551 research outputs found

    Resilient Network Coding in the Presence of Byzantine Adversaries

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    Network coding substantially increases network throughput. But since it involves mixing of information inside the network, a single corrupted packet generated by a malicious node can end up contaminating all the information reaching a destination, preventing decoding. This paper introduces distributed polynomial-time rate-optimal network codes that work in the presence of Byzantine nodes. We present algorithms that target adversaries with different attacking capabilities. When the adversary can eavesdrop on all links and jam zO links, our first algorithm achieves a rate of C - 2zO, where C is the network capacity. In contrast, when the adversary has limited eavesdropping capabilities, we provide algorithms that achieve the higher rate of C - zO. Our algorithms attain the optimal rate given the strength of the adversary. They are information-theoretically secure. They operate in a distributed manner, assume no knowledge of the topology, and can be designed and implemented in polynomial time. Furthermore, only the source and destination need to be modified; nonmalicious nodes inside the network are oblivious to the presence of adversaries and implement a classical distributed network code. Finally, our algorithms work over wired and wireless networks

    Resilient Network Coding In the Presence of Byzantine Adversaries

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    Network coding substantially increases network throughput. But since it involves mixing of information inside the network, a single corrupted packet generated by a malicious node can end up contaminating all the information reaching a destination, preventing decoding. This paper introduces the first distributed polynomial-time rate-optimal network codes that work in the presence of Byzantine nodes. We present algorithms that target adversaries with different attacking capabilities. When the adversary can eavesdrop on all links and jam Z links , our first algorithm achieves a rate of C-2Z, where C is the network capacity. In contrast, when the adversary has limited snooping capabilities, we provide algorithms that achieve the higher rate of C-Z

    Resilient Network Coding in the Presence of Byzantine Adversaries

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    Algebraic Watchdog: Mitigating Misbehavior in Wireless Network Coding

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    We propose a secure scheme for wireless network coding, called the algebraic watchdog. By enabling nodes to detect malicious behaviors probabilistically and use overheard messages to police their downstream neighbors locally, the algebraic watchdog delivers a secure global self-checking network. Unlike traditional Byzantine detection protocols which are receiver-based, this protocol gives the senders an active role in checking the node downstream. The key idea is inspired by Marti et al.'s watchdog-pathrater, which attempts to detect and mitigate the effects of routing misbehavior. As an initial building block of a such system, we first focus on a two-hop network. We present a graphical model to understand the inference process nodes execute to police their downstream neighbors; as well as to compute, analyze, and approximate the probabilities of misdetection and false detection. In addition, we present an algebraic analysis of the performance using an hypothesis testing framework that provides exact formulae for probabilities of false detection and misdetection. We then extend the algebraic watchdog to a more general network setting, and propose a protocol in which we can establish trust in coded systems in a distributed manner. We develop a graphical model to detect the presence of an adversarial node downstream within a general multi-hop network. The structure of the graphical model (a trellis) lends itself to well-known algorithms, such as the Viterbi algorithm, which can compute the probabilities of misdetection and false detection. We show analytically that as long as the min-cut is not dominated by the Byzantine adversaries, upstream nodes can monitor downstream neighbors and allow reliable communication with certain probability. Finally, we present simulation results that support our analysis.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figures, Submitted to IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC) "Advances in Military Networking and Communications

    Byzantine Modification Detection in Multicast Networks With Random Network Coding

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    An information-theoretic approach for detecting Byzantine or adversarial modifications in networks employing random linear network coding is described. Each exogenous source packet is augmented with a flexible number of hash symbols that are obtained as a polynomial function of the data symbols. This approach depends only on the adversary not knowing the random coding coefficients of all other packets received by the sink nodes when designing its adversarial packets. We show how the detection probability varies with the overhead (ratio of hash to data symbols), coding field size, and the amount of information unknown to the adversary about the random code

    A Multi-hop Multi-source Algebraic Watchdog

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    In our previous work "An Algebraic Watchdog for Wireless Network Coding", we proposed a new scheme in which nodes can detect malicious behaviors probabilistically, police their downstream neighbors locally using overheard messages; thus, provide a secure global "self-checking network". As the first building block of such a system, we focused on a two-hop network, and presented a graphical model to understand the inference process by which nodes police their downstream neighbors and to compute the probabilities of misdetection and false detection. In this paper, we extend the Algebraic Watchdog to a more general network setting, and propose a protocol in which we can establish "trust" in coded systems in a distributed manner. We develop a graphical model to detect the presence of an adversarial node downstream within a general two-hop network. The structure of the graphical model (a trellis) lends itself to well-known algorithms, such as Viterbi algorithm, that can compute the probabilities of misdetection and false detection. Using this as a building block, we generalize our scheme to multi-hop networks. We show analytically that as long as the min-cut is not dominated by the Byzantine adversaries, upstream nodes can monitor downstream neighbors and allow reliable communication with certain probability. Finally, we present preliminary simulation results that support our analysis.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, to appear in IEEE ITW Dublin 201