15 research outputs found

    SQL Query Completion for Data Exploration

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    Within the big data tsunami, relational databases and SQL are still there and remain mandatory in most of cases for accessing data. On the one hand, SQL is easy-to-use by non specialists and allows to identify pertinent initial data at the very beginning of the data exploration process. On the other hand, it is not always so easy to formulate SQL queries: nowadays, it is more and more frequent to have several databases available for one application domain, some of them with hundreds of tables and/or attributes. Identifying the pertinent conditions to select the desired data, or even identifying relevant attributes is far from trivial. To make it easier to write SQL queries, we propose the notion of SQL query completion: given a query, it suggests additional conditions to be added to its WHERE clause. This completion is semantic, as it relies on the data from the database, unlike current completion tools that are mostly syntactic. Since the process can be repeated over and over again -- until the data analyst reaches her data of interest --, SQL query completion facilitates the exploration of databases. SQL query completion has been implemented in a SQL editor on top of a database management system. For the evaluation, two questions need to be studied: first, does the completion speed up the writing of SQL queries? Second , is the completion easily adopted by users? A thorough experiment has been conducted on a group of 70 computer science students divided in two groups (one with the completion and the other one without) to answer those questions. The results are positive and very promising

    Logical Separability of Incomplete Data under Ontologies

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    Finding a logical formula that separates positive and negative examples given in the form of labeled data items is fundamental in applications such as concept learning, reverse engineering of database queries, and generating referring expressions. In this paper, we investigate the existence of a separating formula for incomplete data in the presence of an ontology. Both for the ontology language and the separation language, we concentrate on first-order logic and three important fragments thereof: the description logic ALCI\mathcal{ALCI}, the guarded fragment, and the two-variable fragment. We consider several forms of separability that differ in the treatment of negative examples and in whether or not they admit the use of additional helper symbols to achieve separation. We characterize separability in a model-theoretic way, compare the separating power of the different languages, and determine the computational complexity of separability as a decision problem

    Niffler: A Reference Architecture and System Implementation for View Discovery over Pathless Table Collections by Example

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    Identifying a project-join view (PJ-view) over collections of tables is the first step of many data management projects, e.g., assembling a dataset to feed into a business intelligence tool, creating a training dataset to fit a machine learning model, and more. When the table collections are large and lack join information--such as when combining databases, or on data lakes--query by example (QBE) systems can help identify relevant data, but they are designed under the assumption that join information is available in the schema, and do not perform well on pathless table collections that do not have join path information. We present a reference architecture that explicitly divides the end-to-end problem of discovering PJ-views over pathless table collections into a human and a technical problem. We then present Niffler, a system built to address the technical problem. We introduce algorithms for the main components of Niffler, including a signal generation component that helps reduce the size of the candidate views that may be large due to errors and ambiguity in both the data and input queries. We evaluate Niffler on real datasets to demonstrate the effectiveness of the new engine in discovering PJ-views over pathless table collections