9,924 research outputs found

    Changes in the near edge X-ray absorption fine structure of hybrid organic-inorganic resists upon exposure

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    We report on the near edge X-ray absorption fine structure (NEXAFS) spectroscopy of hybrid organic-inorganic resists. These materials are nonchemically amplified systems based on Si, Zr, and Ti oxides, synthesized from organically modified precursors and transition metal alkoxides by a sol-gel route and designed for ultraviolet, extreme ultraviolet and electron beam lithography. The experiments were conducted using a scanning transmission X-ray microscope (STXM) which combines high spatial-resolution microscopy and NEXAFS spectroscopy. The absorption spectra were collected in the proximity of the carbon edge (~ 290 eV) before and after in situ exposure, enabling the measurement of a significant photo-induced degradation of the organic group (phenyl or methyl methacrylate, respectively), the degree of which depends on the configuration of the ligand. Photo-induced degradation was more efficient in the resist synthesized with pendant phenyl substituents than it was in the case of systems based on bridging phenyl groups. The degradation of the methyl methacrylate group was relatively efficient, with about half of the initial ligands dissociated upon exposure. Our data reveal that the such dissociation can produce different outcomes, depending on the structural configuration. While all the organic groups were expected to detach and desorb from the resist in their entirety, a sizeable amount of them remain and form undesired byproducts such as alkene chains. In the framework of the materials synthesis and engineering through specific building blocks, these results provide a deeper insight into the photochemistry of resists, in particular for extreme ultraviolet lithography

    Enhancement of optical response in nanowires by negative-tone PMMA lithography

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    The method of negative-tone-PMMA electron-beam lithography is investigated to improve the performance of nanowire-based superconducting detectors. Using this approach, the superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors (SNSPDs) have been fabricated from thick 5-nm NbN film sputtered at the room temperature. To investigate the impact of this process, SNSPDs were prepared by positive-tone and negative-tone-PMMA lithography, and their electrical and photodetection characteristics at 4.2 K were compared. The SNSPDs made by negative-tone-PMMA lithography show higher critical-current density and higher photon count rate at various wavelengths. Our results suggest a higher negative-tone-PMMA technology may be preferable to the standard positive-tone-PMMA lithography for this application

    Integrated Lithographic Molding for Microneedle-Based Devices

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    This paper presents a new fabrication method consisting of lithographically defining multiple layers of high aspect-ratio photoresist onto preprocessed silicon substrates and release of the polymer by the lost mold or sacrificial layer technique, coined by us as lithographic molding. The process methodology was demonstrated fabricating out-of-plane polymeric hollow microneedles. First, the fabrication of needle tips was demonstrated for polymeric microneedles with an outer diameter of 250 mum, through-hole capillaries of 75-mum diameter and a needle shaft length of 430 mum by lithographic processing of SU-8 onto simple v-grooves. Second, the technique was extended to gain more freedom in tip shape design, needle shaft length and use of filling materials. A novel combination of silicon dry and wet etching is introduced that allows highly accurate and repetitive lithographic molding of a complex shape. Both techniques consent to the lithographic integration of microfluidic back plates forming a patch-type device. These microneedle-integrated patches offer a feasible solution for medical applications that demand an easy to use point-of-care sample collector, for example, in blood diagnostics for lithium therapy. Although microchip capillary electrophoresis glass devices were addressed earlier, here, we show for the first time the complete diagnostic method based on microneedles made from SU-8

    Patterned Nanomagnetic Films

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    Nano-fabrication technologies for realising patterned structures from thin films are reviewed. A classification is made to divide the patterning technologies in two groups namely with and without the use of masks. The more traditional methods as well as a few new methods are discussed al in relation with the application. As mask less methods we discussed direct patterning with ions including FIB, nanopaterning with electron beams, interferometric laser annealing and ion beam induced chemical vapour deposition. The methods using masks are ion irradiation and projection, interference lithography, the use of pre-etched substrates and templates from diblock copolymers and imprint technologies. First a few remarks are given about the magnetic properties of patterned films but the main part of this paper is focussed on the various patterning technologies. Finally two important applications are summarized such as media for ultra high-density recording and magnetic logic devices. Nanometer scale magnetic entities (nanoelements, nanodots, nanomagnets) form a fast growing new area of solid-state physics including the new fields of applications

    Ion beam lithography for Fresnel zone plates in X-ray microscopy

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    Fresnel Zone Plates (FZP) are to date very successful focusing optics for X-rays. Established methods of fabrication are rather complex and based on electron beam lithography (EBL). Here, we show that ion beam lithography (IBL) may advantageously simplify their preparation. A FZP operable from the extreme UV to the limit of the hard X-ray was prepared and tested from 450 eV to 1500 eV. The trapezoidal profile of the FZP favorably activates its 2nd order focus. The FZP with an outermost zone width of 100 nm allows the visualization of features down to 61, 31 and 21 nm in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd order focus respectively. Measured efficiencies in the 1st and 2nd order of diffraction reach the theoretical predictions

    Sacrificial layer process with laser-driven release for batch assembly operations

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