6 research outputs found

    Utjecaji obrade tla na svojstva tla, eroziju tla vodom i gubitak hraniva u vinogradu (Središnja Hrvatska)

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    Eroded lands have deteriorated soil physical, chemical, and biological properties which reduces their productivity and represents a great threat to environmental safety and ecosystem stability. This study aims to investigate the soil management effect on the soil properties and conversely on soil erosion in vineyards by comparing tilled (TV) and permanently grass-covered vineyard (GCV) plots. The study vineyard is located in Sisak – Moslavina County, Croatia (45°31’ N, 16°43’ E). The fieldwork comprised of 8 rainfall simulations, soil sampling, and collection of overland flow. The results showed that TV plots had lower (P<0.05) soil organic matter content (SOM) (2.80%), mean weight diameter (MWD) (2.56 mm), and water-stable aggregates content (WSA) (53.1%) compared to GCV. Ponding time (PT) and runoff time (RT) were lower on the TV which caused longer outflow time and increased total water runoff (WR) and sediment loss (SL). The TV had 745.4 times higher SL than GCV (TV 6.87 t/ha compared to GCV 0.0092 t/ha). Higher SL resulted in higher nutrient losses on TV. Tillage is recognized as unsustainable practice on the study area and a key factor for increased soil erodibility and potential environmental hazards by high nutrient losses.Erodirana tla karakteriziraju degradirana fizička, kemijska i biološka svojstva koja smanjuju produktivnost tla i predstavljaju veliku prijetnju okolišnoj sigurnosti i stabilnosti ekosistema. Cilj ovog rada je istražiti utjecaje upravljanja tlom na svojstva tla te eroziju tla u vinogradu, uspoređujući obrađeni (TV) i trajno zatravljeni vinograd (GCV). Istraživani vinograd nalazi se u Sisačko-Moslavačkoj županiji, Hrvatska (45°31’ S, 16°43’ I). Terenski rad sastojao se od 8 kišnih simulacija, uzorkovanja tla te prikupljanja erozijskog otjecanja. Rezultati ukazuju da su TV parcele imale niže (P<0.05) udjele organske tvari (SOM) (2.80%), srednje veličine strukturnih agregata (MWD) (2.56 mm) i udjele vodo-stabilnih strukturnih agregata (WSA) (53.1%) od GCV parcela. Vrijeme do površinskog stagniranja vode (PT) i vrijeme do početka otjecanja (RT) bili su niži u TV što je uzrokovalo duže vrijeme otjecanja i povećalo otjecanje vode (WR) te gubitak sedimenata (SL). Na TV je zabilježeno 745.4 puta veći SL nego na GCV (TV 6.87 t/ha naspram 0.0092 t/ha). Viši SL uzrokovao je veće gubitke hraniva u TV. Obrada tla je prepoznata kao neodrživa praksa u području istraživanja te je ključni faktor povećane erodibilnosti tla kao i potencijalnih okolišnih opasnosti uzrokovanih visokim gubitkom sedimenata

    Inoculation of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi in Under-Vine Cover Crops for Sustainable Vineyards Development

