13,966 research outputs found

    Acoustic performance study of lecture room during learning activities and rainfall at higher education institution

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    Noise pollution has become one of the significant world problems along with air pollution and water pollution. Previous research had found that the ability to find quiet times and places are essential to support knowledge work. The main source of noise pollution in the educational institution are traffic noise, community noise and industrial noise. Besides, the usage of the metal deck as roofing system at lecture room may also affecting the acoustic performance level during rainy days. This is because the rain noise is often becomes unpleasant problems that disturb learning activities caused from the noise produced by rainfall when it hit the surface of the metal deck roof. Experimental studies were undertaken to investigate the acoustic performance in a lecture room (E15-BK2) located at block E15 of Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia. The comfort noise level for the learning space should not exceed 55 dBa for the learning spaces to achieve the effectiveness of learning process. This study will be focusing on obtaining data of Sound Pressure Level in lecture room with learning activities and no learning activities by using Sound Level Meter (RS-322). The result had shown that the noise recorded at the lecture room during learning activities, no learning activities and during rainfall had exceeded the requirement set by Department of Environment Malaysia which is 55 dBA and the acoustic performance in the lecture is not in the suitable position for the learning process. Therefore, some adjustment and renovation should be done to the lecture room so that the Sound Pressure Level (SPL) should fall within the accepted standard

    Agent-based simulation of electricity markets: a literature review

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    Liberalisation, climate policy and promotion of renewable energy are challenges to players of the electricity sector in many countries. Policy makers have to consider issues like market power, bounded rationality of players and the appearance of fluctuating energy sources in order to provide adequate legislation. Furthermore the interactions between markets and environmental policy instruments become an issue of increasing importance. A promising approach for the scientific analysis of these developments is the field of agent-based simulation. The goal of this article is to provide an overview of the current work applying this methodology to the analysis of electricity markets. --

    Methodologies for the assessment of industrial and energy assets, based on data analysis and BI

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    In July 2020, post pandemic onset, Europe launched the Next Generation EU (NGEU) program. The amount of resources deployed to revitalize Europe has reached 750 billion. The NGEU initiative directs significant resources to Italy. These funds can enable our country to boost investment and increase employment. The missions of Italian Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) include digitization, innovation and sustainable mobility (rail network investments, etc.). In this context, this doctorate thesis discusses the importance of infrastructure for society with a special focus on energy, railway and motorway infrastructure. The central theme of sustainability, defined by the World Commission on Environment and Development (WCDE) as ''development that meets the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs’’, is also highlighted. Through their activities and relationships, organizations contribute positively or negatively to the goal of sustainable development. Sustainability becomes an integrated part of corporate culture. First research in this thesis describes how Artificial Intelligence techniques can play a supporting role for both maintenance operators in tunnel monitoring and those responsible for safety in operation. Relevant information can be extracted from large volumes of data from sensor equipment in an efficient, fast, dynamic and adaptive manner and made immediately usable by those operating machinery and services to support rapid decisions. Performing sensor-based analysis in motorway tunnels represents a major technological breakthrough that would simplify tunnel management activities and thus the detection of possible deterioration, while keeping risk within tolerance limits. The idea involves the creation of an algorithm for detecting faults, acquiring real-time data from tunnel subsystem sensors and using it to help identify the tunnel's state of service. Artificial intelligence models were trained over a sixmonth period with a granularity of one-hour time series measured on a road tunnel forming part of the Italian motorway systems. The verification was carried out with 3 reference to a series of failures recorded by the sensors. The second research argument is relates to the transfer capacities of high-voltage overhead lines (HVOHL), which are often limited by the critical temperature of the power line, which depends on the magnitude of the current transferred and the environmental conditions, i.e. ambient temperature, wind, etc. In order to use existing power lines more effectively (with a view to progressive decarbonization) and more safely with respect to critical power line temperatures, this work proposes a Dynamic Thermal Rating (DTR) approach using IoT sensors installed on a number of HV OHL located in different geographical locations in Italy. The objective is to estimate the temperature and ampacity of the OHL conductor, using a data-driven thermomechanical model with a bayesian probabilistic approach, in order to improve the confidence interval of the results. This work shows that it might be possible to estimate a spatio-temporal temperature distribution for each OHL and an increase in the threshold values of the effective current to optimize the OHL ampacity. The proposed model was validated using the Monte Carlo method. Finally, in this thesis is presented study on KPIs as indispensable allies of top management in the asset control phase. They are often overwhelmed by the availability of a huge amount of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). Most managers struggle In understanding and identifying the few vital management metrics and instead collect and report a vast amount of everything that is easy to measure. As a result, they end up drowning in data, thirsty for information. This condition does not allow good systems management. The aim of this research is help the Asset Management System (AMS) of a railway infrastructure manager using business intelligence (BI) to equip itself with a KPI management system in line with the AM presented by the normative ISO 55000 - 55001 - 55002 and UIC (International Union of Railways) guideline, for the specific case of a railway infrastructure. This work starts from the study of these regulations, continues with the exploration, definition and use of KPIs. Subsequently KPIs of a generic infrastructure are identified and analyzed, 4 especially for the specific case of a railway infrastructure manager. These KPIs are fitted in the internal elements of the AM frameworks (ISO-UIC) for systematization. Moreover, an analysis of the KPIs now used in the company is made, compared with the KPIs that an infrastructure manager should have. Starting from here a gap analysis is done for the optimization of AMS

