8 research outputs found

    Identification of a response amplitude operator for ships

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    At the European Study Group Mathematics with Industry 2012 in Eindhoven, the Maritime Research Institute Netherlands (MARIN) presented the problem of identifying the response amplitude operator (RAO) for a ship, given input information on the amplitudes of the sea waves and output information on the movement of the ship. We approach the problem from a threefold perspective: a direct least-squares approach, an approach based on truncated Fourier series, and an approach using low-dimensional measures of the RAO. We give a few recommendations for possible further investigations

    Spectral collocation solutions to multiparameter Mathieu's system

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    Our main aim is the accurate computation of a large number of specified eigenvalues and eigenvectors of Mathieu's system as a multiparameter eigenvalue problem (MEP). The reduced wave equation, for small deflections, is solved directly without approximations introduced by the classical Mathieu functions. We show how for moderate values of the cut-off collocation parameter the QR algorithm and the Arnoldi method may be applied successfully, while for larger values the Jacobi-Davidson method is the method of choice with respect to convergence, accuracy and memory usage

    The Complete Flux Scheme : error analysis and application to plasma simulation

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    The Complete Flux scheme (CFS) (J.H.M. ten Thije Boonkkamp et al., J. Sci. Comput. 46 (2011) 47–70) is an extension of the widely used exponential di¿erence scheme for advection-di¿usion-reaction equations. In the present paper we provide a rigorous proof that the convergence order of this scheme is 2 for all grid Péclet numbers, whereas that of the exponential scheme reduces to 1 for high grid Péclet numbers in the presence of source terms. The performance of both schemes is compared in two case studies: a model system and a real-world model of a parallel-plate glow discharge. The results indicate that the usage of CFS allows a considerable reduction of the number of grid points that is required to obtain the same accuracy. The MATLAB/Octave source code that has been used in these studies has been made available

    Riemann-Finsler geometry for diffusion weighted magnetic resonance imaging

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    Riemann-Finsler geometry for diffusion weighted magnetic resonance imaging

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    We consider Riemann-Finsler geometry as a potentially powerful mathematical framework in the context of diffusion weighted magnetic resonance imaging. We explain its basic features in heuristic terms, but also provide mathematical details that are essential for practical applications, such as tractography and voxelbased classification. We stipulate a connection between the (dual) Finsler function and signal attenuation observed in the MRI scanner, which directly generalizes Stejskal-Tanner’s solution of the Bloch-Torrey equations and the diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) model inspired by this. The proposed model can therefore be regarded as an extension of DTI. Technically, reconstruction of the (dual) Finsler function from diffusion weighted measurements is a fairly straightforward generalization of the DTI case. The extension of the Riemann differential geometric paradigm for DTI analysis is, however, nontrivial.</p

    Riemann-Finsler geometry for diffusion weighted magnetic resonance imaging

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    We consider Riemann-Finsler geometry as a potentially powerful mathematical framework in the context of diffusion weighted magnetic resonance imaging. We explain its basic features in heuristic terms, but also provide mathematical details that are essential for practical applications, such as tractography and voxelbased classification. We stipulate a connection between the (dual) Finsler function and signal attenuation observed in the MRI scanner, which directly generalizes Stejskal-Tanner’s solution of the Bloch-Torrey equations and the diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) model inspired by this. The proposed model can therefore be regarded as an extension of DTI. Technically, reconstruction of the (dual) Finsler function from diffusion weighted measurements is a fairly straightforward generalization of the DTI case. The extension of the Riemann differential geometric paradigm for DTI analysis is, however, nontrivial