114 research outputs found

    A Utility Proportional Fairness Radio Resource Block Allocation in Cellular Networks

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    This paper presents a radio resource block allocation optimization problem for cellular communications systems with users running delay-tolerant and real-time applications, generating elastic and inelastic traffic on the network and being modelled as logarithmic and sigmoidal utilities respectively. The optimization is cast under a utility proportional fairness framework aiming at maximizing the cellular systems utility whilst allocating users the resource blocks with an eye on application quality of service requirements and on the procedural temporal and computational efficiency. Ultimately, the sensitivity of the proposed modus operandi to the resource variations is investigated

    Resource Allocation for Broadband Wireless Access Networks with Imperfect CSI

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    The high deployment and maintenance costs of last mile wireline networks (i.e., DSL and cable networks) have urged service providers to search for new cost-effective solutions to provide broadband connectivity. Broadband wireless access (BWA) networks, which offer a wide coverage area and high transmission rates in addition to their fast and low-cost deployment, have emerged as an alternative to last mile wireline networks. Therefore, BWA networks are expected to be deployed in areas with different terrain profiles (e.g., urban, suburban, rural) where wireless communication faces different channel impairments. This fact necessitates the adoption of various transmission technologies that combat the channel impairments of each profile. Implementation scenarios of BWA networks considered in this thesis are multicarrier-based direct transmission and single carrier-based cooperative transmission scenarios. The performance of these transmission technologies highly depends on how resources are allocated. In this thesis, we focus on the development of practical resource allocation schemes for the mentioned BWA networks implementation scenarios. In order to develop practical schemes, the imperfection of channel state information (CSI) and computational power limitations are among considered practical implementation issues. The design of efficient resource allocation schemes at the MAC layer heavily relies on the CSI reported from the PHY layer as a measure of the wireless channel condition. The channel estimation error and feedback delay renders the reported CSI erroneous. The inaccuracy in CSI propagates to higher layers, resulting in performance degradation. Although this effect is intuitive, a quantitative measure of this degradation is necessary for the design of practical resource allocation schemes. An approach to the evaluation of the ergodic mutual information that reflects this degradation is developed for single carrier, multicarrier, direct, and cooperative scenarios with inaccurate CSI. Given the CSI estimates and estimation error statistics, the presented evaluation of ergodic mutual information can be used in resource allocation and in assessing the severity of estimation error on performance degradation. A point-to-multipoint (PMP) network that employs orthogonal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA) is considered as one of the most common implementation scenarios of BWA networks. Replacing wireline networks requires not only providing the last mile connectivity to subscribers but also supporting their diverse services with stringent quality of service (QoS) requirements. Therefore, the resource allocation problem (i.e., subcarriers, rate and power allocation) is modeled as a network utility maximization (NUM) one that captures the characteristics of this implementation scenario. A dual decomposition-based resource allocation scheme that takes into consideration the diversity of service requirements and inaccuracy of the CSI estimation is developed. Numerical evaluations and simulations are conducted to validate our theoretical claims that the scheme maximizes resource utilization, coordinates with the call admission controller to guarantee QoS, and accounts for CSI inaccuracy. Cooperation has recently received great attention from the research community and industry because of its low cost and fast deployment in addition to the performance improvement it brings to BWA networks. In cooperative scenarios, subscribers cooperate to relay each other's signals. For this implementation scenario of BWA networks, a robust and constrained Kalman filter-based power allocation scheme is proposed to minimize power consumption and guarantee bit error probability (BEP) requirements. The proposed scheme is robust to CSI inaccuracy, responsive to changes in BEP requirements, and optimal in allocating resources. In summary, research results presented in this thesis contribute to the development of practical resource allocation schemes for BWA networks

