8,184 research outputs found

    Ready for Tomorrow: Demand-Side Emerging Skills for the 21st Century

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    As part of the Ready for the Job demand-side skill assessment, the Heldrich Center explored emerging work skills that will affect New Jersey's workforce in the next three to five years. The Heldrich Center identified five specific areas likely to generate new skill demands: biotechnology, security, e-learning, e-commerce, and food/agribusiness. This report explores the study's findings and offers recommendations for improving education and training in New Jersey

    Social Responsibility of Multinational Corporations to Train Their Personnel. An Evaluation of Explanatory Variables for a Telecommunications Company

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    Corporate social responsibility in the field of employee-employer relation has enjoyed a growing attention in recent years. In this context, workplace training plays an essential role for the harmony of interdependence between community and company. This paper provides a top-down analysis of training effects and a model for an empirical evaluation of explanatory variables for training intensity in the case of a multinational telecommunications company. The analysis of training effects revealed that there are important motivational, social and functional benefits for the employee. Empirical results were dependent on the calculation method of training intensity. Thus, the percentage of employees from a subsidiary, which participates in a training program, is related to the degree of market development but not to the average labour productivity. Nevertheless, when training intensity is expressed as the number of hours of training compared to the total person-hours worked, there is empirical evidence that both labour productivity and market development can be accepted as explanatory variables. The examination of results has highlighted significant discrepancies in personnel training between developed countries and less developed ones.corporate social responsibility, workplace training, multinational corporations, labour productivity, development of telecommunications market

    The Privatization of AI Research(-ers): Causes and Potential Consequences -- From university-industry interaction to public research brain-drain?

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    The private sector is playing an increasingly important role in basic Artificial Intelligence (AI) R&D. This phenomenon, which is reflected in the perception of a brain drain of researchers from academia to industry, is raising concerns about a privatisation of AI research which could constrain its societal benefits. We contribute to the evidence base by quantifying transition flows between industry and academia and studying its drivers and potential consequences. We find a growing net flow of researchers from academia to industry, particularly from elite institutions into technology companies such as Google, Microsoft and Facebook. Our survival regression analysis reveals that researchers working in the field of deep learning as well as those with higher average impact are more likely to transition into industry. A difference-in-differences analysis of the effect of switching into industry on a researcher's influence proxied by citations indicates that an initial increase in impact declines as researchers spend more time in industry. This points at a privatisation of AI knowledge compared to a counterfactual where those high-impact researchers had remained in academia. Our findings highlight the importance of strengthening the public AI research sphere in order to ensure that the future of this powerful technology is not dominated by private interests

    Skills-First Approach in the Context of the Twin Transition

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    Skills, reskilling and higher qualifications have become increasingly important in the labor market as a result of the labor shortage faced by economic agents. This labor shortage is due to the effects of the twin ecological and digital transitions, demographic aging and the speed with which skill requirements in the labor market are changing and will trigger significant changes in the labor market. The aim of the paper is to understand the changes on the labor market in the context of the acceleration of twin transitions and how the skills-first approach could improve this transition in Romania. After reviewing the specialized literature and presenting the theoretical framework, the evolution of the Beveridge Curve in the period 2008-2022 and the social impact of the twin transition will be analyzed. The results underline the maintenance of the low capacity of the economy to create new jobs, as well as the large number of people without a job in the period 2020-2022. The top skill required on the labor market is the use of digital tools and top occupations in this skill are of ICT professionals, researchers, engineers

    Emergency Services Workforce 2030: Changing landscape literature review

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    The Changing Landscape Literature Review collates a high-level evidence base around seven major themes in the changing landscape (i.e., the external environment) that fire, emergency service, and rural land management agencies operate in, and which will shape workforce planning and capability requirements over the next decade. It is an output of the Workforce 2030 project and is one of two literature reviews that summarise the research base underpinning a high-level integrative report of emerging workforce challenges and opportunities, Emergency Services Workforce 2030. Workforce 2030 aimed to highlight major trends and developments likely to impact the future workforces of emergency service organisations, and their potential implications. The starting point for the project was a question: What can research from outside the sphere of emergency management add to our knowledge of wider trends and developments likely to shape the future emergency services workforce, and their implications? The seven themes included in the Changing Landscape Literature Review are: 1) demographic changes, 2) changing nature of work, 3) changes in volunteering, 4) physical technology, 5) digital technology, 6) shifting expectations, and changing risk. A second, accompanying literature review, the Changing Work Literature Review, focuses on another nine themes related to emergency service organisation’s internal workforce management approaches and working environments

    Labour Administration Reforms in China

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    [Excerpt] This publication provides an explanation of the comprehensive labour administration system in China, including its recent advances, with emphasis on its public services functions, such as public employment, labour inspection and social insurance services. With the recent improvements to both the legal framework and the institutions of labour administration, it is believed that these public services will play bigger and more active roles in ensuring compliance with legislation and protecting the legitimate rights and interests of employers and workers alike

    Review of the Corporate Social Responsibility Programmes of the Platinum, Coal, Gold and Uranium Mining Sectors in South Africa

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    This is a study on the mining houses in Rustenburg and looks at how they carried out their corporate social responsibility duties - how they comply with the legislative overview of black economic empowerment, their social license obligations, and how they measured up to the MMSD (Mining, Minerals and Sustainable Development) framework

    Identifying Characteristics for Success of Robotic Process Automations

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    In the pursuit of digital transformation, the Air Force creates digital airmen. Digital airmen are robotic process automations designed to eliminate the repetitive high-volume low-cognitive tasks that absorb so much of our Airmen\u27s time. The automation product results in more time to focus on tasks that machines cannot sufficiently perform data analytics and improving the Air Force\u27s informed decision-making. This research investigates the assessment of potential automation cases to ensure that we choose viable tasks for automation and applies multivariate analysis to determine which factors indicate successful projects. The data is insufficient to provide significant insights

    Knowledge Management for Policy: Stocktaking of one year of JRC activities

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    Improving knowledge management and collaborative working is a priority for overcoming silos mentalities and connecting synergies between portfolios, as envisaged in the Commission Communication C(2016)6626. In its 2030 Strategy, the JRC took up this challenge by 1) introducing a horizontal ‘knowledge management’ layer in the organigram, to mobilise scientific competences from different Directorates around the Commission’s policy goals 2) championing the implementation of new collaboration practices and platforms as well as the development of a knowledge management professionalisation programme; 3) starting to transform itself from a traditional research-producing organisation into a world-leading manager of knowledge for EU policy-making. One year after the reorganisation carried out on the 1st of July 2016 to align the JRC organigram with the new strategy, this report reviews the progress made and describes the main achievements.JRC.H-Knowledge Management (Ispra
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