5 research outputs found

    Technological research in the EU is less efficient than the world average. EU research policy risks Europeans' future

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    We have studied the efficiency of research in the EU by a percentile-based citation approach that analyzes the distribution of country papers among the world papers. Going up in the citation scale, the frequency of papers from efficient countries increases while the frequency from inefficient countries decreases. In the percentile-based approach, this trend, which is permanent at any citation level, is measured by the ep index that equals the Ptop 1%/Ptop 10% ratio. By using the ep index we demonstrate that EU research on fast-evolving technological topics is less efficient than the world average and that the EU is far from being able to compete with the most advanced countries. The ep index also shows that the USA is well ahead of the EU in both fast- and slow-evolving technologies, which suggests that the advantage of the USA over the EU in innovation is due to low research efficiency in the EU. In accord with some previous studies, our results show that the European Commission's ongoing claims about the excellence of EU research are based on a wrong diagnosis. The EU must focus its research policy on the improvement of its inefficient research. Otherwise, the future of Europeans is at risk.Comment: 30 pages, 3 figures, 7 tables, in one single file. Version accepted in Journal of Informetric

    Propuesta de un 铆ndice de impacto de las revistas colombianas de ciencias sociales y humanidades (Col-Index) y su aplicaci贸n para la evaluaci贸n de la actividad cient铆fica nacional

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    La presente tesis doctoral tiene como finalidad, mostrar la utilidad de una herramienta de evaluaci贸n basada en un 铆ndice de impacto, que a partir de un conjunto de revistas fuente eval煤e la investigaci贸n en varios niveles y permita describir la actividad cient铆fica nacional, utilizando indicadores bibliom茅tricos y la cita como principal medida de an谩lisis. La investigaci贸n ha sido concebida teniendo que cuenta que una de las problem谩ticas que afecta a los procesos de evaluaci贸n y comunicaci贸n cient铆fica en Colombia, es la limitaci贸n de las herramientas que estudian las revistas y la investigaci贸n registrada en ellas, unido a las dificultades de los 铆ndices de citaci贸n tradicionales para evaluar las Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades, con menor representaci贸n en los principales canales de comunicaci贸n de la ciencia. Ante este panorama relacionado con la ausencia de productos para el an谩lisis y mejoramiento de las revistas, que aporten descriptivas de las comunidades cient铆ficas, se necesita de modelos de comunicaci贸n especialmente para las Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades con criterios m谩s ajustados al contexto en el que trabajan. Para lo anterior, se analizan los principales referentes tanto te贸ricos como de antecedentes que ayudaran a plantear una propuesta apropiada a dichas insuficiencias, similar a Dialnet M茅tricas Espa帽a y otros productos creados anteriormente con similares prop贸sitos. Se profundiza en aspectos relevantes sobre m茅todos e indicadores bibliom茅tricos, fuentes de datos y metodolog铆as de evaluaci贸n y clasificaci贸n de revistas ya empleadas en distintos escenarios, informaci贸n clave para desarrollar la propuesta metodol贸gica de un 铆ndice de citas, que no solo analice las revistas colombianas del 谩mbito seleccionado, sino que sirva de punto de partida para poner en marcha el producto y sea capaz de evaluar otros actores dentro de la ciencia nacional. Se aborda la importancia de las revistas como principal medio de comunicaci贸n de la ciencia y canal esencial para la visibilidad y valoraci贸n del rendimiento de las comunidades cient铆ficas, evaluadas tanto por el cumplimiento de criterios editoriales como bibliom茅tricos. Se valora su papel como principal indicio de calidad de la investigaci贸n dentro del ecosistema de investigaci贸n y comunicaci贸n de la ciencia, sus caracter铆sticas, fortalezas y limitaciones actuales. Los principales resultados permiten conocer la limitada presencia de las revistas en los 铆ndices y fuentes de mayor prestigio y el escaso volumen de citas que aun reciben las contribuciones publicadas en las revistas nacionales, lo que genera bajos 铆ndices de impacto, situaci贸n que necesita trabajarse desde la calidad de los contenidos y la generaci贸n de estrategias de visibilidad en busca de mejoras al producto. Otros aspectos como la presencia de mayor colaboraci贸n nacional en la producci贸n cient铆fica del 谩mbito estudiado, la tendencia a publicar en revistas nacionales y poca exportaci贸n de investigaci贸n, diversidad de instituciones y autores nacionales que aportan a la producci贸n cient铆fica, adem谩s de la importancia que tiene la contribuci贸n bibliotecaria, son elementos importantes que ayudan a la mejora futura del producto. Como conclusi贸n de la tesis doctoral, junto a la propuesta metodol贸gica del nuevo producto y la obtenci贸n de informaci贸n sobre las revistas y distintos actores del sistema cient铆fico nacional en el 谩mbito escogido, se justifica la importancia y contribuci贸n de una herramienta basada en citas que ayude al mejoramiento de las revistas y la actividad cient铆fica nacional por medio de una metodolog铆a inclusiva, con aportes significativos al proceso de comunicaci贸n cient铆fica en Colombia.The purpose of this doctoral thesis is to show the utility of an evaluation tool based on an impact index, which based on scientifics journals, evaluate research at various levels and allows describing national scientific activity, using bibliometric indicators and citation as the main measure of analysis. The research has been planned to take into account that one of the problems that affects the processes of evaluation and scientific communication in Colombia, is the limitation of the tools that study the journals and the research registered in them, and the difficulties of the traditional citation indexes to evaluate the Social Sciences and Humanities, with less representation in the main communication channels of science. Before this scenario related to the absence of products for the analysis and improvement of journals, which provide descriptions of scientific communities, communication models are needed, especially for the Social Sciences and Humanities with criteria more adjusted to the specific contexts. The main theoretical and background references were analyzed that would help to propose an appropriate proposal to said insufficiencies, similar to Dialnet M茅tricas Espa帽a and other products created previously with similar purposes. It deepened into relevant aspects of bibliometric methods and indicators, data sources and methodologies for the evaluation and classification of journals already used, key information to develop the methodological proposal of a citation index, which not only analyzes Colombian journals in the field selected, but rather serve as a starting point to launch the product and be capable of evaluating other actors within national science. The importance of journals as the main media of science and an essential channel for the visibility and evaluation of the performance of scientific communities, evaluated by editorial and bibliometric criteria, is addressed. Its role is valued as the main indicator of research quality within the science research and communication ecosystem, its characteristics, strengths and current limitations. The main results revealed the limited presence of journals in the most prestigious indices and sources and the low volume of citations that contributions published in national journals still receive, which generates low impact rates, a situation that needs to be addressed from the content quality and the generation of visibility strategies in search of improvements to the product. Other aspects such as the presence of higher national collaboration in the scientific production of the field studied, the tendency to publish in national journals and less export of research, diversity of institutions and national authors that contribute to scientific production, in addition to the importance of library contribution, are important elements that help the future improvement of the index. As a conclusion of this doctoral thesis, with the methodological proposal of the new product and the obtaining of information on the journals and different actors of the national scientific system in the chosen field, the importance and contribution of a citation-based tool that helps the improvement of journals and national scientific activity through an inclusive methodology, with significant contributions to the process of scientific communication in Colombia