544 research outputs found

    An Efficient Certificate-Based Designated Verifier Signature Scheme

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    Certificate-based public key cryptography not only solves certificate revocation problem in traditional PKI but also overcomes key escrow problem inherent in identity-based cryptosystems. This new primitive has become an attractive cryptographic paradigm. In this paper, we propose the notion and the security model of certificate-based designated verifier signatures (CBDVS). We provide the first construction of CBDVS and prove that our scheme is existentially unforgeable against adaptive chosen message attacks in the random oracle model. Our scheme only needs two pairing operations, and the signature is only one element in the bilinear group G1. To the best of our knowledge, our scheme enjoys shortest signature length with less operation cost

    Further discussions on the security of a nominative signature scheme

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    A nominative signature scheme allows a nominator (or signer) and a nominee (or veri¯er) to jointly generate and publish a signature in such a way that only the nominee can verify the signature and if nec- essary, only the nominee can prove to a third party that the signature is valid. In a recent work, Huang and Wang proposed a new nominative signature scheme which, in addition to the above properties, only allows the nominee to convert a nominative signature to a publicly veri¯able one. In ACISP 2005, Susilo and Mu presented several algorithms and claimed that these algorithms can be used by the nominator to verify the validity of a published nominative signature, show to a third party that the signature is valid, and also convert the signature to a publicly veri¯able one, all without any help from the nominee. In this paper, we point out that Susilo and Mu\u27s attacks are actually incomplete and in- accurate. In particular, we show that there exists no e±cient algorithm for a nominator to check the validity of a signature if this signature is generated by the nominator and the nominee honestly and the Decisional Di±e-Hellman Problem is hard. On the other hand, we point out that the Huang-Wang scheme is indeed insecure, since there is an attack that allows the nominator to generate valid nominative signatures alone and prove the validity of such signatures to a third party

    On the Incoercibility of Digital Signatures

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    FLBP: A Federated Learning-enabled and Blockchain-supported Privacy-Preserving of Electronic Patient Records for the Internet of Medical Things

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    The evolution of the computing paradigms and the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) have transfigured the healthcare sector with an alarming rise of privacy issues in healthcare records. The rapid growth of medical data leads to privacy and security concerns to protect the confidentiality and integrity of the data in the feature-loaded infrastructure and applications. Moreover, the sharing of medical records of a patient among hospitals rises security and interoperability issues. This article, therefore, proposes a Federated Learning-and-Blockchain-enabled framework to protect electronic medical records from unauthorized access using a deep learning technique called Artificial Neural Network (ANN) for a collaborative IoMT-Fog-Cloud environment. ANN is used to identify insiders and intruders. An Elliptical Curve Digital Signature (ECDS) algorithm is adopted to devise a secured Blockchain-based validation method. To process the anti-malicious propagation method, a Blockchain-based Health Record Sharing (BHRS) is implemented. In addition, an FL approach is integrated into Blockchain for scalable applications to form a global model without the need of sharing and storing the raw data in the Cloud. The proposed model is evident from the simulations that it improves the operational cost and communication (latency) overhead with a percentage of 85.2% and 62.76%, respectively. The results showcase the utility and efficacy of the proposed model

    Certificateless Designated Verifier Proxy Signature

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    Proxy signature (PS) is a kind of digital signature, in which an entity called original signer can delegate his signing rights to another entity called proxy signer. Designated verifier signature (DVS) is a kind of digital signature where the authenticity of any signature can be verified by only one verifier who is designated by the signer when generating it. Designated verifier proxy signature (DVPS) combines the idea of DVS with the concept of proxy signature (PS) and is suitable for being applied in many scenarios from e-tender, e-voting, e-auction, e-health and e-commerce, etc. Many DVPS schemes have been proposed and Identity-based DVPS (IBDVPS) schemes have also been discussed. Certificateless public-key cryptography (CL-PKC) is acknowledged as an appealing paradigm because there exists neither the certificate management issue as in traditional PKI nor private key escrow problem as in Identity-based setting. A number of certificateless designated verifier signature (CLDVS) schemes and many certificateless proxy signature (CLPS) schemes have been proposed. However, to the best of our knowledge, the concept of Certificateless Designated Verifier Proxy Signature (CLDVPS) has not been appeared in the literature. In this paper, we formalize the definition and the security model of CLDVPS schemes. We then construct the first CLDVPS scheme and prove its security

    Signer-Anonymous Designated-Verifier Redactable Signatures for Cloud-Based Data Sharing

