331 research outputs found

    Research on Public Opinion Propagation in Micro-Blogging Based on Epidemic Models

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    ABSTRACT Micro-blogging has become an important communication channel for public opinion topics with its own characteristics such as openness, timeliness and interactive and so on. Studying the propagation rules for public opinion topics in micro-blogging is important to monitor and understand Micro-blogging public opinion. In this paper, we study the spreading process of public opinion in micro-blogging, identify key elements in the process and propose an Mb-RP (Micro-blogging Read-Post) propagation model based on the traditional SIR (SusceptibleInfective-Recovered) epidemic model. Through statistical analysis of a case on Sina Weibo, we assign values to parameters in the model and conduct simulations. Simulation results show that the model established in this paper can well fit real data. Further study of the model indicates that, compared with the attention cycle and the average amount of readings per post, the forwarding rate has the most influence on Micro-blogging information propagation

    Micro-macro dynamics of the online opinion evolution: an asynchronous network model approach

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    The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version. The Publisher's final version can be found by following the DOI link.This paper investigates the complex relationship between endogenous and exogenous, deterministic and stochastic stimulating factors in public opinion dynamics. An asynchronous multi-agent network model is proposed to explore the interaction mechanism between individual opinions and the public opinion in online multi-agent network community, including both the micro and the macro patterns of opinion evolution. In addition, based on random network models, a novel algorithm is provided for opinion evolution prediction. The model property analysis and numerical experiments show that the proposed asynchronous multi-agent network model can assimilate and explain some interesting phenomena that are observed in the real world. Further case studies with numerical simulation and real-world applications confirm the feasibility and flexibility of the proposed model in public opinion analysis. The results challenge the common perception that mass media or opinion facilitators play the fundamental role in controlling the development trends of public opinion. This study shows that the formation and evolution of public opinion in the presence of opinion leaders depend also on an individual’s emotional inertia and conformity pressures from peers in the same topic group

    Sentiment analysis and real-time microblog search

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    This thesis sets out to examine the role played by sentiment in real-time microblog search. The recent prominence of the real-time web is proving both challenging and disruptive for a number of areas of research, notably information retrieval and web data mining. User-generated content on the real-time web is perhaps best epitomised by content on microblogging platforms, such as Twitter. Given the substantial quantity of microblog posts that may be relevant to a user query at a given point in time, automated methods are required to enable users to sift through this information. As an area of research reaching maturity, sentiment analysis offers a promising direction for modelling the text content in microblog streams. In this thesis we review the real-time web as a new area of focus for sentiment analysis, with a specific focus on microblogging. We propose a system and method for evaluating the effect of sentiment on perceived search quality in real-time microblog search scenarios. Initially we provide an evaluation of sentiment analysis using supervised learning for classi- fying the short, informal content in microblog posts. We then evaluate our sentiment-based filtering system for microblog search in a user study with simulated real-time scenarios. Lastly, we conduct real-time user studies for the live broadcast of the popular television programme, the X Factor, and for the Leaders Debate during the Irish General Election. We find that we are able to satisfactorily classify positive, negative and neutral sentiment in microblog posts. We also find a significant role played by sentiment in many microblog search scenarios, observing some detrimental effects in filtering out certain sentiment types. We make a series of observations regarding associations between document-level sentiment and user feedback, including associations with user profile attributes, and users’ prior topic sentiment

    How to Find Opinion Leader on the Online Social Network?

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    Online social networks (OSNs) provide a platform for individuals to share information, exchange ideas and build social connections beyond in-person interactions. For a specific topic or community, opinion leaders are individuals who have a significant influence on others' opinions. Detecting and modeling opinion leaders is crucial as they play a vital role in shaping public opinion and driving online conversations. Existing research have extensively explored various methods for detecting opinion leaders, but there is a lack of consensus between definitions and methods. It is important to note that the term "important node" in graph theory does not necessarily align with the concept of "opinion leader" in social psychology. This paper aims to address this issue by introducing the methodologies for identifying influential nodes in OSNs and providing a corresponding definition of opinion leaders in relation to social psychology. The key novelty is to review connections and cross-compare different approaches that have origins in: graph theory, natural language processing, social psychology, control theory, and graph sampling. We discuss how they tell a different technical tale of influence and also propose how some of the approaches can be combined via networked dynamical systems modeling. A case study is performed on Twitter data to compare the performance of different methodologies discussed. The primary objective of this work is to elucidate the progression of opinion leader detection on OSNs and inspire further research in understanding the dynamics of opinion evolution within the field