4 research outputs found

    Remote Sensing of Biophysical Parameters

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    Vegetation plays an essential role in the study of the environment through plant respiration and photosynthesis. Therefore, the assessment of the current vegetation status is critical to modeling terrestrial ecosystems and energy cycles. Canopy structure (LAI, fCover, plant height, biomass, leaf angle distribution) and biochemical parameters (leaf pigmentation and water content) have been employed to assess vegetation status and its dynamics at scales ranging from kilometric to decametric spatial resolutions thanks to methods based on remote sensing (RS) data.Optical RS retrieval methods are based on the radiative transfer processes of sunlight in vegetation, determining the amount of radiation that is measured by passive sensors in the visible and infrared channels. The increased availability of active RS (radar and LiDAR) data has fostered their use in many applications for the analysis of land surface properties and processes, thanks to their insensitivity to weather conditions and the ability to exploit rich structural and texture information. Optical and radar data fusion and multi-sensor integration approaches are pressing topics, which could fully exploit the information conveyed by both the optical and microwave parts of the electromagnetic spectrum.This Special Issue reprint reviews the state of the art in biophysical parameters retrieval and its usage in a wide variety of applications (e.g., ecology, carbon cycle, agriculture, forestry and food security)

    Retrieval of the Fraction of Radiation Absorbed by Photosynthetic Components (FAPARgreen) for Forest Using a Triple-Source Leaf-Wood-Soil Layer Approach

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    The fraction of absorbed photosynthetically active radiation (FAPAR) is generally divided into the fraction of radiation absorbed by the photosynthetic components ( F A P A R g r e e n ) and the fraction of radiation absorbed by the non-photosynthetic components ( F A P A R w o o d y ) of the vegetation. However, most global FAPAR datasets do not take account of the woody components when considering the canopy radiation transfer. The objective of this study was to develop a generic algorithm for partitioning F A P A R c a n o p y into F A P A R g r e e n and F A P A R w o o d y based on a triple-source leaf-wood-soil layer (TriLay) approach. The LargE-Scale remote sensing data and image simulation framework (LESS) model was used to validate the TriLay approach. The results showed that the TriLay F A P A R g r e e n had higher retrieval accuracy, as well as a significantly lower bias (R2 = 0.937, Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) = 0.064, and bias = −6.02% for black-sky conditions; R2 = 0.997, RMSE = 0.025 and bias = −4.04% for white-sky conditions) compared to the traditional linear method (R2 = 0.979, RMSE = 0.114, and bias = −18.04% for black-sky conditions; R2 = 0.996, RMSE = 0.106 and bias = −16.93% for white-sky conditions). For FAPAR that did not take account of woody components ( F A P A R n o W A I ), the corresponding results were R2 = 0.920, RMSE = 0.071, and bias = −7.14% for black-sky conditions, and R2 = 0.999, RMSE = 0.043, and bias = −6.41% for white-sky conditions. Finally, the dynamic F A P A R g r e e n , F A P A R w o o d y , F A P A R c a n o p y and F A P A R n o W A I products for a North America region were generated at a resolution of 500 m for every eight days in 2017. A comparison of the results for F A P A R g r e e n against those for F A P A R n o W A I and F A P A R c a n o p y showed that the discrepancy between F A P A R g r e e n and other FAPAR products for forest vegetation types could not be ignored. For deciduous needleleaf forest, in particular, the black-sky F A P A R g r e e n was found to contribute only about 23.86% and 35.75% of F A P A R c a n o p y at the beginning and end of the year (from January to March and October to December, JFM and OND), and 75.02% at the peak growth stage (from July to September, JAS); the black-sky F A P A R n o W A I was found to be overestimated by 38.30% and 28.46% during the early (JFM) and late (OND) part of the year, respectively. Therefore, the TriLay approach performed well in separating F A P A R g r e e n from F A P A R c a n o p y , which is of great importance for a better understanding of the energy exchange within the canopy