765 research outputs found

    Urban Design in Neighbourhood Commodification

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    The intention to promote local economic development through place marketing and urban design based interventions is linked to the commodification of the city, a trend emerging parallel to a new milieu for intercity competition. The aim with this paper is to highlight how urban design is used as a tool by the municipality to sell the city as a place to live, work and invest in. The focus is on the physical characteristics and function of two urban renewal projects and how the municipality has looked into these neighbourhoods in connection to the image that it wants to promote for the city. The analysis focuses on official plans and documentation, and on expert interviews. It distinguishes between product-oriented and process-oriented interventions. The reabilitation of the physical space is used to promote discourses on sustainability, innovation and creativity and, throught these discourses, generate an appealing image for investments. The paper aims to contribute to the discussions on the transformation of the role of the urban design and planning in contexts of entrepreneurial urban governance, place-marketing strategies, and the neoliberalization of planningUrban design; entrepreneurial urban governance; Malmö; Sweden

    Physical activity as a treatment in primary health care. The role of the GP and Somali women’s views and levels of physical activity.

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    Physical inactivity has been identified as the fourth leading risk factor for global mortality and healthcare systems play a major role in increasing physical activity among the population. Physical activity on prescription (PAP) is a non-pharmacological method used in Swedish healthcare to prevent and treat disease. Primary health care is the first level of care, in a strong position to work for increasing physical activity on a primary and secondary level among the population, patients and vulnerable groups. Somali women living in Sweden are vulnerable and susceptible to bad health, due to physical inactivity. The general aim was to increase the numbers of prescribed PAP, investigate GP´s view and use of PAP and to elucidate facilitators and barriers to a physical active lifestyle among Somali women and their actual level of physical activity and inactivity. The thesis comprised four studies with three different designs conducted within primary health care in southern Sweden. The intervention in paper I was to alter routines prescribing PAP. Paper II and III were qualitative focus group studies where GPs views of PAP and Somali women’s views of physical activity were elucidated. In Paper IV Somali women’s physical activity levels were monitored. We found that an increase of PAP prescribed by GPs was possible when involving a physiotherapist to individualize the prescription. GPs see it as their responsibility to optimize the total use of healthcare resources to ensure the best possible access for those in need of care, and thus prescribing PAP is regarded by GPs as a task with low priority that should involve physiotherapists and nurses in the team. Somali women living in Sweden are a vulnerable group susceptible to non-communicable diseases indicating low levels of physical activity and sedentary behaviours. Life post migration gives little incentive to adopt a physically active lifestyle even though physical activity is considered to be a part of health. This thesis indicates that in order for PAP to become everyday practice among GPs there is a need to create routines involving personnel with knowledge of how to individualize the prescription, preferably a physiotherapist. Somali women living in Sweden need individualized, tailored interventions with respect for Somali traditions to meet global guidelines of physical activity

    Exploring CEO's Leadership Frames and E-Commerce Adoption Among Bruneian SMEs

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    The Concept, Policy and Implication of Environtmental Sustainability in Islamic Universities in Indonesia

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    One example of great achievement in Islamic studies in Indonesia is the integration and interconnection of numerous disciplines of knowledge through Islamic institutions. This method has been concretized over the last two decades by transforming Islamic institutes into universities, allowing them to extend numerous scientific areas, notably social humanities and science, by merging them with Islamic studies. When the modern era's environmental problem has impacted practically every country around the globe, including Indonesia, the question is how Islamic colleges may help alleviate the environmental crisis through an integrative-interconnected strategy. This research investigates the concepts, methods, and actual tactical measures undertaken by Islamic universities in Indonesia, as well as their significance in the fight against environmental issues. The study is based on qualitative data obtained from the State Islamic University (UIN) of Raden Intan Lampung. The study's findings show that the conceptualizations and strategies of Indonesian Islamic institutions are situated in the context of addressing the environmental crisis. The concept has advanced to the level of environmental conservation curriculum. Similarly, at the policy level, it has been employed for spatial planning and campus infrastructure development. However, because these stages are still internal, there are no concrete consequences or impacts. The efforts of Islamic institutions in Indonesia have not been successful in resolving the country's environmental issues. Salah satu contoh pencapaian besar studi Islam di Indonesia adalah integrasi dan interkoneksi berbagai disiplin ilmu melalui lembaga-lembaga Islam. Metode ini telah dikonkretkan selama dua dekade terakhir dengan mengubah institut Islam menjadi universitas, yang memungkinkan mereka memperluas berbagai bidang ilmiah, terutama humaniora sosial dan sains, dengan menggabungkannya dengan studi Islam. Ketika masalah lingkungan era modern telah berdampak pada hampir setiap negara di dunia, termasuk Indonesia, pertanyaannya adalah bagaimana perguruan tinggi Islam dapat membantu meringankan krisis lingkungan melalui strategi yang saling berhubungan dan integratif. Penelitian ini mengkaji konsep, metode, dan langkah taktis aktual yang dilakukan universitas Islam di Indonesia, serta signifikansinya dalam melawan isu lingkungan. Kajian ini didasarkan pada data kualitatif yang diperoleh dari Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Raden Intan Lampung. Temuan studi menunjukkan bahwa konseptualisasi dan strategi lembaga Islam Indonesia terletak dalam konteks mengatasi krisis lingkungan. Konsep tersebut telah maju ke tingkat kurikulum pelestarian lingkungan. Demikian pula di tingkat kebijakan, telah digunakan untuk perencanaan tata ruang dan pembangunan infrastruktur kampus. Namun, karena tahapan-tahapan tersebut masih bersifat internal, tidak ada konsekuensi atau dampak yang nyata. Upaya lembaga-lembaga Islam di Indonesia belum berhasil menyelesaikan masalah lingkungan negara


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    Open innovation has challenged and redefined the way organizations approach innovation and interact with stakeholders in the business environment. The democratization of work life has led to an increasing degree of inclusion of ordinary employees in the innovation processes, known as employee-driven innovation. Research on employee-driven innovation has up until now strongly focused on the characteristics and prerequisites for this form of innovation to arise. To a lesser extent, research has looked at how to facilitate the process of employee-driven innovation within organizations. Hackathons have emerged as a structured way to approach innovation in many organizations, especially software companies. In this study, we use a major international software company as a case study to look at the extent to which hackathons can facilitate employee-driven innovation, and especially digital innovation. We name this employee-driven digital innovation for two reasons: 1) because innovation processes are digitally mediated and 2) because the innovation products are also digital. Finally, based on theory from employee-driven innovation, we provide guidelines on how hackathons should be designed to increase the effects of hackathons as an enabler of employee-driven digital innovation
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