4 research outputs found


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    This research views that Characteristics of TMT are one of element in company to support the company in implementing their strategy. The characteristics describe the profile of TMT and TMT itself will determine the future of the company. So because of that we have to discuss about the characteristics of TMT. The approach taken for this research was qualitative analyses of 5 top management teams of company in west Sumatra. The characteristics consist of size, age, gender, functional background, educational level, tenure, heterogeneity and homogeneity of TMT in companies. Because of the time and cost obstacle, this research only examines five companies in West Sumatera. The Sample representatives are the Top Management Teams of companies in West Sumatera. Result indicates that, the size, Educational Background, Tenure, and Average Age of Top Management Team tends to contribute in the implementation of the strategy. Then the Top Management Team heterogeneity and homogeneity also contributes to the implementation of the strategy. To describe the phenomena, this research used qualitative research method. This approach is used to find out the characteristics of top management team (TMT) on sample companies in West Sumatera

    Yeni rekabet koşullarında işletmeler ve stratejik yönetici yetenekleri

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    The purpose of this article is to determine as a whole the strategic firm capabilities required by the new competition conditions and the main managerial capabilities which may bring the strategic capabilities to the firm; therefore to contribute to the related literature. For this purpose, the main approaches for developing strategies that would bring competitive advantages to the firms and the ‘firm capabilities’ concept have been investigated. The capabilities descriptions in the literature have been analyzed and categorized successively. In addition, the major types of capability, the strategic firm capabilities required by the new competition conditions, together with their relations and organizational conditions required in the firms have been determined. At the end of the study, a model showing main managerial capabilities which may bring the strategic and organizational capabilities to the firm and their relations with each other have been proposed.Bu çalışmanın amacı, yeni rekabet koşullarının gerektirdiği stratejik işletme yeteneklerini ve bu yetenekleri işletmeye kazandırabilecek başlıca yönetsel yetenekleri bir bütün olarak ortaya koymak; ilgili literatüre katkıda bulunmaktır. Bu amaçla, işletmelere rekabet avantajı sağlayacak strateji belirleme yaklaşımları ve işletme yetenekleri kavramı incelenmiştir. Literatürdeki yetenek tanımları analiz edilip gruplandırılmıştır İşletmelerdeki başlıca yetenek türleri, yeni rekabet koşullarının gerektirdiği stratejik yetenekler, bu yeteneklerin birbiriyle etkileşimleri ve gerektirdiği örgütsel koşullar belirlenmiştir. Çalışmanın sonunda, İşletmelere stratejik yetenekleri kazandırmada etkili olabilecek başlıca yönetsel yetenekleri ve birbiriyle etkileşimlerini gösteren model önerilmiştir

    Research on Knowledge-Based Optimization Model for Top Management Team

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    Abstract—Configuration of top management team (TMT) has very important impact on its efficiency. Extant literature in the research of TMT mainly concentrates on the relationship between TMT characteristics and firm level performances as well as the process mechanism, but rarely on methods for team member selection and TMT configuration. This paper is aimed to address the research gap and design a knowledge-based optimization model for TMT configuration, using multi-objective optimization model. First of all, the relationship between TMT characteristics and its performance is systematically reviewed and a multiple-dimensional evaluation system is proposed to analyze TMT efficiency. Secondly, a multi-objective optimization model of TMT configuration is established by multiple linear regressions. Thirdly, knowledge management techniques are integrated to build the knowledge-based multiple-objective optimization model for TMT configuration. Finally, an experimental system based on our model is applied in a stationery company and achieved great success. Index Terms—Top Management Team (TMT), knowledge-based optimization, knowledge management system, TMT configuration I