36,105 research outputs found

    An Exploration of Experiences of Transdisciplinary Research in Aging and Technology

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    Transdisciplinary research (TDR) involves academics/scientists collaborating with stakeholders from diverse disciplinary and sectoral backgrounds. While TDR has been recognized as beneficial in generating innovative solutions to complex social problems, knowledge is limited about researchers' perceptions and experiences of TDR in the aging and technology field. We conducted a qualitative study to address this knowledge gap by exploring how members of a pan-Canadian research network on aging and technology perceived and experienced TDR. Thirty members participated in semi-structured interviews. Interview data were analyzed thematically. Participants identified benefits that can be gained from implementing TDR, including mutual learning, improved capacity to understand and solve problems, and community engagement and empowerment. Participants also identified challenges to implementing TDR: communication issues and conflicting priorities among team members; tensions between traditional and TDR approaches; and difficulties identifying partners and developing partnerships. In addition, contradictions between TDR principles and participants' understanding of them became apparent. Nevertheless, some participants described successful strategies for implementing transdisciplinary principles in their projects: stakeholder engagement; language and goal sharing; and open, respectful communication. We offer recommendations to support TDR in aging and technology that focus on education and reform of the culture and values that can constrain efforts to practice TDR.Im Rahmen transdisziplinĂ€rer Forschung (TDF) arbeiten Wissenschaftler*innen mit Stakeholdern unterschiedlicher disziplinĂ€rer und sektoraler Herkunft zusammen. WĂ€hrend es mittlerweile akzeptiert scheint, dass TDF hilfreich ist, um innovative Lösungen fĂŒr komplexe soziale Probleme zu generieren, ist das Wissen um Wahrnehmungen und Erfahrungen transdisziplinĂ€rer Forscher*innen im Bereich Alter(n) und Technologie vergleichsweise gering. Mittels einer qualitativen Studie mit Mitgliedern eines Pan-Kanadischen Forschungsnetzwerks haben wir versucht, diese WissenslĂŒcke zu schließen. Mit 33 Mitgliedern des Netzwerkes wurden teilstrukturierte Interviews gefĂŒhrt, die thematisch analysiert wurden. Zu den berichteten Benefits von TDF gehörten u.a. wechselseitiges Lernen, verbesserte Möglichkeiten zum Verstehen und Lösen von Problemen  sowie Zugehörigkeit zu und Einbettung in die jeweilige Community. Erlebte Herausforderungen betrafen insbesondere kommunikative Schwierigkeiten und PrioritĂ€tskonflikte im Team, Spannungen zwischen Vertreter*innen von traditionellen vs. TDF-AnsĂ€tzen sowie Hindernisse beim Identifizieren von potenziellen Partner*innen. ZusĂ€tzliche waren WidersprĂŒche zwischen TDF-Prinzipien und deren VerstĂ€ndnis durch die Interviewten offensichtlich. Einige der GesprĂ€chspartner*innen haben gleichwohl Strategien beschrieben, die auf eine erfolgreiche Implementierung transdisziplinĂ€rer Prinzipien verweisen, nĂ€mlich das Engagement von Stakeholdern, das Teilen von Zielen und Sprachen sowie eine offene, respektvolle Kommunikation. Hiervon ausgehend bieten wir Empfehlungen fĂŒr TDF zu Alter(n) und Technologie mit einem Fokus auf Bildung und auf eine Reform von Kulturen und Werten, die in der Praxis BemĂŒhungen um TDF entgegenstehen

    An Exploration of How the Facilitator Perceived That Learning Within VLE Discussion Forums is Improved by Facilitator-enhanced Collaboration

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    Research suggests that facilitator-enhanced collaboration within virtual learning environment (VLE) discussion forums improves learning. A question is therefore posed: “How does the facilitator perceive that learning within VLE discussion forums is improved by facilitator enhanced collaboration?” It is important to answer this question to understand and develop effective collaborative learning within VLE discussion forums supported by facilitators. This phenomenological study explores the lived experience of three facilitators of discussion forums within collaborative VLEs. Data were collected through short written reports of participants’ experiences and through an in-depth semi-structured interview. Both methods involved answering open-ended questions based on participants\u27 experience of facilitating VLE discussion forums. Participants reported positive experiences and findings revealed that facilitator-enhanced collaboration within VLE discussion forums does improve learning. The data collected also suggested that enhanced collaboration was easy to incorporate into their facilitation. A challenge to enhanced collaboration included insufficient training for facilitators. Three themes described the participants’ experiences: a preference to enhance collaboration within discussion forums, a willingness to engage in collaboration in a proactive but non-intrusive way, and a need for setting facilitator expectations as regards student collaboration

    Engaging the 'Xbox generation of learners' in Higher Education

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    The research project identifies examples of technology used to empower learning of Secondary school pupils that could be used to inform students’ engagement in learning with technology in the Higher Education sector. Research was carried out in five partnership Secondary schools and one associate Secondary school to investigate how pupils learn with technology in lessons and to identify the pedagogy underpinning such learning. Data was collected through individual interviews with pupils, group interviews with members of the schools’ councils, lesson observations, interviews with teachers, pupil surveys, teacher surveys, and a case study of a learning event. In addition, data was collected on students’ learning with technology at the university through group interviews with students and student surveys in the School of Education and Professional Development, and through surveys completed by students across various university departments. University tutors, researchers, academic staff, learning technology advisers, and cross sector partners from the local authority participated in focus group interviews on the challenges facing Higher Education in engaging new generations of students, who have grown up in the digital age, in successful scholarly learning

