98 research outputs found

    Analyzing fluctuation of topics and public sentiment through social media data

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    Over the past decade years, Internet users were expending rapidly in the world. They form various online social networks through such Internet platforms as Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. These platforms provide a fast way that helps their users receive and disseminate information and express personal opinions in virtual space. When dealing with massive and chaotic social media data, how to accurately determine what events or concepts users are discussing is an interesting and important problem. This dissertation work mainly consists of two parts. First, this research pays attention to mining the hidden topics and user interest trend by analyzing real-world social media activities. Topic modeling and sentiment analysis methods are proposed to classify the social media posts into different sentiment classes and then discover the trend of sentiment based on different topics over time. The presented case study focuses on COVID-19 pandemic that started in 2019. A large amount of Twitter data is collected and used to discover the vaccine-related topics during the pre- and post-vaccine emergency use period. By using the proposed framework, 11 vaccine-related trend topics are discovered. Ultimately the discovered topics can be used to improve the readability of confusing messages about vaccines on social media and provide effective results to support policymakers in making their policy their informed decisions about public health. Second, using conventional topic models cannot deal with the sparsity problem of short text. A novel topic model, named Topic Noise based-Biterm Topic Model with FastText embeddings (TN-BTMF), is proposed to deal with this problem. Word co-occurrence patterns (i.e. biterms) are dirctly generated in BTM. A scoring method based on word co-occurrence and semantic similarity is proposed to detect noise biterms. In th

    Improving international attractiveness of higher education institutions based on text mining and sentiment analysis

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    Purpose: The increasing competition among higher education institutions (HEI) has led students to conduct a more in-depth analysis to choose where to study abroad. Since students are usually unable to visit each HEIs before making their decision, they are strongly influenced by what is written by former international students (IS) on the Internet. HEIs also benefit from such information online. This paper aims to provide an understanding of the drivers of HEIs success online. Design/methodology/approach: Due to the increasing amount of information published online, HEIs have to use automatic techniques to search for patterns instead of analyzing such information manually. The present paper uses text mining and sentiment analysis to study online reviews of IS about their HEIs. The paper studied 1938 reviews from 65 different business schools with AACSB accreditation. Findings: Results show that HEIs may become more attractive online if they financially support students cost of living, provide courses in English, and promote an international environment. Research limitations/implications Despite the use of a major platform with a broad number of reviews from students around the world, other sources focused on other types of HEIs may have been used to reinforce the findings in the current paper. Originality/value: The study pioneers the use of text mining and sentiment analysis to highlight topics and sentiments mentioned in online reviews by students attending HEIs, clarifying how such opinions are correlated with satisfaction. Using such information, HEIs’ managers may focus their efforts on promoting international attractiveness of their institutions.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Adversarial learning of poisson factorisation model for gauging brand sentiment in user reviews

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    In this paper, we propose the Brand-Topic Model (BTM) which aims to detect brand-associated polarity-bearing topics from product reviews. Different from existing models for sentiment-topic extraction which assume topics are grouped under discrete sentiment categories such as `positive', `negative' and `neural', BTM is able to automatically infer real-valued brand-associated sentiment scores and generate fine-grained sentiment-topics in which we can observe continuous changes of words under a certain topic (e.g., `shaver' or `cream') while its associated sentiment gradually varies from negative to positive. BTM is built on the Poisson factorisation model with the incorporation of adversarial learning. It has been evaluated on a dataset constructed from Amazon reviews. Experimental results show that BTM outperforms a number of competitive baselines in brand ranking, achieving a better balance of topic coherence and uniqueness, and extracting better-separated polarity-bearing topics

    Hybrid intelligence for data mining

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    Today, enormous amount of data are being recorded in all kinds of activities. This sheer size provides an excellent opportunity for data scientists to retrieve valuable information using data mining techniques. Due to the complexity of data in many neoteric problems, one-size-fits-all solutions are seldom able to provide satisfactory answers. Although the studies of data mining have been active, hybrid techniques are rarely scrutinized in detail. Currently, not many techniques can handle time-varying properties while performing their core functions, neither do they retrieve and combine information from heterogeneous dimensions, e.g., textual and numerical horizons. This thesis summarizes our investigations on hybrid methods to provide data mining solutions to problems involving non-trivial datasets, such as trajectories, microblogs, and financial data. First, time-varying dynamic Bayesian networks are extended to consider both causal and dynamic regularization requirements. Combining with density-based clustering, the enhancements overcome the difficulties in modeling spatial-temporal data where heterogeneous patterns, data sparseness and distribution skewness are common. Secondly, topic-based methods are proposed for emerging outbreak and virality predictions on microblogs. Complicated models that consider structural details are popular while others might have taken overly simplified assumptions to sacrifice accuracy for efficiency. Our proposed virality prediction solution delivers the benefits of both worlds. It considers the important characteristics of a structure yet without the burden of fine details to reduce complexity. Thirdly, the proposed topic-based approach for microblog mining is extended for sentiment prediction problems in finance. Sentiment-of-topic models are learned from both commentaries and prices for better risk management. Moreover, previously proposed, supervised topic model provides an avenue to associate market volatility with financial news yet it displays poor resolutions at extreme regions. To overcome this problem, extreme topic model is proposed to predict volatility in financial markets by using supervised learning. By mapping extreme events into Poisson point processes, volatile regions are magnified to reveal their hidden volatility-topic relationships. Lastly, some of the proposed hybrid methods are applied to service computing to verify that they are sufficiently generic for wider applications

    Twitter alloy steel disambiguation and user relevance via one-class and two-class news titles classifiers

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    This paper addresses the nontrivial task of Twitter financial disam- biguation (TFD), which is relevant to filter financial domain tweets (e.g., alloy steel or coffee prices) when no unique identifiers (e.g., cashtags) are adopted. To automate TFD, we propose a transfer learning approach that uses freely labeled news titles to train diverse one-class and two-class classification methods. These include different text handling transforms, adaptations of statistical measures and modern machine learning methods, including support vector machines (SVM), deep autoencoders and multilayer perceptrons. As a case study, we analyzed the domain of alloy steel prices, collecting a recent Twitter dataset. Overall, the best results were achieved by a two-class SVM fed with TFD statistical measures and topic model features, obtaining an 80% and 71% discrimination level when tested with 11,081 and 3,000 manually labeled tweets. The best one-class performance (78% and 69% for the same test tweets) was obtained by a term frequency-inverse document frequency classifier (TF-IDFC). These models were further used to gen- erate a Financial User Relevance rank (FUR) score, aiming to filter relevant users. The SVM and TF-IDFC FUR models obtained a predictive user discrimination level of 80% and 75% when tested with a manually labeled test sample of 418 users. These results confirm the proposed joint TFD-FUR approach as a valuable tool for the selection of Twitter texts and users for financial social media analytics (e.g., sentiment analysis, detection of influential users).Research carried out with the support of resources of Big and Open Data Innovation Laboratory (BODaI-Lab), University of Brescia, granted by Fondazione Cariplo and Regione Lombardia
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