    Optimization and Integration of Electric Vehicle Charging System in Coupled Transportation and Distribution Networks

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    With the development of the EV market, the demand for charging facilities is growing rapidly. The rapid increase in Electric Vehicle and different market factors bring challenges to the prediction of the penetration rate of EV number. The estimates of the uptake rate of EVs for light passenger use vary widely with some scenarios gradual and others aggressive. And there have been many effects on EV penetration rate from incentives, tax breaks, and market price. Given this background, this research is devoted to addressing a stochastic joint planning framework for both EV charging system and distribution network where the EV behaviours in both transportation network and electrical system are considered. And the planning issue is formulated as a multi-objective model with both the capital investment cost and service convenience optimized. The optimal planning of EV charging system in the urban area is the target geographical planning area in this work where the service radius and driving distance is relatively limited. The mathematical modelling of EV driving and charging behaviour in the urban area is developed

    Energy Issues under Deregulated Environment

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    Loss allocation in a distribution system with distributed generation units

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    In Denmark, a large part of the electricity is produced by wind turbines and combined heat and power plants (CHPs). Most of them are connected to the network through distribution systems. This paper presents a new algorithm for allocation of the losses in a distribution system with distributed generation. The algorithm is based on a reduced impedance matrix of the network and current injections from loads and production units. With the algorithm, the effect of the covariance between production and consumption can be evaluated. To verify the theoretical results, a model of the distribution system in Brønderslev in Northern Jutland, including measurement data, has been studied

    Econometric framework for electricity infrastructure modernization in Saudi Arabia, An

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    2017 Summer.Includes bibliographical references.The electricity infrastructure in Saudi Arabia is facing several challenges represented by demand growth, high peak demand, high level of government subsidies, and system losses. This dissertation aims at addressing these challenges and proposing a multi-dimensional framework to modernize the electricity infrastructure in Saudi Arabia. The framework proposes four different scenarios—identified by two dimensions—for the future electric grid. The first and second dimensions are characterized by electricity market deregulation and Smart Grid technologies (SGTs) penetration, respectively. The framework analysis estimates global welfare (GW) and economic feasibility of the two dimensions. The first dimension quantifies the impact of deregulating the electricity market in Saudi Arabia. A non-linear programming (NLP) algorithm optimizes consumers surplus, producers surplus, and GW. The model indicates that deregulating the electricity market in Saudi Arabia will improve market efficiency. The second dimension proposes that allowing the penetration of SGTs in the Saudi electricity infrastructure is expected to mitigate the technical challenges faced by the grid. The dissertation examines the priorities of technologies for penetration by considering some key performance indicators (KPIs) identified by the Saudi National Transformation Program, and Saudi Vision 2030. A multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) algorithm—using the fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)—evaluates the prioritization of SGTs to the Saudi grid. The algorithm demonstrates the use of triangular fuzzy numbers to model uncertainty in planning decisions. The results show that advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) technologies are the top priority for modernizing the Saudi electricity infrastructure; this is followed by advanced assets management (AAM) technologies, advanced transmission operations (ATO) technologies, and advanced distribution operations (ADO) technologies. SGTs prioritization is followed by a detailed cost benefit analysis (CBA) conducted for each technology. The framework analysis aims at computing the economic feasibility of SGTs and estimating their outcomes and impacts in monetary values. The framework maps Smart Grid assets to their functions and benefits to estimate the feasibility of each Smart Grid technology and infrastructure. Discounted cash flow (DCF) and net present value (NPV) models, benefit/cost ratio, and minimum total cost are included in the analysis. The results show that AAM technologies are the most profitable technologies of Smart Grid to the Saudi electricity infrastructure, followed by ADO technologies, ATO technologies, and AMI technologies. Considering the weights resulting from the fuzzy AHP and the economic analysis models for each infrastructure, the overall ranking places AAM technologies as the top priority of SGTs to the Saudi electricity infrastructure, followed by AMI technologies, ADO technologies, and ATO technologies. This dissertation has contributed to the existing body of knowledge in the following areas: • Proposing an econometric framework for electricity infrastructure modernization. The framework takes into account technical, economic, environmental, societal, and policy factors. • Building an NLP algorithm to optimize a counterfactual deregulation of a regulated electricity market. The algorithm comprises short run price elasticity of electricity demand (ε), level of technical efficiency improvement, and discount rate (r). • Proposing an MCDM model using AHP and fuzzy set theory to prioritize SGTs to electricity infrastructures. • Adapting a Smart Grid asset-function-benefit linkage model that maps SGTs to their respected benefits. • Conducting a detailed CBA to estimate the economic feasibility of SGTs to the Saudi electricity infrastructure, This work opens avenues for more analysis on electricity infrastructure modernization. Measuring risk impact and likelihood is one area for future research. In fact, risk assessment is an important factor in determining the economic feasibility of the modernization. Probabilistic economic analysis can be applied to assess the risk associated with the implantation of the previously mentioned dimensions. The parameters used for the economic analysis, such as economic life of a project, and the discount rate, are usually deterministic. However, a probabilistic method can be applied to capture the uncertainty of the parameters. Another area for future research is the integration of both dimensions into one model in which GW resulted from market deregulation and SGTs insertion are summed