16 research outputs found

    Private Information Retrieval in an Anonymous Peer-to-Peer Environment

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    Private Information Retrieval (PIR) protocols enable a client to access data from a server without revealing what data was accessed. The study of Computational Private Information Retrieval (CPIR) protocols, an area of PIR protocols focusing on computational security, has been a recently reinvigorated area of focus in the study of cryptography. However, CPIR protocols still have not been utilized in any practical applications. The aim of this thesis is to determine whether the Melchor Gaborit CPIR protocol can be successfully utilized in a practical manner in an anonymous peer-to-peer environment

    A Survey of Alerting Websites: Risks and Solutions

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    International audienceIn the recent years an incredible amount of data has been leaked from major websites such as Adobe, Snapchat and LinkedIn. There are hundreds of millions of usernames, email addresses, passwords, telephone numbers and credit card details in the wild. The aftermath of these breaches is the rise of alerting websites such as haveibeenpwned.com, which let users verify if their accounts have been compromised. Unfortunately, these seemingly innocuous websites can be easily turned into phishing tools. In this work, we provide a comprehensive study of the most popular ones. Our study exposes the associated privacy risks and evaluates existing solutions towards designing privacy-friendly alerting websites. In particular, we study three solutions: private set intersection, private set intersection cardinality and private information retrieval adapted to membership testing. Finally, we investigate the practicality of these solutions with respect to real world database leakages

    The Best of Both Worlds: Combining Information-Theoretic and Computational Private Information Retrieval for Communication Efficiency

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    The goal of Private Information Retrieval (PIR) is the ability to query a database successfully without the operator of the database server discovering which record(s) of the database the querier is interested in. There are two main classes of PIR protocols: those that provide privacy guarantees based on the computational limitations of servers, called computational PIR or CPIR, and those that rely on multiple servers not colluding for privacy, called information-theoretic PIR or IT-PIR. These two classes have different advantages and disadvantages that make them more or less attractive to designers of PIR-enabled privacy enhancing technologies. We present a hybrid PIR protocol that combines two PIR protocols: one CPIR protocol and one IT-PIR protocol. Our protocol inherits many positive aspects of both classes and mitigates some of the negative aspects. For example, our hybrid protocol maintains partial privacy when the security assumptions of one of the component protocols is broken, mitigating the privacy loss in such an event. We have implemented our protocol as an extension of the Percy++ library so that it combines a PIR protocol by Aguilar Melchor and Gaborit with one by Goldberg. We show that our hybrid protocol uses less communication than either of these component protocols and that our scheme is particularly beneficial when the number of records in a database is large compared to the size of the records. This situation arises in applications such as TLS certificate verification, anonymous communications systems, private LDAP lookups, and others. The server-side computation involved in the PIR protocols that we discuss in this thesis all lend themselves to parallelization. As an extension to the Percy++ library we have implemented parallelized server computation for each of these protocols using both multithreading and distributed computation. We show that using parallelization allows the servers to reduce the latency involved in serving PIR queries

    rPIR: Ramp Secret Sharing based Communication Efficient Private Information Retrieval

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    Even as data and analytics driven applications are becoming increasingly popular, retrieving data from shared databases poses a threat to the privacy of their users. For example, investors/patients retrieving records about interested stocks/diseases from a stock/medical database leaks sensitive information to the database server. PIR (Private Information Retrieval) is a promising security primitive to protect the privacy of users\u27 interests. PIR allows the retrieval of a data record from a database without letting the database server know which record is being retrieved. The privacy guarantees could either be information theoretic or computational. Ever since the first PIR schemes were proposed, a lot of work has been done to reduce the communication cost in the information-theoretic settings - particularly the question communication cost, i.e., the traffic from the user to the database server. The answer communication cost (the traffic from the database server to the user) has however barely been improved. When question communication cost is much lower than the record length, reducing question communication cost has marginal benefit on lowering overall communication cost. In contrast, reducing answer cost becomes very important. In this paper we propose ramp secret sharing based mechanisms that reduce the answer communication cost in information-theoretic PIR. We have designed four information-theoretic PIR schemes, using three ramp secret sharing approaches, achieving answer communication cost close to the cost of non-private information retrieval. Evaluation shows that our PIR schemes can achieve lower communication cost and the same level of privacy compared with existing schemes. Our PIR schemes\u27 usages are demonstrated for realistic settings of outsourced data sharing and P2P content delivery scenarios. Thus, our approach makes PIR a viable communication efficient technique to protect user interest privacy

