1,234 research outputs found

    Managing Dynamic Enterprise and Urgent Workloads on Clouds Using Layered Queuing and Historical Performance Models

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    The automatic allocation of enterprise workload to resources can be enhanced by being able to make what-if response time predictions whilst different allocations are being considered. We experimentally investigate an historical and a layered queuing performance model and show how they can provide a good level of support for a dynamic-urgent cloud environment. Using this we define, implement and experimentally investigate the effectiveness of a prediction-based cloud workload and resource management algorithm. Based on these experimental analyses we: i.) comparatively evaluate the layered queuing and historical techniques; ii.) evaluate the effectiveness of the management algorithm in different operating scenarios; and iii.) provide guidance on using prediction-based workload and resource management

    Investigating Decision Support Techniques for Automating Cloud Service Selection

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    The compass of Cloud infrastructure services advances steadily leaving users in the agony of choice. To be able to select the best mix of service offering from an abundance of possibilities, users must consider complex dependencies and heterogeneous sets of criteria. Therefore, we present a PhD thesis proposal on investigating an intelligent decision support system for selecting Cloud based infrastructure services (e.g. storage, network, CPU).Comment: Accepted by IEEE Cloudcom 2012 - PhD consortium trac

    Multi-dimensional optimization for cloud based multi-tier applications

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    Emerging trends toward cloud computing and virtualization have been opening new avenues to meet enormous demands of space, resource utilization, and energy efficiency in modern data centers. By being allowed to host many multi-tier applications in consolidated environments, cloud infrastructure providers enable resources to be shared among these applications at a very fine granularity. Meanwhile, resource virtualization has recently gained considerable attention in the design of computer systems and become a key ingredient for cloud computing. It provides significant improvement of aggregated power efficiency and high resource utilization by enabling resource consolidation. It also allows infrastructure providers to manage their resources in an agile way under highly dynamic conditions. However, these trends also raise significant challenges to researchers and practitioners to successfully achieve agile resource management in consolidated environments. First, they must deal with very different responsiveness of different applications, while handling dynamic changes in resource demands as applications' workloads change over time. Second, when provisioning resources, they must consider management costs such as power consumption and adaptation overheads (i.e., overheads incurred by dynamically reconfiguring resources). Dynamic provisioning of virtual resources entails the inherent performance-power tradeoff. Moreover, indiscriminate adaptations can result in significant overheads on power consumption and end-to-end performance. Hence, to achieve agile resource management, it is important to thoroughly investigate various performance characteristics of deployed applications, precisely integrate costs caused by adaptations, and then balance benefits and costs. Fundamentally, the research question is how to dynamically provision available resources for all deployed applications to maximize overall utility under time-varying workloads, while considering such management costs. Given the scope of the problem space, this dissertation aims to develop an optimization system that not only meets performance requirements of deployed applications, but also addresses tradeoffs between performance, power consumption, and adaptation overheads. To this end, this dissertation makes two distinct contributions. First, I show that adaptations applied to cloud infrastructures can cause significant overheads on not only end-to-end response time, but also server power consumption. Moreover, I show that such costs can vary in intensity and time scale against workload, adaptation types, and performance characteristics of hosted applications. Second, I address multi-dimensional optimization between server power consumption, performance benefit, and transient costs incurred by various adaptations. Additionally, I incorporate the overhead of the optimization procedure itself into the problem formulation. Typically, system optimization approaches entail intensive computations and potentially have a long delay to deal with a huge search space in cloud computing infrastructures. Therefore, this type of cost cannot be ignored when adaptation plans are designed. In this multi-dimensional optimization work, scalable optimization algorithm and hierarchical adaptation architecture are developed to handle many applications, hosting servers, and various adaptations to support various time-scale adaptation decisions.Ph.D.Committee Chair: Pu, Calton; Committee Member: Liu, Ling; Committee Member: Liu, Xue; Committee Member: Schlichting, Richard; Committee Member: Schwan, Karsten; Committee Member: Yalamanchili, Sudhaka

    Performance metrics based mobile resource management

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    Mobile computer technology has greatly evolved in the recent years. Cloud computing is recognized to be a new area for solving performance issues. Mobile terminal can take advantage from cloud computing. To cope with these new resources and fulfill new quality and performance requirements a more sophisticated architecture and resource management is necessary. The basis of effective resource management is a precise knowledge of the hardware and software capabilities. Performance metrics serve as an input for resource management. This study will present architecture of mobile resource management using cloud resources. The main task of such resource management is to decide which application where to run; on the mobile terminal or in the cloud. This paper identifies key components of resource management, settles the tasks and relationships between them

    ClouNS - A Cloud-native Application Reference Model for Enterprise Architects

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    The capability to operate cloud-native applications can generate enormous business growth and value. But enterprise architects should be aware that cloud-native applications are vulnerable to vendor lock-in. We investigated cloud-native application design principles, public cloud service providers, and industrial cloud standards. All results indicate that most cloud service categories seem to foster vendor lock-in situations which might be especially problematic for enterprise architectures. This might sound disillusioning at first. However, we present a reference model for cloud-native applications that relies only on a small subset of well standardized IaaS services. The reference model can be used for codifying cloud technologies. It can guide technology identification, classification, adoption, research and development processes for cloud-native application and for vendor lock-in aware enterprise architecture engineering methodologies

    A reference architecture for multi-level SLA management

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    There is a global trend towards service-orientation, both for organizing business interactions but also in modern IT architectures. At the business-level, service industries are becoming the dominating sector in which solutions are flexibly composed out of networked services. At the IT level, the paradigms of Service-Oriented Architecture and Cloud Computing realize service-orientation for both software and infrastructure services. Again, flexible composition across different layers is a major advantage of this paradigm. Service Level Agreements (SLA) are a common approach for specifying the exact conditions under which services are to be delivered and, thus, are a prerequisite for supporting the flexible trading of services. However, typical SLAs are just specified at a single layer and do not allow service providers to manage their service stack accordingly. They have no insight on how SLAs at one layer translate to metrics or parameters at the various lower layers of the service stack. In this paper, we present a reference architecture for a multi-level SLA management framework. We discuss the fundamental concepts and detail the main architectural components and interfaces. Furthermore, we show how the framework can be flexibly used for different industrial scenarios
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