414 research outputs found

    Revisiting the Training of Logic Models of Protein Signaling Networks with a Formal Approach based on Answer Set Programming

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    A fundamental question in systems biology is the construction and training to data of mathematical models. Logic formalisms have become very popular to model signaling networks because their simplicity allows us to model large systems encompassing hundreds of proteins. An approach to train (Boolean) logic models to high-throughput phospho-proteomics data was recently introduced and solved using optimization heuristics based on stochastic methods. Here we demonstrate how this problem can be solved using Answer Set Programming (ASP), a declarative problem solving paradigm, in which a problem is encoded as a logical program such that its answer sets represent solutions to the problem. ASP has significant improvements over heuristic methods in terms of efficiency and scalability, it guarantees global optimality of solutions as well as provides a complete set of solutions. We illustrate the application of ASP with in silico cases based on realistic networks and data

    AI-driven Hypernetwork of Organic Chemistry: Network Statistics and Applications in Reaction Classification

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    Rapid discovery of new reactions and molecules in recent years has been facilitated by the advancements in high throughput screening, accessibility to a much more complex chemical design space, and the development of accurate molecular modeling frameworks. A holistic study of the growing chemistry literature is, therefore, required that focuses on understanding the recent trends and extrapolating them into possible future trajectories. To this end, several network theory-based studies have been reported that use a directed graph representation of chemical reactions. Here, we perform a study based on representing chemical reactions as hypergraphs where the hyperedges represent chemical reactions and nodes represent the participating molecules. We use a standard reactions dataset to construct a hypernetwork and report its statistics such as degree distributions, average path length, assortativity or degree correlations, PageRank centrality, and graph-based clusters (or communities). We also compute each statistic for an equivalent directed graph representation of reactions to draw parallels and highlight differences between the two. To demonstrate the AI applicability of hypergraph reaction representation, we generate dense hypergraph embeddings and use them in the reaction classification problem. We conclude that the hypernetwork representation is flexible, preserves reaction context, and uncovers hidden insights that are otherwise not apparent in a traditional directed graph representation of chemical reactions

    Transformations on hypergraph families

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    We present a new general theory of function-based hypergraph transformations on finite families of finite hypergraphs. A function-based hypergraph transformation formalises the action of structurally modifying hypergraphs from a family in a consistent manner. The mathematical form of the transformations facilitates their analysis and incorporation into larger mathematical structures, and concurs with the function-based nature of modelling in the physical world. Since quotients of hypergraphs afford their simplification and comparison, we also discuss the notion of a quotient hypergraph transformation induced by an equivalence relation on the vertex set of a hypergraph family. Finally, we demonstrate function-based hypergraph transformations with two fundamental classes of examples involving the addition or deletion of hyperedges or hypergraphs
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