    Outsourced Private Information Retrieval with Pricing and Access Control

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    We propose a scheme for outsourcing Private Information Retrieval (PIR) to untrusted servers while protecting the privacy of the database owner as well as that of the database clients. We observe that by layering PIR on top of an Oblivious RAM (ORAM) data layout, we provide the ability for the database owner to perform private writes, while database clients can perform private reads from the database even while the owner is offline. We can also enforce pricing and access control on a per-record basis for these reads. This extends the usual ORAM model by allowing multiple database readers without requiring trusted hardware; indeed, almost all of the computation in our scheme during reads is performed by untrusted cloud servers. Built on top of a simple ORAM protocol, we implement a real system as a proof of concept. Our system privately updates a 1 MB record in a 16 GB database with an average end-to-end overhead of 1.22 seconds and answers a PIR query within 3.5 seconds over a 2 GB database. We make an observation that the database owner can always conduct a private read as an ordinary database client, and the private write protocol does not have to provide a "read" functionality as a standard ORAM protocol does. Based on this observation, we propose a second construction with the same privacy guarantee, but much faster. We also implement a real system for this construction, which privately writes a 1 MB record in a 1 TB database with an amortized end-to-end response time of 313 ms. Our first construction demonstrates the fact that a standard ORAM protocol can be used for outsourcing PIR computations in a privacy-friendly manner, while our second construction shows that an ad-hoc modification of the standard ORAM protocol is possible for our purpose and allows more efficient record updates

    Efficient trusted cloud storage using parallel, pipelined hardware

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    Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2012.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 85-90).Cloud storage provides a low-cost storage service with high efficiency and global accessibility via the Internet, but it also introduces security risks. One major security concern is the integrity and freshness of data stored on the cloud, that is, whether a storage provider can guarantee that the data received by its clients is always correct and up-to-date. Recent studies have focused on data integrity and freshness guarantees. However, systems that solely rely on cryptography are not able to immediately detect data freshness violations, while systems using resource-constrained trusted hardware are impractical due to long latency and low throughput. In this thesis, we describe a prototype of a trusted cloud storage system that efficiently ensures data integrity and freshness by attaching a piece of high-performance trusted hardware to an untrusted server. We propose a write access control scheme to prevent unauthorized writes and ensure all writes are fresh. We also introduce a crash-recovery mechanism to protect our prototype system from crashes and power loss events. In addition, we minimize the system overhead by (1) parallelizing and pipelining the operations that are carried out on the server and the trusted hardware and (2) judiciously partitioning the operations across the trusted and untrusted components. The throughput and latency of our prototype system are analyzed to provide customized solutions to performance-focused and budget-focused cloud storage providers. We believe this work takes a major step in making trusted cloud storage practical from an efficiency and cost standpoint.by Hsin-Jung Yang.S.M

    Practical Non-interactive Publicly Verifiable Secret Sharing with Thousands of Parties

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    Non-interactive publicly verifiable secret sharing (PVSS) schemes enables (re-)sharing of secrets in a decentralized setting in the presence of malicious parties. A recently proposed application of PVSS schemes is to enable permissionless proof-of-stake blockchains to ``keep a secret via a sequence of committees that share that secret. These committees can use the secret to produce signatures on the blockchain\u27s behalf, or to disclose hidden data conditioned on consensus that some event has occurred. That application needs very large committees with thousands of parties, so the PVSS scheme in use must be efficient enough to support such large committees, in terms of both computation and communication. Yet, previous PVSS schemes have large proofs and/or require many exponentiations over large groups. We present a non-interactive PVSS scheme in which the underlying encryption scheme is based on the learning with errors (LWE) problem. While lattice-based encryption schemes are very fast, they often have long ciphertexts and public keys. We use the following two techniques to conserve bandwidth: First, we adapt the Peikert-Vaikuntanathan-Waters (PVW) encryption scheme to the multi-receiver setting, so that the bulk of the parties\u27 keys is a common random string. The resulting scheme yields Ω(1)\Omega(1) amortized plaintext/ciphertext rate, where concretely the rate is ≈1/60\approx 1/60 for 100 parties, ≈1/8\approx 1/8 for 1000 parties, and approaching 1/2 as the number of parties grows. Second, we use bulletproofs over a DL-group of order about 256 bits to get compact proofs of correct encryption/decryption of shares. Alternating between the lattice and DL settings is relatively painless, as we equate the LWE modulus with the order of the group. We also show how to reduce the the number of exponentiations in the bulletproofs by applying Johnson-Lindenstrauss-like compression to reduce the dimension of the vectors whose properties must be verified. An implementation of our PVSS with 1000 parties showed that it is feasible even at that size, and should remain so even with one or two order of magnitude increase in the committee size

