4,343 research outputs found

    Rewarding the Location of Terms in Sentences to Enhance Probabilistic Information Retrieval

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    In most traditional retrieval models, the weight (or probability) of a query term is estimated based on its own distribution or statistics. Intuitively, however, the nouns are more important in information retrieval and are more often found near the beginning and the end of sentences. In this thesis, we investigate the effect of rewarding the terms based on their location in sentences on information retrieval. Particularly, we propose a kernel-based method to capture the term placement pattern, in which a novel Term Location retrieval model is derived in combination with the BM25 model to enhance probabilistic information retrieval. Experiments on five TREC datasets of varied size and content indicates that the proposed model significantly outperforms the optimized BM25 and DirichletLM in MAP over all datasets with all kernel functions, and excels compared to the optimized BM25 and DirichletLM over most of the datasets in P@5 and P@20 with different kernel functions

    Recherche d'Information Sociale et Recommandation: Etat d'art et travaux futurs

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    International audienceThe explosion of web 2.0 and social networks has created an enormous and rewarding source of information that has motivated researchers in different fields to exploit it. Our work revolves around the issue of access and identification of social information and their use in building a user profile enriched with a social dimension, and operating in a process of personalization and recommendation. We study several approaches of Social IR (Information Retrieval), distinguished by the type of incorporated social information. We also study various social recommendation approaches classified by the type of recommendation. We then present a study of techniques for modeling the social user profile dimension, followed by a critical discussion. Thus, we propose our social recommendation approach integrating an advanced social user profile model.L’explosion du web 2.0 et des réseaux sociaux a crée une source d’information énorme et enrichissante qui a motivé les chercheurs dans différents domaines à l’exploiter. Notre travail s’articule autour de la problématique d’accès et d’identification des informations sociales et leur exploitation dans la construction d’un profil utilisateur enrichi d’une dimension sociale, et son exploitation dans un processus de personnalisation et de recommandation. Nous étudions différentes approches sociales de RI (Recherche d’Information), distinguées par le type d’informations sociales incorporées. Nous étudions également diverses approches de recommandation sociale classées par le type de recommandation. Nous exposons ensuite une étude des techniques de modélisation de la dimension sociale du profil utilisateur, suivie par une discussion critique. Ainsi, nous présentons notre approche de recommandation sociale proposée intégrant un modèle avancé de profil utilisateur social

    Brief targeted memory reactivation during the awake state enhances memory stability and benefits the weakest memories.

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    Reactivation of representations corresponding to recent experience is thought to be a critical mechanism supporting long-term memory stabilization. Targeted memory reactivation, or the re-exposure of recently learned cues, seeks to induce reactivation and has been shown to benefit later memory when it takes place during sleep. However, despite recent evidence for endogenous reactivation during post-encoding awake periods, less work has addressed whether awake targeted memory reactivation modulates memory. Here, we found that brief (50 ms) visual stimulus re-exposure during a repetitive foil task enhanced the stability of cued versus uncued associations in memory. The extent of external or task-oriented attention prior to re-exposure was inversely related to cueing benefits, suggesting that an internally-orientated state may be most permissible to reactivation. Critically, cueing-related memory benefits were greatest in participants without explicit recognition of cued items and remained reliable when only considering associations not recognized as cued, suggesting that explicit cue-triggered retrieval processes did not drive cueing benefits. Cueing benefits were strongest for associations and participants with the poorest initial learning. These findings expand our knowledge of the conditions under which targeted memory reactivation can benefit memory, and in doing so, support the notion that reactivation during awake time periods improves memory stabilization

    Weighting Passages Enhances Accuracy

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    We observe that in curated documents the distribution of the occurrences of salient terms, e.g., terms with a high Inverse Document Frequency, is not uniform, and such terms are primarily concentrated towards the beginning and the end of the document. Exploiting this observation, we propose a novel version of the classical BM25 weighting model, called BM25 Passage (BM25P), which scores query results by computing a linear combination of term statistics in the different portions of the document. We study a multiplicity of partitioning schemes of document content into passages and compute the collection-dependent weights associated with them on the basis of the distribution of occurrences of salient terms in documents. Moreover, we tune BM25P hyperparameters and investigate their impact on ad hoc document retrieval through fully reproducible experiments conducted using four publicly available datasets. Our findings demonstrate that our BM25P weighting model markedly and consistently outperforms BM25 in terms of effectiveness by up to 17.44% in NDCG@5 and 85% in NDCG@1, and up to 21% in MRR

    Animal affect and decision-making

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    The Influence of Neural Reward Processing on Memory in Depression

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    Theories and research suggest that depression involves impaired reward sensitivity and a deficit in memory for rewarding stimuli. Some researchers propose that this memory deficit may result from reduced neural reward sensitivity, which impairs the encoding of reward-related memories, but few studies have directly probed this connection. Such research may benefit from examining the reward positivity (RewP), an event-related potential (ERP) previously linked to reduced reward sensitivity in depression. Undergraduates with high or low self-reported depression completed a task in which they chose one of three doors, revealing a neutral word written in a color which indicated an outcome of winning money, losing money, or neither (i.e., draw). A surprise source memory task presented the words again and asked participants to indicate the outcome previously paired with each word. Results showed that ERP response to reward was greater than loss, which was greater than draw, but no differences between depressed and non-depressed participants were observed. Reward source memory was more accurate than loss and draw source memory for non-depressed participants, but this advantage was not seen in depressed participants. The RewP did not correlate with source memory in either group. Overall, the results suggest that depressed individuals may lack a normative memory prioritization of reward-related information. The findings did not support an association between depression and the RewP or between the RewP and reward source memory. Results suggest that future research should include neutral trials along with reward and loss trials to better characterize the RewP
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