8,761 research outputs found

    Strong and Weak Phases from Time-Dependent Measurements of B→ππB \to \pi \pi

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    Time-dependence in B0(t)→π+π−B^0(t) \to \pi^+ \pi^- and \ob(t) \to \pi^+ \pi^- is utilized to obtain a maximal set of information on strong and weak phases. One can thereby check theoretical predictions of a small strong phase δ\delta between penguin and tree amplitudes. A discrete ambiguity between δ≃0\delta \simeq 0 and δ≃π\delta \simeq \pi may be resolved by comparing the observed charge-averaged branching ratio predicted for the tree amplitude alone, using measurements of B→πlνB \to \pi l \nu and factorization, or by direct comparison of parameters of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa (CKM) matrix with those determined by other means. It is found that with 150 fb−1^{-1} from BaBar and Belle, this ambiguity will be resolvable if no direct CP violation is found. In the presence of direct CP violation, the discrete ambiguity between δ\delta and π−δ\pi - \delta becomes less important, vanishing altogether as ∣δ∣→π/2|\delta| \to \pi/2. The role of measurements involving the lifetime difference between neutral BB eigenstates is mentioned briefly.Comment: 14 pages, LaTeX, 5 figures, to be published in Phys. Rev. D. Updated version with one reference change

    Adjoining a universal inner inverse to a ring element

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    Let RR be an associative unital algebra over a field k,k, let pp be an element of R,R, and let R′=R⟨q∣pqp=p⟩.R'=R\langle q\mid pqp= p\rangle. We obtain normal forms for elements of R′,R', and for elements of R′R'-modules arising by extension of scalars from RR-modules. The details depend on where in the chain pR∩Rp⊆pR∪Rp⊆pR+Rp⊆RpR\cap Rp \subseteq pR\cup Rp \subseteq pR + Rp \subseteq R the unit 11 of RR first appears. This investigation is motivated by a hoped-for application to the study of the possible forms of the monoid of isomorphism classes of finitely generated projective modules over a von Neumann regular ring; but that goal remains distant. We end with a normal form result for the algebra obtained by tying together a kk-algebra RR given with a nonzero element pp satisfying 1∉pR+Rp1\notin pR+Rp and a kk-algebra SS given with a nonzero qq satisfying 1∉qS+Sq,1\notin qS+Sq, via the pair of relations p=pqp,p=pqp, q=qpq.q=qpq.Comment: 28 pages. Results on mutual inner inverses added at end of earlier version, and much clarification of wording etc.. After publication, any updates, errata, related references etc. found will be recorded at http://math.berkeley.edu/~gbergman/paper

    Lie polynomials in an algebra defined by a linearly twisted commutation relation

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    We present an elementary approach in characterizing Lie polynomials in the generators A,BA,B of an algebra with a defining relation that is in the form of a deformed or twisted commutation relation AB=σ(BA)AB=\sigma(BA) where the deformation or twisting map σ\sigma is a linear polynomial with a slope parameter that is not a root of unity. The class of algebras defined as such encompasses qq-deformed Heisenberg algebras, rotation algebras, and some types of qq-oscillator algebras whose deformation parameters are not roots of unity, and so we have a general solution for the Lie polynomial characterization problem for these algebras

    Quantum automorphism groups and SO(3)-deformations

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    We show that any compact quantum group having the same fusion rules as the ones of SO(3)SO(3) is the quantum automorphism group of a pair (A,φ)(A, \varphi), where AA is a finite dimensional C∗C^*-algebra endowed with a homogeneous faithful state. We also study the representation category of the quantum automorphism group of (A,φ)(A, \varphi) when φ\varphi is not necessarily positive, generalizing some known results, and we discuss the possibility of classifying the cosemisimple (not necessarily compact) Hopf algebras whose corepresentation semi-ring is isomorphic to that of SO(3)SO(3).Comment: Comments are welcom
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