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    Mestrado em Engenharia de Viticultura e Enologia. Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto Superior de Agronomia. Universidade do Porto, Faculdade de CiênciasViticulture is a major economic sector in Europe. However, the raise of new challenges, such as the new regulations towards a limitation on the use of several agrochemicals, to new market demands, and to environmental and climatic awareness, forces adaptations on viticulture practices. Shift to sustainable vineyard management practices, such as the use of cover crops and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF), plant mutualistic fungi, represent an attractive approach to respond to some of the challenges of modern viticulture. In this work, the benefits of the installation of cover crops as an eco-friendly soil management technique, with special attention to under-vine cover crops are reviewed. In addition, the advantages of AMF to improve agroecosystem functions and to promote higher grapevine performance will be reviewed. On the one hand, cover crops are widely known to prevent erosion, enhance soil physical and chemical properties, including nutrient cycles, as well as soil biological diversity and activity. Furthermore, the installation of cover crops in vineyards may improve grapevine nutritional status, control their vigour, and can prevent pests and diseases by providing food and shelter to antagonists of insect pests, nematodes, and pathogens. On the other hand, AMF improve grapevine nutrition, growth, and tolerance against a variety of biotic and abiotic stress factors, such as root diseases, water stress, soil salinity, and heavy metals toxicity. The mycorrhizal extraradical mycelium that extends in the soil also contributes to ameliorate soil properties such as particle aggregation, water retention, and soil stability. Using herbaceous plants as cover crops in vineyards favours the development of AMF, and therefore, the inoculation of AMF in under-vine cover crops can represent a novel sustainable soil management practice for vineyards with low propagule content or facing soil degradation.A viticultura é um setor economico importante na Europa. No entanto, a viticultura vê a necessidade de se adaptar a novos desafios, tais como novas regulamentações para a limitação do uso de vários agroquímicos, novas demandas do mercado e a crescente consciência ambiental e climática. A mudança da viticultura para práticas sustentáveis de gestão da vinha, como o uso de culturas de cobertura e fungos micorrízicos arbusculares (FMA), fungos mutualísticos das plantas, representam uma abordagem atraente para responder a alguns dos desafios da viticultura moderna. Por um lado, as culturas de cobertura são amplamente conhecidas por prevenir a erosão, melhorar as propriedades físicas e químicas do solo, incluindo os ciclos de nutrientes, bem como a diversidade e atividade biológica do solo. Além disso, a instalação de plantas de cobertura nos vinhedos pode melhorar o estado nutricional da videira, controlar seu vigor e prevenir pragas e doenças, fornecendo alimento e abrigo para antagonistas de pragas de insetos, nematoides e patogénicos. Por outro lado, os FMA melhoram a nutrição, o crescimento e a tolerância da videira contra uma variedade de fatores de estresse biótico e abiótico, como doenças das raízes, estresse hídrico, salinidade do solo e toxicidade de metais pesados. O micélio extrarradicular micorrízico que se estende no solo também contribui para melhorar as propriedades do solo, como agregação de partículas, retenção de água e estabilidade do solo. O uso de plantas herbáceas como plantas de cobertura em vinhedos favorece o desenvolvimento de FMA e, portanto, a inoculação de FMA em plantas de cobertura sob a linha da vinha pode representar uma nova prática de manejo sustentável do solo para vinhedos com baixo teor de propágulos ou em degradação do solo. Neste trabalho, são revistos os benefícios da instalação de plantas de cobertura como uma técnica de manejo do solo sustentável, com especial atenção às plantas de cobertura localizadas na linha das videiras. Além disso, as vantagens de FMA para melhorar as funções do agroecossistema e promover o melhor desempenho da videira serão revisadas.N/

    Retrospective 70 y-spatial analysis of repeated vine mortality patterns using ancient aerial time series, Pléiades images and multi-source spatial and field data

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    For any wine estate, there is a need to demarcate homogeneous within-vineyard zones (‘terroirs’) so as to manage grape production, which depends on vine biological condition. Until now, the studies performing digital zoning of terroirs have relied on recent spatial data and scant attention has been paid to ancient geoinformation likely to retrace past biological condition of vines and especially occurrence of vine mortality. Is vine mortality characterized by recurrent and specific patterns and if so, are these patterns related to terroir units and/or past landuse? This study aimed at performing a historical and spatial tracing of vine mortality patterns using a long time-series of aerial survey images (1947–2010), in combination with recent data: soil apparent electrical conductivity EM38 measurements, very high resolution Pléiades satellite images, and a detailed field survey. Within a 6 ha-estate in the Southern Rhone Valley, landuse and planting history were retraced and the map of missing vines frequency was constructed from the whole time series including a 2015-Pléiades panchromatic band. Within-field terroir units were obtained from a support vector machine classifier computed on the spectral bands and NDVI of Pléiades images, EM38 data and morphometric data.Repeated spatial patterns of missing vines were highlighted throughout several plantings, uprootings, and vine replacements, and appeared to match some within-field terroir units, being explained by their specific soil characteristics, vine/soil management choices and the past landuse of the 1940s. Missing vines frequency was spatially correlated with topsoil CaCO3 content, and negatively correlated with topsoil iron, clay, total N, organic C contents and NDVI. A retrospective spatio-temporal assessment of terroir therefore brings a renewed focus on some key parameters for maintaining a sustainable grape production

    Retrospective 70 y-spatial analysis of repeated vine mortality patterns using ancient aerial time series, Pléiades images and multi-source spatial and field data

