7 research outputs found

    Performance of an adaptive multimedia mechanism in a wireless multi-user environment

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    With the increasing popularity of accessing multimedia services over different wireless networks, researchers have been trying to develop different adaptive multimedia mechanisms in order to mitigate the impact of fluctuating radio resources. This paper considers the case when multiple users stream video over the same IEEE 802.11b WLAN using a newly proposed Signal Strength-based Adaptive Multimedia Delivery Mechanism (SAMMy). SAMMy makes use of the IEEE 802.11k standard and uses estimated signal strength, location, and packet loss as part of its adaptive mechanism in order to increase user perceived quality for multimedia streaming applications in wireless networks. SAMMy is evaluated by modeling and simulations and compared with another adaptive multimedia delivery mechanism TFRC, in terms of aggregate throughput and fairness. The results show that the proposed signal strengthbased adaptive multimedia delivery scheme outperforms the other scheme in terms of both throughput and fairness when performing video streaming in WLAN

    Objective assessment of region of interest-aware adaptive multimedia streaming quality

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    Adaptive multimedia streaming relies on controlled adjustment of content bitrate and consequent video quality variation in order to meet the bandwidth constraints of the communication link used for content delivery to the end-user. The values of the easy to measure network-related Quality of Service metrics have no direct relationship with the way moving images are perceived by the human viewer. Consequently variations in the video stream bitrate are not clearly linked to similar variation in the user perceived quality. This is especially true if some human visual system-based adaptation techniques are employed. As research has shown, there are certain image regions in each frame of a video sequence on which the users are more interested than in the others. This paper presents the Region of Interest-based Adaptive Scheme (ROIAS) which adjusts differently the regions within each frame of the streamed multimedia content based on the user interest in them. ROIAS is presented and discussed in terms of the adjustment algorithms employed and their impact on the human perceived video quality. Comparisons with existing approaches, including a constant quality adaptation scheme across the whole frame area, are performed employing two objective metrics which estimate user perceived video quality

    Distributed video coding in wireless multimedia sensor network for multimedia broadcasting

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    Recently the development of Distributed Video Coding (DVC) has provided the promising theory support to realize the infrastructure of Wireless Multimedia Sensor Network (WMSN), which composed of autonomous hardware for capturing and transmission of quality audio-visual content. The implementation of DVC in WMSN can better solve the problem of energy constraint of the sensor nodes due to the benefit of lower computational encoder in DVC. In this paper, a practical DVC scheme, pixel-domain Wyner-Ziv(PDWZ) video coding, with slice structure and adaptive rate selection(ARS) is proposed to solve the certain problems when applying DVC into WMSN. Firstly, the proposed slice structure in PDWZ has extended the feasibility of PDWZ to work with any interleaver size used in Slepian-wolf turbo codec for heterogeneous applications. Meanwhile, based on the slice structure, an adaptive code rate selection has been proposed aiming at reduce the system delay occurred in feedback request. The simulation results clearly showed the enhancement in R-D performance and perceptual quality. It also can be observed that system delay caused by frequent feedback is greatly reduced, which gives a promising support for WMSN with low latency and facilitates the QoS management

    A survey on buffer and rate adaptation optimization in TCP-based streaming media studies

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    Contrary to the popular conventional wisdom that the best transport protocol for the streaming media is UDP, many findings found that most of the transport protocols used nowadays are TCP. Two main reasons that UDP is not being used widely are it is not friendly to other flows and some organizations are blocking this protocol. In the meantime,TCP is naturally reliable and friendly to other flows. But with so many controls inbuilt in the protocol; such as congestion control, flow control, and others with the heavy acknowledgement mechanism, resulting delays and jitters.Thus it’s naturally not friendly to the streaming media.But with all the inherited weaknesses, we have seen explosive growth of streaming media in the Internet. With these contrasting premises, it is very interesting to study and investigate the streaming media via TCP transport protocol,specifically on buffer and rate adaptation optimization

    Adaptive multimedia streaming control algorithm in wireless LANs and 4G networks

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    E-learning has become an important service offered over the Internet. Lately many users are accessing learning content via wireless networks and using mobile devices. Most content is rich media-based and often puts significant pressure on the existing wireless networks in order to support high quality of delivery. In this context, offering a solution for improving user quality of experience when multimedia content is delivered over wireless networks is already a challenging task. Additionally, to support this for mobile e-learning over wireless LANs becomes even more difficult. If we want to increase the end-used perceived quality, we have to take into account the users’ individual set of characteristics. The fact that users have subjective opinions on the quality of a multimedia application can be used to increase their QoE by setting a minimum quality threshold below which the connection is considered to be undesired. Like this, the use of precious radio resources can be optimized in order to simultaneously satisfy an increased number of users. In this thesis a new user-oriented adaptive algorithm based on QOAS was designed and developed in order to address the user satisfaction problem. Simulations have been carried out with different adaptation schemes to compare the performances and benefits of the DQOAS mechanism. The simulation results are showing that using a dynamic stream granularity with a minimum threshold for the transmission rate, improves the overall quality of the multimedia delivery process, increasing the total number of satisfied users and the link utilization The good results obtained by the algorithm in IEEE 802.11 wireless environment, motivated the research about the utility of the newly proposed algorithm in another wireless environment, LTE. The study shows that DQOAS algorithm can obtain good results in terms of application perceived quality, when the considered application generates multiple streams. These results can be improved by using a new QoS parameters mapping scheme able to modify the streams’ priority and thus allowing the algorithms decisions to not be overridden by the systems’ scheduler

    Empirical studies of Quality of Experience (QoE) : A Systematic Literature Survey

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    Quality of Experience (QoE) is a relatively new phenomenon. The main focus of this thesis has been to conduct a systematic literature survey of research done in the field of QoE over a ten year period. The method, developed by A. Fink, has been used to survey empirical studies. A framework of QoE has been developed, which created the possibility of grouping together and analysing all the studies in a common framework. In total, 44 studies were analysed. 66 per cent of them were studies with human participants and 34 per cent of them were studies without human participants. The majority of the selected empirical studies have analysed the sub-aspect ‘satisfaction’. Among other vital sub-aspects, which were of interest to researches, were ‘usefulness’, ‘ease of use’, ‘communication’, ‘loss/packet loss’, ‘delay’, ‘bandwidth’, and ‘jitter’. The results of this survey show that different sub-aspects depend on different services. It is not enough that one sub-aspect functions very well, because most of sub-aspects are closely related to each other. Therefore, it is very important that sub-aspects, which are dependent on each other, are functioning as one group to achieve higher QoE on user experience. This thesis may contribute to deeper understanding of the phenomenon QoE. Knowledge of QoE can bring in new ideas and new possibilities for developing a new system or products for achieving satisfaction of user experience