3 research outputs found


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    Currently the development of information technology has driven the development of e-commerce which is quite promising in Indonesia. This development has brought an era of new digital-based creative developments. Agriculture as one of the economic and community welfare bases in Indonesia needs to be developed and supported with digital finance. Several agricultural markets have been established in Indonesia to help farmers to participate in digital economic activities. Some e-commerce systems that have been built in Indonesia only help the downstream process or the marketing process. While farmers need information that can help them for agricultural purposes. Machine learning technology uses data collected in the agricultural marketplace system to be used in building a social assessment system. Recommendations for agricultural activities are adjusted to the cost of agriculture, location of agriculture, pricing of agricultural commodities at the time of receipt and timing of agricultural activities. In this research an analysis and design of an agricultural e-commerce system will be provided to provide farmers to sell their agricultural products at competitive prices and help farmers to obtain information that can be used to plan further agricultural activities

    Model to evaluate customer satisfaction in e-commerce through multi-criteria and semantic analysis

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    Trabajo de Grado (Profundización)Se presenta un modelo de evaluación multicriterio para la medición de satisfacción del cliente en el sector de comercio electrónico, el modelo propone 7 criterios objetivos de evaluación, a saber: seguridad, información, producto o servicio, distribución logística, diseño del sitio, servicio al cliente y usabilidad, cada criterio tiene un peso estimado según la importancia percibida por los clientes. Se extraen los comentarios de la red social Facebook de dos plataformas de comercio electrónico que operan en Colombia y se realiza la medición de satisfacción del cliente obteniendo resultados importantes para la toma de decisiones empresariales.1. INTRODUCTION 2. PROBLEM STATEMENT 3. OBJETIVES 4. CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK 5. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK 6. STATE OF THE ART 7. METHODOLOGY 8. VIGILANCIA TECNOLÓGICA 9. ONTOLOGY FOR E-COMMERCE 10. RESULTS 11. CONCLUSIONS 12. FUTURE WORKS 13. REFERENCESMaestríaMagister en Ingeniería y Gestión de la Innovació

    Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities

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