3 research outputs found

    Identifying developers’ habits and expectations in copy and paste programming practice

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    Máster Universitario en Investigación e Innovación en Inteligencia Computacional y Sistemas InteractivosBoth novice and experienced developers rely more and more in external sources of code to include into their programs by copy and paste code snippets. This behavior differs from the traditional software design approach where cohesion was achieved via a conscious design effort. Due to this fact, it is essential to know how copy and paste programming practices are actually carried out, so that IDEs (Integrated Development Environments) and code recommenders can be designed to fit with developer expectations and habit

    Towards Semantic Clone Detection, Benchmarking, and Evaluation

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    Developers copy and paste their code to speed up the development process. Sometimes, they copy code from other systems or look up code online to solve a complex problem. Developers reuse copied code with or without modifications. The resulting similar or identical code fragments are called code clones. Sometimes clones are unintentionally written when a developer implements the same or similar functionality. Even when the resulting code fragments are not textually similar but implement the same functionality they are still considered to be clones and are classified as semantic clones. Semantic clones are defined as code fragments that perform the exact same computation and are implemented using different syntax. Software cloning research indicates that code clones exist in all software systems; on average, 5% to 20% of software code is cloned. Due to the potential impact of clones, whether positive or negative, it is essential to locate, track, and manage clones in the source code. Considerable research has been conducted on all types of code clones, including clone detection, analysis, management, and evaluation. Despite the great interest in code clones, there has been considerably less work conducted on semantic clones. As described in this thesis, I advance the state-of-the-art in semantic clone research in several ways. First, I conducted an empirical study to investigate the status of code cloning in and across open-source game systems and the effectiveness of different normalization, filtering, and transformation techniques for detecting semantic clones. Second, I developed an approach to detect clones across .NET programming languages using an intermediate language. Third, I developed a technique using an intermediate language and an ontology to detect semantic clones. Fourth, I mined Stack Overflow answers to build a semantic code clone benchmark that represents real semantic code clones in four programming languages, C, C#, Java, and Python. Fifth, I defined a comprehensive taxonomy that identifies semantic clone types. Finally, I implemented an injection framework that uses the benchmark to compare and evaluate semantic code clone detectors by automatically measuring recall

    Optimizing whole programs for code size

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    Reducing code size has benefits at every scale. It can help fit embedded software into strictly limited storage space, reduce mobile app download time, and improve the cache usage of supercomputer software. There are many optimizations available that reduce code size, but research has often neglected this goal in favor of speed, and some recently developed compiler techniques have not yet been applied for size reduction. My work shows that newly practical compiler techniques can be used to develop novel code size optimizations. These optimizations complement each other, and other existing methods, in minimizing code size. I introduce two new optimizations, Guided Linking and Semantic Outlining, and also present a comparison framework for code size reduction methods that explains how and when my new optimizations work well with other, existing optimizations. Guided Linking builds on recent work that optimizes multiple programs and shared libraries together. It links an arbitrary set of programs and libraries into a single module. The module can then be optimized with arbitrary existing link-time optimizations, without changes to the optimization code, allowing them to work across program and library boundaries; for example, a library function can be inlined into a plugin module. I also demonstrate that deduplicating functions in the merged module can significantly reduce code size in some cases. Guided Linking ensures that all necessary dynamic linker behavior, such as plugin loading, still works correctly; it relies on developer-provided constraints to indicate which behavior must be preserved. Guided Linking can achieve a 13% to 57% size reduction in some scenarios, and can speed up the Python interpreter by 9%. Semantic Outlining relies on the use of automated theorem provers to check semantic equivalence of pieces of code, which has only recently become feasible to perform at scale. It extends outlining, an established technique for deduplicating structurally equivalent pieces of code, to work on code pieces that are semantically equivalent even if their structure is completely different. My comparison framework covers a large number of different code size reduction methods from the literature, in addition to my new methods. It describes several different aspects by which each method can be compared; in particular, there are multiple types of redundancy in program code that can be exploited to reduce code size, and methods that exploit different types of redundancy are likely to work well in combination with each other. This explains why Guided Linking and Semantic Outlining can be effective when used together, along with some kinds of existing optimizations