6 research outputs found

    Constant RMR Group Mutual Exclusion for Arbitrarily Many Processes and Sessions

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    Group mutual exclusion (GME), introduced by Joung in 1998, is a natural synchronization problem that generalizes the classical mutual exclusion and readers and writers problems. In GME a process requests a session before entering its critical section; processes are allowed to be in their critical sections simultaneously provided they have requested the same session. We present a GME algorithm that (1) is the first to achieve a constant Remote Memory Reference (RMR) complexity for both cache coherent and distributed shared memory machines; and (2) is the first that can be accessed by arbitrarily many dynamically allocated processes and with arbitrarily many session names. Neither of the existing GME algorithms satisfies either of these two important properties. In addition, our algorithm has constant space complexity per process and satisfies the two strong fairness properties, first-come-first-served and first-in-first-enabled. Our algorithm uses an atomic instruction set supported by most modern processor architectures, namely: read, write, fetch-and-store and compare-and-swap

    Contention-Free Complexity of Shared Memory Algorithms

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    AbstractWorst-case time complexity is a measure of the maximum time needed to solve a problem over all runs. Contention-free time complexity indicates the maximum time needed when a process executes by itself, without competition from other processes. Since contention is rare in well-designed systems, it is important to design algorithms which perform well in the absence of contention. We study the contention-free time complexity of shared memory algorithms using two measures: step complexity, which counts the number of accesses to shared registers; and register complexity, which measures the number of different registers accessed. Depending on the system architecture, one of the two measures more accurately reflects the elapsed time. We provide lower and upper bounds for the contention-free step and register complexity of solving the mutual exclusion problem as a function of the number of processes and the size of the largest register that can be accessed in one atomic step. We also present bounds on the worst-case and contention-free step and register complexities of solving the naming problem. These bounds illustrate that the proposed complexity measures are useful in differentiating among the computational powers of different primitive

    Tight RMR lower bounds for mutual exclusion and other problems

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    Lower bounds in distributed computing

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2008.Includes bibliographical references (p. 167-170).Distributed computing is the study of achieving cooperative behavior between independent computing processes with possibly conflicting goals. Distributed computing is ubiquitous in the Internet, wireless networks, multi-core and multi-processor computers, teams of mobile robots, etc. In this thesis, we study two fundamental distributed computing problems, clock synchronization and mutual exclusion. Our contributions are as follows. 1. We introduce the gradient clock synchronization (GCS) problem. As in traditional clock synchronization, a group of nodes in a bounded delay communication network try to synchronize their logical clocks, by reading their hardware clocks and exchanging messages. We say the distance between two nodes is the uncertainty in message delay between the nodes, and we say the clock skew between the nodes is their difference in logical clock values. GCS studies clock skew as a function of distance. We show that surprisingly, every clock synchronization algorithm exhibits some execution in which two nodes at distance one apart have Q( lo~gD clock skew, where D is the maximum distance between any pair of nodes. 2. We present an energy efficient and fault tolerant clock synchronization algorithm suitable for wireless networks. The algorithm synchronizes nodes to each other, as well as to real time. It satisfies a relaxed gradient property. That is, it guarantees that, using certain reasonable operating parameters, nearby nodes are well synchronized most of the time. 3. We study the mutual exclusion (mutex) problem, in which a set of processes in a shared memory system compete for exclusive access to a shared resource. We prove a tight Q(n log n) lower bound on the time for n processes to each access the resource once. .(cont.) Our novel proof technique is based on separately lower bounding the amount of information needed for solving mutex, and upper bounding the amount of information any mutex algorithm can acquire in each step. We hope that our results offer fresh ways of looking at classical problems, and point to interesting new open problemsby Rui Fan.Ph.D

    Results about fast mutual exclusion

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