10 research outputs found

    Barrel Shifter Physical Unclonable Function Based Encryption

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    Physical Unclonable Functions (PUFs) are circuits designed to extract physical randomness from the underlying circuit. This randomness depends on the manufacturing process. It differs for each device enabling chip-level authentication and key generation applications. We present a protocol utilizing a PUF for secure data transmission. Parties each have a PUF used for encryption and decryption; this is facilitated by constraining the PUF to be commutative. This framework is evaluated with a primitive permutation network - a barrel shifter. Physical randomness is derived from the delay of different shift paths. Barrel shifter (BS) PUF captures the delay of different shift paths. This delay is entangled with message bits before they are sent across an insecure channel. BS-PUF is implemented using transmission gates; their characteristics ensure same-chip reproducibility, a necessary property of PUFs. Post-layout simulations of a common centroid layout 8-level barrel shifter in 0.13 {\mu}m technology assess uniqueness, stability and randomness properties. BS-PUFs pass all selected NIST statistical randomness tests. Stability similar to Ring Oscillator (RO) PUFs under environment variation is shown. Logistic regression of 100,000 plaintext-ciphertext pairs (PCPs) failed to successfully model BS- PUF behavior

    A Physical Unclonable Function Based on Inter-Metal Layer Resistance Variations and an Evaluation of its Temperature and Voltage Stability

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    Keying material for encryption is stored as digital bistrings in non-volatile memory (NVM) on FPGAs and ASICs in current technologies. However, secrets stored this way are not secure against a determined adversary, who can use probing attacks to steal the secret. Physical Unclonable functions (PUFs) have emerged as an alternative. PUFs leverage random manufacturing variations as the source of entropy for generating random bitstrings, and incorporate an on-chip infrastructure for measuring and digitizing the corresponding variations in key electrical parameters, such as delay or voltage. PUFs are designed to reproduce a bitstring on demand and therefore eliminate the need for on-chip storage. In this dissertation, I propose a kind of PUF that measures resistance variations in inter-metal layers that define the power grid of the chip and evaluate its temperature and voltage stability. First, I introduce two implementations of a power grid-based PUF (PG-PUF). Then, I analyze the quality of bit strings generated without considering environmental variations from the PG-PUFs that leverage resistance variations in: 1) the power grid metal wires in 60 copies of a 90 nm chip and 2) in the power grid metal wires of 58 copies of a 65 nm chip. Next, I carry out a series of experiments in a set of 63 chips in IBM\u27s 90 nm technology at 9 TV corners, i.e., over all combination of 3 temperatures: -40oC, 25oC and 85oC and 3 voltages: nominal and +/-10% of the nominal supply voltage. The randomness, uniqueness and stability characteristics of bitstrings generated from PG-PUFs are evaluated. The stability of the PG-PUF and an on-chip voltage-to-digital (VDC) are also evaluated at 9 temperature-voltage corners. I introduce several techniques that have not been previously described, including a mechanism to eliminate voltage trends or \u27bias\u27 in the power grid voltage measurements, as well as a voltage threshold, Triple-Module-Redundancy (TMR) and majority voting scheme to identify and exclude unstable bits

