3,990 research outputs found

    Semi-Trusted Mixer Based Privacy Preserving Distributed Data Mining for Resource Constrained Devices

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    In this paper a homomorphic privacy preserving association rule mining algorithm is proposed which can be deployed in resource constrained devices (RCD). Privacy preserved exchange of counts of itemsets among distributed mining sites is a vital part in association rule mining process. Existing cryptography based privacy preserving solutions consume lot of computation due to complex mathematical equations involved. Therefore less computation involved privacy solutions are extremely necessary to deploy mining applications in RCD. In this algorithm, a semi-trusted mixer is used to unify the counts of itemsets encrypted by all mining sites without revealing individual values. The proposed algorithm is built on with a well known communication efficient association rule mining algorithm named count distribution (CD). Security proofs along with performance analysis and comparison show the well acceptability and effectiveness of the proposed algorithm. Efficient and straightforward privacy model and satisfactory performance of the protocol promote itself among one of the initiatives in deploying data mining application in RCD.Comment: IEEE Publication format, International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security, IJCSIS, Vol. 8 No. 1, April 2010, USA. ISSN 1947 5500, http://sites.google.com/site/ijcsis

    Privacy preserving data mining

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    A fruitful direction for future data mining research will be the development of technique that incorporates privacy concerns. Specifically, we address the following question. Since the primary task in data mining is the development of models about aggregated data, can we develop accurate models without access to precise information in individual data records? We analyze the possibility of privacy in data mining techniques in two phasesrandomization and reconstruction. Data mining services require accurate input data for their results to be meaningful, but privacy concerns may influence users to provide spurious information. To preserve client privacy in the data mining process, techniques based on random perturbation of data records are used. Suppose there are many clients, each having some personal information, and one server, which is interested only in aggregate, statistically significant, properties of this information. The clients can protect privacy of their data by perturbing it with a randomization algorithm and then submitting the randomized version. This approach is called randomization. The randomization algorithm is chosen so that aggregate properties of the data can be recovered with sufficient precision, while individual entries are significantly distorted. For the concept of using value distortion to protect privacy to be useful, we need to be able to reconstruct the original data distribution so that data mining techniques can be effectively utilized to yield the required statistics. Analysis Let xi be the original instance of data at client i. We introduce a random shift yi using randomization technique explained below. The server runs the reconstruction algorithm (also explained below) on the perturbed value zi = xi + yi to get an approximate of the original data distribution suitable for data mining applications. Randomization We have used the following randomizing operator for data perturbation: Given x, let R(x) be x+€ (mod 1001) where € is chosen uniformly at random in {-100…100}. Reconstruction of discrete data set P(X=x) = f X (x) ----Given P(Y=y) = F y (y) ---Given P (Z=z) = f Z (z) ---Given f (X/Z) = P(X=x | Z=z) = P(X=x, Z=z)/P (Z=z) = P(X=x, X+Y=Z)/ f Z (z) = P(X=x, Y=Z - X)/ f Z (z) = P(X=x)*P(Y=Z-X)/ f Z (z) = P(X=x)*P(Y=y)/ f Z (z) Results In this project we have done two aspects of privacy preserving data mining. The first phase involves perturbing the original data set using ‘randomization operator’ techniques and the second phase deals with reconstructing the randomized data set using the proposed algorithm to get an approximate of the original data set. The performance metrics like percentage deviation, accuracy and privacy breaches were calculated. In this project we studied the technical feasibility of realizing privacy preserving data mining. The basic promise was that the sensitive values in a user’s record will be perturbed using a randomizing function and an approximate of the perturbed data set be recovered using reconstruction algorithm

    Efficient Privacy Preserving Distributed Clustering Based on Secret Sharing

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    In this paper, we propose a privacy preserving distributed clustering protocol for horizontally partitioned data based on a very efficient homomorphic additive secret sharing scheme. The model we use for the protocol is novel in the sense that it utilizes two non-colluding third parties. We provide a brief security analysis of our protocol from information theoretic point of view, which is a stronger security model. We show communication and computation complexity analysis of our protocol along with another protocol previously proposed for the same problem. We also include experimental results for computation and communication overhead of these two protocols. Our protocol not only outperforms the others in execution time and communication overhead on data holders, but also uses a more efficient model for many data mining applications

    Privacy preserving association rule mining using attribute-identity mapping

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    Association rule mining uncovers hidden yet important patterns in data. Discovery of the patterns helps data owners to make right decision to enhance efficiency, increase profit and reduce loss. However, there is privacy concern especially when the data owner is not the miner or when many parties are involved. This research studied privacy preserving association rule mining (PPARM) of horizontally partitioned and outsourced data. Existing research works in the area concentrated mainly on the privacy issue and paid very little attention to data quality issue. Meanwhile, the more the data quality, the more accurate and reliable will the association rules be. Consequently, this research proposed Attribute-Identity Mapping (AIM) as a PPARM technique to address the data quality issue. Given a dataset, AIM identifies set of attributes, attribute values for each attribute. It then assigns ‘unique’ identity for each of the attributes and their corresponding values. It then generates sanitized dataset by replacing each attribute and its values with their corresponding identities. For privacy preservation purpose, the sanitization process will be carried out by data owners. They then send the sanitized data, which is made up of only identities, to data miner. When any or all the data owners need(s) ARM result from the aggregate data, they send query to the data miner. The query constitutes attributes (in form of identities), minSup and minConf thresholds and then number of rules they are want. Results obtained show that the PPARM technique maintains 100% data quality without compromising privacy, using Census Income dataset

    State of the Art in Privacy Preserving Data Mining

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    Privacy is one of the most important properties an information system must satisfy. A relatively new trend shows that classical access control techniques are not sufficient to guarantee privacy when Data Mining techniques are used. Such a trend, especially in the context of public databases, or in the context of sensible information related to critical infrastructures, represents, nowadays a not negligible thread. Privacy Preserving Data Mining (PPDM) algorithms have been recently introduced with the aim of modifying the database in such a way to prevent the discovery of sensible information. This is a very complex task and there exist in the scientific literature some different approaches to the problem. In this work we present a "Survey" of the current PPDM methodologies which seem promising for the future.JRC.G.6-Sensors, radar technologies and cybersecurit