    Resource Allocation in OFDMA Wireless Networks

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    Orthogonal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA) is becoming a widely deployed mechanism in broadband wireless networks due to its capability to combat the channel impairments and support high data rate. Besides, dealing with small units of spectrum, named sub-carriers, instead of whole spectrum, results in enhanced flexibility and efficiency of the resource allocation for OFDMA networks. Resource allocation and scheduling in the downlink of OFDMA networks supporting heterogeneous traffic will be considered in this thesis. The purpose of resource allocation is to allocate sub-carriers and power to users to meet their service requirements while maintaining fairness among users and maximizes resource utilization. To achieve these objectives, utility-based resource allocation schemes along with some state-of-the-art resource allocation paradigms such as power control, adaptive modulation and coding, sub-carrier assignment, and scheduling are adopted. On one hand, a utility-based resource allocation scheme improves resource utilization by allocating enough resources based on users' quality of service (QoS) satisfaction. On the other hand, resource allocation based on utilities is not trivial when users demand different traffic types with convex and nonconvex utilities. The first contribution of the thesis is the proposing of a framework, based on joint physical (PHY) and medium access (MAC) layer optimization, for utility-based resource allocation in OFDMA networks with heterogeneous traffic types. The framework considers the network resources limitations while attempting to improve resources utilization and heterogeneous users' satisfaction of service. The resource allocation problem is formulated by continuous optimization techniques, and an algorithm based on interior point and penalty methods is suggested to solve the problem. The numerical results show that the framework is very efficient in treating the nonconvexity problem and the allocation is accurate comparing with the ones obtained by a genetic search algorithm. The second contribution of the thesis is the proposing of an opportunistic fair scheduling scheme for OFDMA networks. The contribution is twofold. First, a vector of fair weights is proposed, which can be used in any scheduling scheme for OFDMA networks to maintain fairness. Second, the fair weights are deployed in an opportunistic scheduling scheme to compensate the unfairness of the scheduling. The proposed scheme efficiently schedules users by exploiting multiuser diversity gain, OFDMA resource allocation flexibility, and utility fair service discipline. It is expected that the research in the thesis contributes to developing practical schemes with low complexity for the MAC layer of OFDMA networks

    Radio resource management for OFDMA systems under practical considerations.

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    Orthogonal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA) is used on the downlink of broadband wireless access (BWA) networks such as Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access (WiMAX) and Long Term Evolution (LTE) as it is able to offer substantial advantages such as combating channel impairments and supporting higher data rates. Also, by dynamically allocating subcarriers to users, frequency domain diversity as well as multiuser diversity can be effectively exploited so that performance can be greatly improved. The main focus of this thesis is on the development of practical resource allocation schemes for the OFDMA downlink. Imperfect Channel State Information (CSI), the limited capacity of the dedicated link used for CSI feedback, and the presence of a Connection Admission Control (CAC) unit are issues that are considered in this thesis to develop practical schemes. The design of efficient resource allocation schemes heavily depends on the CSI reported from the users to the transmitter. When the CSI is imperfect, a performance degradation is realized. It is therefore necessary to account for the imperfectness of the CSI when assigning radio resources to users. The first part of this thesis considers resource allocation strategies for OFDMA systems, where the transmitter only knows the statistical knowledge of the CSI (SCSI). The approach used shows that resources can be optimally allocated to achieve a performance that is comparable to that achieved when instantaneous CSI (ICSI) is available. The results presented show that the performance difference between the SCSI and ICSI based resource allocation schemes depends on the number of active users present in the cell, the Quality of Service (QoS) constraint, and the signal-to- noise ratio (SNR) per subcarrier. In practical systems only SCSI or CSI that is correlated to a certain extent with the true channel state can be used to perform resource allocation. An approach to quantifying the performance degradation for both cases is presented for the case where only a discrete number of modulation and coding levels are available for adaptive modulation and coding (AMC). Using the CSI estimates and the channel statistics, the approach can be used to perform resource allocation for both cases. It is shown that when a CAC unit is considered, CSI that is correlated with its present state leads to significantly higher values of the system throughput even under high user mobility. Motivated by the comparison between the correlated and statistical based resource allocation schemes, a strategy is then proposed which leads to a good tradeoff between overhead consumption and fairness as well as throughput when the presence of a CAC unit is considered. In OFDMA networks, the design of efficient CAC schemes also relies on the user CSI. The presence of a CAC unit needs to be considered when designing practical resource allocation schemes for BWA networks that support multiple service classes as it can guarantee fairness amongst them. In this thesis, a novel mechanism for CAC is developed which is based on the user channel gains and the cost of each service. This scheme divides the available bandwidth in accordance with a complete partitioning structure which allocates each service class an amount of non-overlapping bandwidth resource. In summary, the research results presented in this thesis contribute to the development of practical radio resource management schemes for BWA networks