    Gerador de números aleatórios integrado em tecnologia CMOS

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    Desde os primórdios da civilização humana, foram inventadas inúmeras formas de comunicação, surgindo, assim, a necessidade de tornar essas formas de comunicação privadas. Desta forma, considera-se que a criptografia existe desde então. No entanto, com o início da era digital, a quantidade de informação transmitida aumentou exponencialmente. Consequentemente, a forma como a privacidade das comunicações é mantida deixa de ser a única questão abordada, levando-nos à seguinte problemática: "Como proteger um elevado número de mensagens sensíveis de forma sistemática?" A solução para esta questão são os Geradores de Números Aleatórios, RNG. Estes sistemas têm a capacidade de gerar chaves que, ao misturar as mensagens, conseguem escondê-las de forma rápida e simples. Existem duas categorias de geradores de números aleatórios: os verdadeiramente aleatórios e os pseudoaleatórios. Pretende-se estudar uma fonte de entropia baseada no ruído do oscilador e, para atingir este objetivo, propôs-se um circuito gerador de números aleatórios que disponha de um consumo, custo e área reduzidos e uma elevada aleatoriedade. Através do circuito proposto na presente dissertação, um gerador de números aleatórios híbrido - circuito composto por osciladores e um circuito caótico - os objetivos relativos à área e ao consumo de potência foram cumpridos, tendo o circuito 1,19 mW de potência consumida, 34,5 m2 de área de transístores e um throughput de 26 Mbit/s. No entanto, não foram reunidas as condições necessárias para se testar estatisticamente o circuito quanto à sua aleatoriedade, sendo que, teoricamente, o sistema apresentado deverá comportar-se como um TRNG.From the beginning of human civilization, several means of communication were invented and, there was a surge in the need to make the communication private, thus it is considered that cryptography exists since then. Nonetheless, with the beginning of the digital era, the amount of shared information exponentially grew. Consequently, the means of effectively hide the information is not the only concern, due to the amount of information, which brings a very important question: “How can we systematically hide large amounts of information?” The solution to this question is random number generators (RNG). These systems have the capacity to generate cryptographic keys which, when mixed with the information, hide it in an efficient and timely manner. There is two categories of RNG, being truly random (TRNG) or pseudorandom (PRNG). The objective was to study the entropy source based on the noise of an oscillator, and to achieve that, a RNG circuit was designed to have a low power consumption, a high randomness and a low cost and area usage. The chosen architecture for this dissertation is a hybrid RNG, which uses oscillators and a chaotic circuit to generate the random bits. With the simulation of the circuit, it was found to be at the objectives mark, having 1,19mWof power, 34,5 m2 of area of transistors and a throughput of 26 Mbit/s. However, due to limitations with the simulation, it wasn’t possible to run all the statistical tests, although all the run testes were passed

    Ring oscillator physical unclonable function with multi level supply voltages

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    Cryptographic application of physical unclonable functions (PUFs)

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    Physical Unclonable Functions (PUFs) are circuits designed to extract physical randomness from the underlying circuit. This randomness depends on the manufacturing process. It differs for each device enabling chip-level authentication and key generation applications. This thesis has performed research work about PUF based encryption and low power PUFs. First, we present a protocol utilizing a PUF for secure data transmission. Each party has a PUFused for encryption and decryption; this is facilitated by constraining the PUF to be commutative. This framework is evaluated with a primitive permutation network - a barrel shifter. Physical randomness is derived from the delay of different shift paths. Barrel shifter (BS) PUF captures the delay of different shift paths. This delay is entangled with message bits before they are sent across an insecure channel. BS-PUF is implemented using transmission gates; their characteristics ensure same-chip physical commutativity, a necessary property of PUFs designed for encryption. Post-layout simulations of a common centroid layout 8-level barrel shifter in 0.13μm technology assess uniqueness, stability and randomness properties. BS-PUFs pass all selected NIST statistical randomness tests. Stability similar to Ring Oscillator (RO) PUFs under environment variation is shown. Logistic regression of 100,000 plaintext-ciphertext pairs (PCPs) failed to successfully modelBS-PUF behavior. Then we generalize this encryption protocol to work with PUFs other than theBSPUFs. On the other hand, we further explore some low power techniques for building PUFs. Asymmetric layout improved unit path delay variation by as much as 73.2% and uniqueness problem introduced by asymmetric layout is proved to be solvable through Multi-Block entanglement pat-tern. By adopting these 2 techniques, power and area consumption of PUF can be reduced by as much as 44.29% and 39.7%

    Synergistic Configurable Ring Oscillator PUF: Design, Characterization, and Implementation

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    Silicon Physical Unclonable Function (PUF) is a novel hardware primitive that uses the intrinsic variation of integrated circuit manufacturing process for various security applications. Ring oscillator PUF (RO PUF) is one of the most popular silicon PUFs due to its ease of implementation on both ASIC and FPGA. However, RO PUF can have severe reliability issues when the operating environment deviates from the normal environment and security issues when it lacks an efficient anti-cloning mechanism. In this work, we propose a novel approach to build reliable RO PUF efficiently and enhance its resistance against physical cloning attack. The key idea of our approach is to construct ring oscillators with carefully selected inverters during the testing phase after the chip is fabricated. Our experimental results show that our configurable approach outperforms the traditional RO PUF and 1-out-of-8 PUF by generating more reliable bits that pass the NIST randomness tests. Our approach is also more hardware efficient than these RO PUFs. We also demonstrate that the configuration vectors can prevent physical cloning and have the potential usage in chip-dependent applications such as device authentication