    Beyond opening up the black box: Investigating the role of algorithmic systems in Wikipedian organizational culture

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    Scholars and practitioners across domains are increasingly concerned with algorithmic transparency and opacity, interrogating the values and assumptions embedded in automated, black-boxed systems, particularly in user-generated content platforms. I report from an ethnography of infrastructure in Wikipedia to discuss an often understudied aspect of this topic: the local, contextual, learned expertise involved in participating in a highly automated social-technical environment. Today, the organizational culture of Wikipedia is deeply intertwined with various data-driven algorithmic systems, which Wikipedians rely on to help manage and govern the "anyone can edit" encyclopedia at a massive scale. These bots, scripts, tools, plugins, and dashboards make Wikipedia more efficient for those who know how to work with them, but like all organizational culture, newcomers must learn them if they want to fully participate. I illustrate how cultural and organizational expertise is enacted around algorithmic agents by discussing two autoethnographic vignettes, which relate my personal experience as a veteran in Wikipedia. I present thick descriptions of how governance and gatekeeping practices are articulated through and in alignment with these automated infrastructures. Over the past 15 years, Wikipedian veterans and administrators have made specific decisions to support administrative and editorial workflows with automation in particular ways and not others. I use these cases of Wikipedia's bot-supported bureaucracy to discuss several issues in the fields of critical algorithms studies, critical data studies, and fairness, accountability, and transparency in machine learning -- most principally arguing that scholarship and practice must go beyond trying to "open up the black box" of such systems and also examine sociocultural processes like newcomer socialization.Comment: 14 pages, typo fixed in v

    The Tacit Knowledge Problem in Multinational Corporations: Japanese and US Offshore Knowledge Incubators

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    This paper examines the ‘cognitive’ and ‘societal’ aspects of the tacit knowledge transfer problem in MNCs. Based on a comparative analysis of the overseas R&D labs of US and Japanese MNCs in the UK, it examines how home-based models of learning influence MNCs’ transnational social spaces for learning and their capabilities to address the tacit knowing problem. It illustrates how the US professional ‘networks of practice’ (NoP) and the Japanese organizational ‘communities of practice’ (CoP) approaches to transnational learning unfold in practice. It also examines how divergence between home and host country institutions governing knowledge production inhibits cross-societal tacit knowing.comparative thinking; tacit knowledge; knowledge transfer in MNCs; innovation and R&D; organizational learning; communities of practice

    Leisure Is Hard Work: Digital Practices and Future Competencies

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    Part of the Volume on Youth, Identity, and Digital Media This chapter is based on two claims, namely that digital media are fundamental in nurturing human competencies for the future and that children's leisured media practices are critical catalysts in that process. These claims are documented by results from a recent case study on children's content creation of digital animation. Based on these results, the chapter discusses some of the fundamental challenges posed to educational institutions if they are to nurture future-directed competences for all pupils. These challenges include pupils' understanding of knowledge, their attitudes to learning resources and contexts of use, and the distribution of power relations. Like 300 million other kids around the globe, every Dane under the age of 20 knows that the protagonist of The Little Mermaid is Ariel, a fiesty redhead who manages to shape her fate and fortune. This fact is noteworthy only because Danish author Hans Christian Andersen, the author of the orignal fairy tale, composed a tragic tale of loss and redemption. The narrative and experiential discrepancies raise fundamental questions about the ways in which global and local media products frame children's everyday culture and the ways in which media operate as identity markers in a variety of sociocultural contexts. Moreover, Disney's figures, like many other media elements, are routinely appropriated by children in their own, increasingly digitized, media productions, from simple drawings to blogs, screen dumps, and home pages. These practices raise important issues about the role played by digital forms of media production for children vis a vis the more conventional and widespread forms of media reception

    Trust, regulatory processes and NICE decision-making: Appraising cost-effectiveness models through appraising people and systems.

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    This article presents an ethnographic study of regulatory decision-making regarding the cost-effectiveness of expensive medicines at the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) in England. We explored trust as one important mechanism by which problems of complexity and uncertainty were resolved. Existing studies note the salience of trust for regulatory decisions, by which the appraisal of people becomes a proxy for appraising technologies themselves. Although such (dis)trust in manufacturers was one important influence, we describe a more intricate web of (dis)trust relations also involving various expert advisors, fellow committee members and committee Chairs. Within these complex chains of relations, we found examples of both more blind-acquiescent and more critical-investigative forms of trust as well as, at times, pronounced distrust. Difficulties in overcoming uncertainty through other means obliged trust in some contexts, although not in others. (Dis)trust was constructed through inferences involving abstract systems alongside actors’ oral and written presentations-of-self. Systemic features and ‘forced options’ to trust indicate potential insidious processes of regulatory capture

    The interaction of lean and building information modeling in construction

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    Lean construction and Building Information Modeling are quite different initiatives, but both are having profound impacts on the construction industry. A rigorous analysis of the myriad specific interactions between them indicates that a synergy exists which, if properly understood in theoretical terms, can be exploited to improve construction processes beyond the degree to which it might be improved by application of either of these paradigms independently. Using a matrix that juxtaposes BIM functionalities with prescriptive lean construction principles, fifty-six interactions have been identified, all but four of which represent constructive interaction. Although evidence for the majority of these has been found, the matrix is not considered complete, but rather a framework for research to explore the degree of validity of the interactions. Construction executives, managers, designers and developers of IT systems for construction can also benefit from the framework as an aid to recognizing the potential synergies when planning their lean and BIM adoption strategies
