpredictable behavior of the attacker. The current study considers sophistication on the part of attacker nodes. They are aware of each other’s identity and thereby collude to conduct lethal attacks, which is rarely reflected in existing security modeling statistics. This research harnesses the potential modeling aspect of game theory to model the multiple-collusion attacker scenario. It contributes towards i) modeling strategies of regular/malicious nodes and ii) applying optimization principle using novel auxiliary information to formulate the optimal strategies. The model advances each regular node’s capability to carry out precise computation about the opponent player’s strategy prediction, i.e., malicious node. The simulation outcome of the proposed mathematical model in MATLAB ascertains that it outperforms the game theory’s baseline approach

    A Review On Detection And Mitigation Of Black And Gray Hole Attacks In Manet

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    Abstract In wireless ad hoc networks, the absence of any control on packets forwarding, make these networks vulnerable by various deny of service attacks (DoS). A node, in wireless ad hoc network, counts always on intermediate nodes to send these packets to a given destination node. An intermediate node, which takes part in packets forwarding, may behave maliciously and drop packets which goes through it, instead of forwarding them to the following node. Such behavior is called black hole attack. In this paper, after having specified the black hole attack, a secure mechanism, which consists in checking the good forwarding of packets by an intermediate node, is required. In this paper a survey is taken from previous works