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    Redactable signature schemes allow to black out predefined parts of a signed message without affecting the validity of the signature, and are therefore an important building block in privacy-enhancing cryptography. However, a second look shows, that for many practical applications, they cannot be used in their vanilla form. On the one hand, already the identity of the signer may often reveal sensitive information to the receiver of a redacted message; on the other hand, if data leaks or is sold, everyone getting hold of (redacted versions of) a signed message will be convinced of its authenticity. We overcome these issues by providing a definitional framework and practically efficient instantiations of so called signer-anonymous designated-verifier redactable signatures (AD-RS). As a byproduct we also obtain the first group redactable signatures, which may be of independent interest. AD-RS are motivated by a real world use-case in the field of health care and complement existing health information sharing platforms with additional important privacy features. Moreover, our results are not limited to the proposed application, but can also be directly applied to various other contexts such as notary authorities or e-government services

    An Epistemic Approach to Coercion-Resistance for Electronic Voting Protocols

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    Coercion resistance is an important and one of the most intricate security requirements of electronic voting protocols. Several definitions of coercion resistance have been proposed in the literature, including definitions based on symbolic models. However, existing definitions in such models are rather restricted in their scope and quite complex. In this paper, we therefore propose a new definition of coercion resistance in a symbolic setting, based on an epistemic approach. Our definition is relatively simple and intuitive. It allows for a fine-grained formulation of coercion resistance and can be stated independently of a specific, symbolic protocol and adversary model. As a proof of concept, we apply our definition to three voting protocols. In particular, we carry out the first rigorous analysis of the recently proposed Civitas system. We precisely identify those conditions under which this system guarantees coercion resistance or fails to be coercion resistant. We also analyze protocols proposed by Lee et al. and Okamoto.Comment: An extended version of a paper from IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (S&P) 200

    Foundations of Fully Dynamic Group Signatures

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    Group signatures allow members of a group to anonymously sign on behalf of the group. Membership is administered by a designated group manager. The group manager can also reveal the identity of a signer if and when needed to enforce accountability and deter abuse. For group signatures to be applicable in practice, they need to support fully dynamic groups, i.e., users may join and leave at any time. Existing security definitions for fully dynamic group signatures are informal, have shortcomings, and are mutually incompatible. We fill the gap by providing a formal rigorous security model for fully dynamic group signatures. Our model is general and is not tailored toward a specific design paradigm and can therefore, as we show, be used to argue about the security of different existing constructions following different design paradigms. Our definitions are stringent and when possible incorporate protection against maliciously chosen keys. We consider both the case where the group management and tracing signatures are administered by the same authority, i.e., a single group manager, and also the case where those roles are administered by two separate authorities, i.e., a group manager and an opening authority. We also show that a specialization of our model captures existing models for static and partially dynamic schemes. In the process, we identify a subtle gap in the security achieved by group signatures using revocation lists. We show that in such schemes new members achieve a slightly weaker notion of traceability. The flexibility of our security model allows to capture such relaxation of traceability

    Hecate: abuse reporting in secure messengers with sealed sender

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    End-to-end encryption provides strong privacy protections to billions of people, but it also complicates efforts to moderate content that can seriously harm people. To address this concern, Tyagi et al. [CRYPTO 2019] introduced the concept of asymmetric message franking (AMF), which allows people to report abusive content to a moderator, while otherwise retaining end-to-end privacy by default and even compatibility with anonymous communication systems like Signal’s sealed sender. In this work, we provide a new construction for asymmetric message franking called Hecate that is faster, more secure, and introduces additional functionality compared to Tyagi et al. First, our construction uses fewer invocations of standardized crypto primitives and operates in the plain model. Second, on top of AMF’s accountability and deniability requirements, we also add forward and backward secrecy. Third, we combine AMF with source tracing, another approach to content moderation that has previously been considered only in the setting of non-anonymous networks. Source tracing allows for messages to be forwarded, and a report only identifies the original source who created a message. To provide anonymity for senders and forwarders, we introduce a model of "AMF with preprocessing" whereby every client authenticates with the moderator out-of-band to receive a token that they later consume when sending a message anonymously.CNS-1718135 - National Science Foundation; CNS-1801564 - National Science Foundation; OAC-1739000 - National Science Foundation; CNS-1931714 - National Science Foundation; CNS-1915763 - National Science Foundation; HR00112020021 - Department of Defense/DARPA; 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000037211 - SRI Internationalhttps://www.usenix.org/system/files/sec22-issa.pdfPublished versio
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