886 research outputs found

    Tree transducers, L systems, and two-way machines

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    A relationship between parallel rewriting systems and two-way machines is investigated. Restrictions on the “copying power” of these devices endow them with rich structuring and give insight into the issues of determinism, parallelism, and copying. Among the parallel rewriting systems considered are the top-down tree transducer; the generalized syntax-directed translation scheme and the ETOL system, and among the two-way machines are the tree-walking automaton, the two-way finite-state transducer, and (generalizations of) the one-way checking stack automaton. The. relationship of these devices to macro grammars is also considered. An effort is made .to provide a systematic survey of a number of existing results

    On external presentations of infinite graphs

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    The vertices of a finite state system are usually a subset of the natural numbers. Most algorithms relative to these systems only use this fact to select vertices. For infinite state systems, however, the situation is different: in particular, for such systems having a finite description, each state of the system is a configuration of some machine. Then most algorithmic approaches rely on the structure of these configurations. Such characterisations are said internal. In order to apply algorithms detecting a structural property (like identifying connected components) one may have first to transform the system in order to fit the description needed for the algorithm. The problem of internal characterisation is that it hides structural properties, and each solution becomes ad hoc relatively to the form of the configurations. On the contrary, external characterisations avoid explicit naming of the vertices. Such characterisation are mostly defined via graph transformations. In this paper we present two kind of external characterisations: deterministic graph rewriting, which in turn characterise regular graphs, deterministic context-free languages, and rational graphs. Inverse substitution from a generator (like the complete binary tree) provides characterisation for prefix-recognizable graphs, the Caucal Hierarchy and rational graphs. We illustrate how these characterisation provide an efficient tool for the representation of infinite state systems

    Multiple Context-Free Tree Grammars: Lexicalization and Characterization

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    Multiple (simple) context-free tree grammars are investigated, where "simple" means "linear and nondeleting". Every multiple context-free tree grammar that is finitely ambiguous can be lexicalized; i.e., it can be transformed into an equivalent one (generating the same tree language) in which each rule of the grammar contains a lexical symbol. Due to this transformation, the rank of the nonterminals increases at most by 1, and the multiplicity (or fan-out) of the grammar increases at most by the maximal rank of the lexical symbols; in particular, the multiplicity does not increase when all lexical symbols have rank 0. Multiple context-free tree grammars have the same tree generating power as multi-component tree adjoining grammars (provided the latter can use a root-marker). Moreover, every multi-component tree adjoining grammar that is finitely ambiguous can be lexicalized. Multiple context-free tree grammars have the same string generating power as multiple context-free (string) grammars and polynomial time parsing algorithms. A tree language can be generated by a multiple context-free tree grammar if and only if it is the image of a regular tree language under a deterministic finite-copying macro tree transducer. Multiple context-free tree grammars can be used as a synchronous translation device.Comment: 78 pages, 13 figure

    Logics for Unranked Trees: An Overview

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    Labeled unranked trees are used as a model of XML documents, and logical languages for them have been studied actively over the past several years. Such logics have different purposes: some are better suited for extracting data, some for expressing navigational properties, and some make it easy to relate complex properties of trees to the existence of tree automata for those properties. Furthermore, logics differ significantly in their model-checking properties, their automata models, and their behavior on ordered and unordered trees. In this paper we present a survey of logics for unranked trees

    On Descriptive Complexity, Language Complexity, and GB

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    We introduce LK,P2L^2_{K,P}, a monadic second-order language for reasoning about trees which characterizes the strongly Context-Free Languages in the sense that a set of finite trees is definable in LK,P2L^2_{K,P} iff it is (modulo a projection) a Local Set---the set of derivation trees generated by a CFG. This provides a flexible approach to establishing language-theoretic complexity results for formalisms that are based on systems of well-formedness constraints on trees. We demonstrate this technique by sketching two such results for Government and Binding Theory. First, we show that {\em free-indexation\/}, the mechanism assumed to mediate a variety of agreement and binding relationships in GB, is not definable in LK,P2L^2_{K,P} and therefore not enforcible by CFGs. Second, we show how, in spite of this limitation, a reasonably complete GB account of English can be defined in LK,P2L^2_{K,P}. Consequently, the language licensed by that account is strongly context-free. We illustrate some of the issues involved in establishing this result by looking at the definition, in LK,P2L^2_{K,P}, of chains. The limitations of this definition provide some insight into the types of natural linguistic principles that correspond to higher levels of language complexity. We close with some speculation on the possible significance of these results for generative linguistics.Comment: To appear in Specifying Syntactic Structures, papers from the Logic, Structures, and Syntax workshop, Amsterdam, Sept. 1994. LaTeX source with nine included postscript figure

    Macro tree transducers

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    Macro tree transducers are a combination of top-down tree transducers and macro grammars. They serve as a model for syntax-directed semantics in which context information can be handled. In this paper the formal model of macro tree transducers is studied by investigating typical automata theoretical topics like composition, decomposition, domains, and ranges of the induced translation classes. The extension with regular look-ahead is considered

    Three hierarchies of transducers

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    Composition of top-down tree transducers yields a proper hierarchy of transductions and of output languages. The same is true for ETOL systems (viewed as transducers) and for two-way generalized sequential machines

    Model Checking Parse Trees

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    Parse trees are fundamental syntactic structures in both computational linguistics and compilers construction. We argue in this paper that, in both fields, there are good incentives for model-checking sets of parse trees for some word according to a context-free grammar. We put forward the adequacy of propositional dynamic logic (PDL) on trees in these applications, and study as a sanity check the complexity of the corresponding model-checking problem: although complete for exponential time in the general case, we find natural restrictions on grammars for our applications and establish complexities ranging from nondeterministic polynomial time to polynomial space in the relevant cases.Comment: 21 + x page