    Privacy Preserving Enforcement of Sensitive Policies in Outsourced and Distributed Environments

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    The enforcement of sensitive policies in untrusted environments is still an open challenge for policy-based systems. On the one hand, taking any appropriate security decision requires access to these policies. On the other hand, if such access is allowed in an untrusted environment then confidential information might be leaked by the policies. The key challenge is how to enforce sensitive policies and protect content in untrusted environments. In the context of untrusted environments, we mainly distinguish between outsourced and distributed environments. The most attractive paradigms concerning outsourced and distributed environments are cloud computing and opportunistic networks, respectively. In this dissertation, we present the design, technical and implementation details of our proposed policy-based access control mechanisms for untrusted environments. First of all, we provide full confidentiality of access policies in outsourced environments, where service providers do not learn private information about policies. We support expressive policies and take into account contextual information. The system entities do not share any encryption keys. For complex user management, we offer the full-fledged Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) policies. In opportunistic networks, we protect content by specifying expressive policies. In our proposed approach, brokers match subscriptions against policies associated with content without compromising privacy of subscribers. As a result, unauthorised brokers neither gain access to content nor learn policies and authorised nodes gain access only if they satisfy policies specified by publishers. Our proposed system provides scalable key management in which loosely-coupled publishers and subscribers communicate without any prior contact. Finally, we have developed a prototype of the system that runs on real smartphones and analysed its performance.Comment: Ph.D. Dissertation. http://eprints-phd.biblio.unitn.it/1124

    Leveraging Client Processing for Location Privacy in Mobile Local Search

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    Usage of mobile services is growing rapidly. Most Internet-based services targeted for PC based browsers now have mobile counterparts. These mobile counterparts often are enhanced when they use user\u27s location as one of the inputs. Even some PC-based services such as point of interest Search, Mapping, Airline tickets, and software download mirrors now use user\u27s location in order to enhance their services. Location-based services are exactly these, that take the user\u27s location as an input and enhance the experience based on that. With increased use of these services comes the increased risk to location privacy. The location is considered an attribute that user\u27s hold as important to their privacy. Compromise of one\u27s location, in other words, loss of location privacy can have several detrimental effects on the user ranging from trivial annoyance to unreasonable persecution. More and more companies in the Internet economy rely exclusively on the huge data sets they collect about users. The more detailed and accurate the data a company has about its users, the more valuable the company is considered. No wonder that these companies are often the same companies that offer these services for free. This gives them an opportunity to collect more accurate location information. Research community in the location privacy protection area had to reciprocate by modeling an adversary that could be the service provider itself. To further drive this point, we show that a well-equipped service provider can infer user\u27s location even if the location information is not directly available by using other information he collects about the user. There is no dearth of proposals of several protocols and algorithms that protect location privacy. A lot of these earlier proposals require a trusted third party to play as an intermediary between the service provider and the user. These protocols use anonymization and/or obfuscation techniques to protect user\u27s identity and/or location. This requirement of trusted third parties comes with its own complications and risks and makes these proposals impractical in real life scenarios. Thus it is preferable that protocols do not require a trusted third party. We look at existing proposals in the area of private information retrieval. We present a brief survey of several proposals in the literature and implement two representative algorithms. We run experiments using different sizes of databases to ascertain their practicability and performance features. We show that private information retrieval based protocols still have long ways to go before they become practical enough for local search applications. We propose location privacy preserving mechanisms that take advantage of the processing power of modern mobile devices and provide configurable levels of location privacy. We propose these techniques both in the single query scenario and multiple query scenario. In single query scenario, the user issues a query to the server and obtains the answer. In the multiple query scenario, the user keeps sending queries as she moves about in the area of interest. We show that the multiple query scenario increases the accuracy of adversary\u27s determination of user\u27s location, and hence improvements are needed to cope with this situation. So, we propose an extension of the single query scenario that addresses this riskier multiple query scenario, still maintaining the practicability and acceptable performance when implemented on a modern mobile device. Later we propose a technique based on differential privacy that is inspired by differential privacy in statistical databases. All three mechanisms proposed by us are implemented in realistic hardware or simulators, run against simulated but real life data and their characteristics ascertained to show that they are practical and ready for adaptation. This dissertation study the privacy issues for location-based services in mobile environment and proposes a set of new techniques that eliminate the need for a trusted third party by implementing efficient algorithms on modern mobile hardware