    Novel Transistor Resistance Variation-based Physical Unclonable Functions with On-Chip Voltage-to-Digital Converter Designed for Use in Cryptographic and Authentication Applications

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    Security mechanisms such as encryption, authentication, and feature activation depend on the integrity of embedded secret keys. Currently, this keying material is stored as digital bitstrings in non-volatile memory on FPGAs and ASICs. However, secrets stored this way are not secure against a determined adversary, who can use specialized probing attacks to uncover the secret. Furthermore, storing these pre-determined bitstrings suffers from the disadvantage of not being able to generate the key only when needed. Physical Unclonable Functions (PUFs) have emerged as a superior alternative to this. A PUF is an embedded Integrated Circuit (IC) structure that is designed to leverage random variations in physical parameters of on-chip components as the source of entropy for generating random and unique bitstrings. PUFs also incorporate an on-chip infrastructure for measuring and digitizing these variations in order to produce bitstrings. Additionally, PUFs are designed to reproduce a bitstring on-demand and therefore eliminate the need for on-chip storage. In this work, two novel PUFs are presented that leverage the random variations observed in the resistance of transistors. A thorough analysis of the randomness, uniqueness and stability characteristics of the bitstrings generated by these PUFs is presented. All results shown are based on an exhaustive testing of a set of 63 chips designed with numerous copies of the PUFs on each chip and fabricated in a 90nm nine-metal layer technology. An on-chip voltage-to-digital conversion technique is also presented and tested on the set of 63 chips. Statistical results of the bitstrings generated by the on-chip digitization technique are compared with that of the voltage-derived bitstrings to evaluate the efficacy of the digitization technique. One of the most important quality metrics of the PUF and the on-chip voltage-to-digital converter, the stability, is evaluated through a lengthy temperature-voltage testing over the range of -40C to +85C and voltage variations of +/- 10% of the nominal supply voltage. The stability of both the bitstrings and the underlying physical parameters is evaluated for the PUFs using the data collected from the hardware experiments and supported with software simulations conducted on the devices. Several novel techniques are proposed and successfully tested that address known issues related to instability of PUFs to changing temperature and voltage conditions, thus rendering our PUFs more resilient to these changing conditions faced in practical use. Lastly, an analysis of the stability to changing temperature and voltage variations of a third PUF that leverages random variations in the resistance of the metal wires in the power and ground grids of a chip is also presented

    Uniquely Identifiable Tamper-Evident Device Using Coupling between Subwavelength Gratings

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    Reliability and sensitive information protection are critical aspects of integrated circuits. A novel technique using near-field evanescent wave coupling from two subwavelength gratings (SWGs), with the input laser source delivered through an optical fiber is presented for tamper evidence of electronic components. The first grating of the pair of coupled subwavelength gratings (CSWGs) was milled directly on the output facet of the silica fiber using focused ion beam (FIB) etching. The second grating was patterned using e-beam lithography and etched into a glass substrate using reactive ion etching (RIE). The slightest intrusion attempt would separate the CSWGs and eliminate near-field coupling between the gratings. Tampering, therefore, would become evident. Computer simulations guided the design for optimal operation of the security solution. The physical dimensions of the SWGs, i.e. period and thickness, were optimized, for a 650 nm illuminating wavelength. The optimal dimensions resulted in a 560 nm grating period for the first grating etched in the silica optical fiber and 420 nm for the second grating etched in borosilicate glass. The incident light beam had a half-width at half-maximum (HWHM) of at least 7 µm to allow discernible higher transmission orders, and a HWHM of 28 µm for minimum noise. The minimum number of individual grating lines present on the optical fiber facet was identified as 15 lines. Grating rotation due to the cylindrical geometry of the fiber resulted in a rotation of the far-field pattern, corresponding to the rotation angle of moiré fringes. With the goal of later adding authentication to tamper evidence, the concept of CSWGs signature was also modeled by introducing random and planned variations in the glass grating. The fiber was placed on a stage supported by a nanomanipulator, which permitted three-dimensional displacement while maintaining the fiber tip normal to the surface of the glass substrate. A 650 nm diode laser was fixed to a translation mount that transmitted the light source through the optical fiber, and the output intensity was measured using a silicon photodiode. The evanescent wave coupling output results for the CSWGs were measured and compared to the simulation results