    Joint in-network video rate adaptation and measurement-based admission control: algorithm design and evaluation

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    The important new revenue opportunities that multimedia services offer to network and service providers come with important management challenges. For providers, it is important to control the video quality that is offered and perceived by the user, typically known as the quality of experience (QoE). Both admission control and scalable video coding techniques can control the QoE by blocking connections or adapting the video rate but influence each other's performance. In this article, we propose an in-network video rate adaptation mechanism that enables a provider to define a policy on how the video rate adaptation should be performed to maximize the provider's objective (e.g., a maximization of revenue or QoE). We discuss the need for a close interaction of the video rate adaptation algorithm with a measurement based admission control system, allowing to effectively orchestrate both algorithms and timely switch from video rate adaptation to the blocking of connections. We propose two different rate adaptation decision algorithms that calculate which videos need to be adapted: an optimal one in terms of the provider's policy and a heuristic based on the utility of each connection. Through an extensive performance evaluation, we show the impact of both algorithms on the rate adaptation, network utilisation and the stability of the video rate adaptation. We show that both algorithms outperform other configurations with at least 10 %. Moreover, we show that the proposed heuristic is about 500 times faster than the optimal algorithm and experiences only a performance drop of approximately 2 %, given the investigated video delivery scenario

    Algoritam alokacije resursa s dinamičkim pridruživanjem podnosioca u bežičnim mrežama zasnovanim na OFDMA-u

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    The allocation of available resources is one of the main issues in multi-user systems. Dependence of system capacity on radio link quality is an additional obstacle of efficient resource allocation in wireless networks. Combinations of two opposite approaches -- fair resource allocation and system capacity maximization are used to solve this problem in practice.This paper proposes a resource allocation method that is primarily based on assigning almost an equal bandwidth to all users. System capacity maximization is achieved by selecting the subcarriers with the best SNR values. This algorithm was developed for orthogonal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA) wireless systems. Resource allocation is done at the subcarrier level according to the weight factor that had been calculated for each user. Frequency hopping was used to increase frequency diversity and to make the system more robust to disturbance. Frequency hopping pattern is determined dynamically on the basis of SNR value of each subcarrier.The results of the proposed algorithm are compared with the water filling (WF) and proportional fairness (PF) methods. The influence of various data traffic classes on system throughput and resource allocation is also described.U sustavima s više korisnika jedno od glavnih pitanja je kako podijeliti raspoložive resurse. Kod radio mreža dodatni otežavajući faktor predstavlja promjenjivost kapaciteta sustava ovisno o kvaliteti radio veze. U praksi se za raspodjelu resursaobično koriste algoritmi koji su kombinacija dvaju oprečnih pristupa, fer raspodjele resursa i maksimizacije kapaciteta sustava.U ovom radu predložena je metoda primarno bazirana na fer raspodjeli resursa. Maksimizacija kapaciteta sustava ostvarena je odabirom podnosilaca s najboljim mogućim SNR-om. Algoritam je razvijen za sustave bazirane na OFDMA. Dodjela resursa korisnicima vrši se na razini pojedinog podnosioca prema izračunatom težinskom faktoru za svakog korisnika posebno. Kako bi se povećao frekvencijski diverziti i sustav učinio otpornijim na smetnje, uvedeno je frekvencijsko skakanje prema dinamički određenom predlošku. Predložak se formira na osnovu SNRvrijednosti određene po svakom podnosiocu. Rezultati predloženog algoritma uspoređeni su s WF (water filling) i PF(proportional fairness) algoritmima. Prikazan je utjecaj različitih klasa prometa na prijenosni kapacitet i raspodjelu resursa sustava