3 research outputs found

    The Experimental Oxime K027—A Promising Protector From Organophosphate Pesticide Poisoning. A Review Comparing K027, K048, Pralidoxime, and Obidoxime

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    Poisoning with organophosphorus compounds (OPCs) is a major problem worldwide. Standard therapy with atropine and established oxime-type enzyme reactivators (pralidoxime, obidoxime) is unsatisfactory. In search of more efficacious broad-spectrum oximes, new bispyridinium (K-) oximes have been synthesized, with K027 being among the most promising. This review summarizes pharmacokinetic characteristics of K027, its toxicity and in vivo efficacy to protect from OPC toxicity and compares this oxime with another experimental bisquaternary asymmetric pyridinium aldoxime (K048) and two established oximes (pralidoxime, obidoxime). After intramuscular (i.m.) injection, K027 reaches maximum plasma concentration within ∼30 min; only ∼2% enter the brain. Its intrinsic cholinesterase inhibitory activity is low, making it relatively non-toxic. In vitro reactivation potency is high for ethyl-paraoxon-, methyl-paraoxon-, dichlorvos-, diisopropylfluorophosphate (DFP)- and tabun-inhibited cholinesterase. When administered in vivo after exposure to the same OPCs, K027 is comparable or more efficacious than pralidoxime and obidoxime. When given as a pretreatment before exposure to ethyl-paraoxon, methyl-paraoxon, DFP, or azinphos-methyl, it is superior to the Food and Drug Administration-approved compound pyridostigmine and comparable to physostigmine, which because of its entry into the brain may cause unwanted behavioral effects. Because of its low toxicity, K027 can be given in high dosages, making it a very efficacious oxime not only for postexposure treatment but also for prophylactic administration, especially when brain penetration is undesirable

    Molecular modeling studies on the multistep reactivation process of organophosphate-inhibited acetylcholinesterase and butyrylcholinesterase

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    Poisoning with organophosphorus compounds used as pesticides or misused as chemical weapons remains a serious threat to human health and life. Their toxic effects result from irreversible blockade of the enzymes acetylcholinesterase and butyrylcholinesterase, which causes overstimulation of the cholinergic system and often leads to serious injury or death. Treatment of organophosphorus poisoning involves, among other strategies, the administration of oxime compounds. Oximes reactivate cholinesterases by breaking the covalent bond between the serine residue from the enzyme active site and the phosphorus atom of the organophosphorus compound. Although the general mechanism of reactivation has been known for years, the exact molecular aspects determining the efficiency and selectivity of individual oximes are still not clear. This hinders the development of new active compounds. In our research, using relatively simple and widely available molecular docking methods, we investigated the reactivation of acetyl- and butyrylcholinesterase blocked by sarin and tabun. For the selected oximes, their binding modes at each step of the reactivation process were identified. Amino acids essential for effective reactivation and those responsible for the selectivity of individual oximes against inhibited acetyl- and butyrylcholinesterase were identified. This research broadens the knowledge about cholinesterase reactivation and demonstrates the usefulness of molecular docking in the study of this process. The presented observations and methods can be used in the future to support the search for new effective reactivators

    Cholinesterase Research

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    This collection of 10 papers includes original as well as review articles focused on the cholinesterase structural aspects, drug design and development of novel cholinesterase ligands, but also contains papers focused on the natural compounds and their effect on the cholinergic system and unexplored effects of donepezil