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    For any wine estate, there is a need to demarcate homogeneous within-vineyard zones (‘terroirs’) so as to manage grape production, which depends on vine biological condition. Until now, the studies performing digital zoning of terroirs have relied on recent spatial data and scant attention has been paid to ancient geoinformation likely to retrace past biological condition of vines and especially occurrence of vine mortality. Is vine mortality characterized by recurrent and specific patterns and if so, are these patterns related to terroir units and/or past landuse? This study aimed at performing a historical and spatial tracing of vine mortality patterns using a long time-series of aerial survey images (1947–2010), in combination with recent data: soil apparent electrical conductivity EM38 measurements, very high resolution Pléiades satellite images, and a detailed field survey. Within a 6 ha-estate in the Southern Rhone Valley, landuse and planting history were retraced and the map of missing vines frequency was constructed from the whole time series including a 2015-Pléiades panchromatic band. Within-field terroir units were obtained from a support vector machine classifier computed on the spectral bands and NDVI of Pléiades images, EM38 data and morphometric data. Repeated spatial patterns of missing vines were highlighted throughout several plantings, uprootings, and vine replacements, and appeared to match some within-field terroir units, being explained by their specific soil characteristics, vine/soil management choices and the past landuse of the 1940s. Missing vines frequency was spatially correlated with topsoil CaCO3 content, and negatively correlated with topsoil iron, clay, total N, organic C contents and NDVI. A retrospective spatio-temporal assessment of terroir therefore brings a renewed focus on some key parameters for maintaining a sustainable grape production

    Caracterización de vinos del cv. Cariñena de la bodega Costers del Priorat procedentes de distintos terroir

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    [ES] Los factores edafoclimáticos de cada parcela vitícola, reunidos con las prácticas culturales y la herencia vitivinícola del pasado dentro del concepto de `¿terroir¿¿ determinan la expresión final de cada vino. Es de interés para las empresas elaboradoras poder determinar las características que diferencian los vinos de las distintas fincas plantadas con la misma variedad, con cepas de la misma edad y elaborados de forma homogénea. En este trabajo se han caracterizado los vinos obtenidos de las viñas viejas de variedad cariñena, procedentes de distintas parcelas dentro de la D.O. Cualificada Priorato, en función de su composición polifenólica y valoración organoléptica. Los compuestos polifenólicos han sido analizados por métodos espectrofotométricos. Se han determinado los parámetros de color y las concentraciones de antocianos, taninos y polifenoles, la polimerización de los taninos y su combinación con sales, péptidos y polisacáridos y también con los antocianos. Se han encontrado diferencias entre los distintos parámetros analizados en los distintos vinos. Los vinos de la parcela de la Vella Vilella son los más concentrados, tanto por su grado alcohólico y acidez total como por la mayor cantidad de sus compuestos polifenólicos. Los vinos de Paredes Velles y Costers d¿All han sido los más valorados organolépticamente. Este resultado se ha relacionado con la distinta disposición del terreno, altitud y naturaleza del suelo, que diferencian los vinos de estas fincas del resto de los vinos estudiados.[EN] The edaphoclimatic factors of each vineyard plot, together with the cultural practices and the wine heritage of the past, known as the concept of `¿terroir¿¿determine the final expression of each wine. It is in the interest of the manufacturing companies to be able to determine the characteristics that differentiate the wines from the different estates, planted with the same variety, with vines of the same age, produced in a homogeneous way. In this work, the wines obtained from the old vines of the Carignan variety, coming from different plots within the Priorat Denomination of Origin, have been characterized by their polyphenolic composition and organoleptic evaluation. Polyphenolic compounds have been analyzed by spectrophotometric methods. The color parameters and concentrations of anthocyanins, tannins and polyphenols, the polymerization of tannins and their combination with salts, peptides and polysaccharides and also with anthocyanins have been determined. Differences have been found between the different parameters analyzed in the different wines. The wines from the Vella Vilella plot are the most concentrated, both for their alcoholic strength, total acidity and for the greater amount of their polyphenolic compounds. Paredes Velles and Costers d¿All wines have been the most organoleptically valued. This result has been related to the different disposition of the terrain, altitude and nature of the soil, which differentiate the wines of this plots from the rest of the wines studied.Chorabik, JL. (2020). Caracterización de vinos del cv. Cariñena de la bodega Costers del Priorat procedentes de distintos terroir. Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/147841TFG

    Sterile Insect Technique

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