1,147 research outputs found

    Equitability, mutual information, and the maximal information coefficient

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    Reshef et al. recently proposed a new statistical measure, the "maximal information coefficient" (MIC), for quantifying arbitrary dependencies between pairs of stochastic quantities. MIC is based on mutual information, a fundamental quantity in information theory that is widely understood to serve this need. MIC, however, is not an estimate of mutual information. Indeed, it was claimed that MIC possesses a desirable mathematical property called "equitability" that mutual information lacks. This was not proven; instead it was argued solely through the analysis of simulated data. Here we show that this claim, in fact, is incorrect. First we offer mathematical proof that no (non-trivial) dependence measure satisfies the definition of equitability proposed by Reshef et al.. We then propose a self-consistent and more general definition of equitability that follows naturally from the Data Processing Inequality. Mutual information satisfies this new definition of equitability while MIC does not. Finally, we show that the simulation evidence offered by Reshef et al. was artifactual. We conclude that estimating mutual information is not only practical for many real-world applications, but also provides a natural solution to the problem of quantifying associations in large data sets

    Convergence and regularization for monotonicity-based shape reconstruction in electrical impedance tomography

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    The inverse problem of electrical impedance tomography is severely ill-posed, meaning that, only limited information about the conductivity can in practice be recovered from boundary measurements of electric current and voltage. Recently it was shown that a simple monotonicity property of the related Neumann-to-Dirichlet map can be used to characterize shapes of inhomogeneities in a known background conductivity. In this paper we formulate a monotonicity-based shape reconstruction scheme that applies to approximative measurement models, and regularizes against noise and modelling error. We demonstrate that for admissible choices of regularization parameters the inhomogeneities are detected, and under reasonable assumptions, asymptotically exactly characterized. Moreover, we rigorously associate this result with the complete electrode model, and describe how a computationally cheap monotonicity-based reconstruction algorithm can be implemented. Numerical reconstructions from both simulated and real-life measurement data are presented

    On random tomography with unobservable projection angles

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    We formulate and investigate a statistical inverse problem of a random tomographic nature, where a probability density function on R3\mathbb{R}^3 is to be recovered from observation of finitely many of its two-dimensional projections in random and unobservable directions. Such a problem is distinct from the classic problem of tomography where both the projections and the unit vectors normal to the projection plane are observable. The problem arises in single particle electron microscopy, a powerful method that biophysicists employ to learn the structure of biological macromolecules. Strictly speaking, the problem is unidentifiable and an appropriate reformulation is suggested hinging on ideas from Kendall's theory of shape. Within this setup, we demonstrate that a consistent solution to the problem may be derived, without attempting to estimate the unknown angles, if the density is assumed to admit a mixture representation.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/08-AOS673 the Annals of Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aos/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Solar prominence modelling and plasma diagnostics at ALMA wavelengths

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    Our aim is to test potential solar prominence plasma diagnostics as obtained with the new solar capability of the Atacama Large Millimeter / submillimeter Array (ALMA). We investigate the thermal and plasma diagnostic potential of ALMA for solar prominences through the computation of brightness temperatures at ALMA wavelengths. The brightness temperature, for a chosen line of sight, is calculated using densities of hydrogen and helium obtained from a radiative transfer code under non local thermodynamic equilibrium (NLTE) conditions, as well as the input internal parameters of the prominence model in consideration. Two distinct sets of prominence models were used: isothermal-isobaric fine-structure threads, and large-scale structures with radially increasing temperature distributions representing the prominence-to-corona transition region. We compute brightness temperatures over the range of wavelengths in which ALMA is capable of observing (0.32 - 9.6mm), however we particularly focus on the bands available to solar observers in ALMA cycles 4 and 5, namely 2.6 - 3.6mm (Band 3) and 1.1 - 1.4mm (Band 6). We show how the computed brightness temperatures and optical thicknesses in our models vary with the plasma parameters (temperature and pressure) and the wavelength of observation. We then study how ALMA observables such as the ratio of brightness temperatures at two frequencies can be used to estimate the optical thickness and the emission measure for isothermal and non-isothermal prominences. From this study we conclude that, for both sets of models, ALMA presents a strong thermal diagnostic capability, provided that the interpretation of observations is supported by the use of non-LTE simulation results.Comment: Submitted to Solar Physic
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