9 research outputs found

    New Framework for Code-Mapping-based Reversible Data Hiding in JPEG Images

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    Code mapping (CM) is an efficient technique of reversible data hiding (RDH) in JPEG images, which embeds data by constructing the mapping relationship between used codes and unused codes in JPEG bitstream. In this paper, we present a new framework to design the CM-based RDH method. Firstly, to suppress the file size expansion and improve the applicability, a new code mapping strategy is proposed. Based on the proposed strategy, the mapped codes are redefined by customizing a new Huffman table thoroughly rather than selected from the unused codes in the original Huffman table. Afterwards, the key issue of designing the CM-based RDH method, i.e., constructing the code mapping, is converted into solving a combinatorial optimization problem. As a realization, a novel CM-based RDH method is introduced by employing the genetic algorithm (GA). Experimental results show that the efficacy of the proposed method with high embedding capacity and no signal distortion while suppressing file size expansion

    Acta Cybernetica : Volume 24. Number 4.

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    Wavelet Theory

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    The wavelet is a powerful mathematical tool that plays an important role in science and technology. This book looks at some of the most creative and popular applications of wavelets including biomedical signal processing, image processing, communication signal processing, Internet of Things (IoT), acoustical signal processing, financial market data analysis, energy and power management, and COVID-19 pandemic measurements and calculations. The editor’s personal interest is the application of wavelet transform to identify time domain changes on signals and corresponding frequency components and in improving power amplifier behavior

    Error Correction and Concealment of Bock Based, Motion-Compensated Temporal Predition, Transform Coded Video

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    Error Correction and Concealment of Block Based, Motion-Compensated Temporal Prediction, Transform Coded Video David L. Robie 133 Pages Directed by Dr. Russell M. Mersereau The use of the Internet and wireless networks to bring multimedia to the consumer continues to expand. The transmission of these products is always subject to corruption due to errors such as bit errors or lost and ill-timed packets; however, in many cases, such as real time video transmission, retransmission request (ARQ) is not practical. Therefore receivers must be capable of recovering from corrupted data. Errors can be mitigated using forward error correction in the encoder or error concealment techniques in the decoder. This thesis investigates the use of forward error correction (FEC) techniques in the encoder and error concealment in the decoder in block-based, motion-compensated, temporal prediction, transform codecs. It will show improvement over standard FEC applications and improvements in error concealment relative to the Motion Picture Experts Group (MPEG) standard. To this end, this dissertation will describe the following contributions and proofs-of-concept in the area of error concealment and correction in block-based video transmission. A temporal error concealment algorithm which uses motion-compensated macroblocks from previous frames. A spatial error concealment algorithm which uses the Hough transform to detect edges in both foreground and background colors and using directional interpolation or directional filtering to provide improved edge reproduction. A codec which uses data hiding to transmit error correction information. An enhanced codec which builds upon the last by improving the performance of the codec in the error-free environment while maintaining excellent error recovery capabilities. A method to allocate Reed-Solomon (R-S) packet-based forward error correction that will decrease distortion (using a PSNR metric) at the receiver compared to standard FEC techniques. Finally, under the constraints of a constant bit rate, the tradeoff between traditional R-S FEC and alternate forward concealment information (FCI) is evaluated. Each of these developments is compared and contrasted to state of the art techniques and are able to show improvements using widely accepted metrics. The dissertation concludes with a discussion of future work.Ph.D.Committee Chair: Mersereau, Russell; Committee Member: Altunbasak, Yucel; Committee Member: Fekri, Faramarz; Committee Member: Lanterman, Aaron; Committee Member: Zhou, Haomi

    Generative Mesh Modeling

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    Generative Modeling is an alternative approach for the description of three-dimensional shape. The basic idea is to represent a model not as usual by an agglomeration of geometric primitives (triangles, point clouds, NURBS patches), but by functions. The paradigm change from objects to operations allows for a procedural representation of procedural shapes, such as most man-made objects. Instead of storing only the result of a 3D construction, the construction process itself is stored in a model file. The generative approach opens truly new perspectives in many ways, among others also for 3D knowledge management. It permits for instance to resort to a repository of already solved modeling problems, in order to re-use this knowledge also in different, slightly varied situations. The construction knowledge can be collected in digital libraries containing domain-specific parametric modeling tools. A concrete realization of this approach is a new general description language for 3D models, the "Generative Modeling Language" GML. As a Turing-complete "shape programming language" it is a basis of existing, primitv based 3D model formats. Together with its Runtime engine the GML permits - to store highly complex 3D models in a compact form, - to evaluate the description within fractions of a second, - to adaptively tesselate and to interactively display the model, - and even to change the models high-level parameters at runtime.Die generative Modellierung ist ein alternativer Ansatz zur Beschreibung von dreidimensionaler Form. Zugrunde liegt die Idee, ein Modell nicht wie üblich durch eine Ansammlung geometrischer Primitive (Dreiecke, Punkte, NURBS-Patches) zu beschreiben, sondern durch Funktionen. Der Paradigmenwechsel von Objekten zu Geometrie-erzeugenden Operationen ermöglicht es, prozedurale Modelle auch prozedural zu repräsentieren. Statt das Resultat eines 3D-Konstruktionsprozesses zu speichern, kann so der Konstruktionsprozess selber repräsentiert werden. Der generative Ansatz eröffnet unter anderem gänzlich neue Perspektiven für das Wissensmanagement im 3D-Bereich. Er ermöglicht etwa, auf einen Fundus bereits gelöster Konstruktions-Aufgaben zurückzugreifen, um sie in ähnlichen, aber leicht variierten Situationen wiederverwenden zu können. Das Konstruktions-Wissen kann dazu in Form von Bibliotheken parametrisierter, Domänen-spezifischer Modellier-Werkzeuge gesammelt werden. Konkret wird dazu eine neue allgemeine Modell-Beschreibungs-Sprache vorgeschlagen, die "Generative Modeling Language" GML. Als Turing-mächtige "Programmiersprache für Form" stellt sie eine echte Verallgemeinerung existierender Primitiv-basierter 3D-Modellformate dar. Zusammen mit ihrer Runtime-Engine erlaubt die GML, - hochkomplexe 3D-Objekte extrem kompakt zu beschreiben, - die Beschreibung innerhalb von Sekundenbruchteilen auszuwerten, - das Modell adaptiv darzustellen und interaktiv zu betrachten, - und die Modell-Parameter interaktiv zu verändern

    Evolutionary Computation 2020

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    Intelligent optimization is based on the mechanism of computational intelligence to refine a suitable feature model, design an effective optimization algorithm, and then to obtain an optimal or satisfactory solution to a complex problem. Intelligent algorithms are key tools to ensure global optimization quality, fast optimization efficiency and robust optimization performance. Intelligent optimization algorithms have been studied by many researchers, leading to improvements in the performance of algorithms such as the evolutionary algorithm, whale optimization algorithm, differential evolution algorithm, and particle swarm optimization. Studies in this arena have also resulted in breakthroughs in solving complex problems including the green shop scheduling problem, the severe nonlinear problem in one-dimensional geodesic electromagnetic inversion, error and bug finding problem in software, the 0-1 backpack problem, traveler problem, and logistics distribution center siting problem. The editors are confident that this book can open a new avenue for further improvement and discoveries in the area of intelligent algorithms. The book is a valuable resource for researchers interested in understanding the principles and design of intelligent algorithms