10,179 research outputs found

    Robustness of double-layer group-dependent combat network with cascading failure

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    The networked combat system-of-system (CSOS) is the trend of combat development with the innovation of technology. The achievement of combat effectiveness requires CSOS to have a good ability to deal with external interference. Here we report a modeling method of CSOS from the perspective of complex networks and explore the robustness of the combat network based on this. Firstly, a more realistic double-layer heterogeneous dependent combat network model is established. Then, the conditional group dependency situation is considered to design failure rules for dependent failure, and the coupling relation between the double-layer subnets is analyzed for cascading failure. Based on this, the initial load and capacity of the node are defined, respectively, as well as the load redistribution strategy and the status judgment rules for the cascading failure model. Simulation experiments are carried out by changing the attack modes and different parameters, and the results show that the robustness of the combat network can be effectively improved by improving the tolerance limit of one-way dependency of the functional net, the node capacity of the functional subnet and the tolerance of the overload state. The conclusions of this paper can provide a useful reference for network structure optimization and network security protection in the military field

    Combat Network Synchronization of UCAV Formation Based on RTBA Model

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    The paper aims at developing an efficient method to acquire a proper UCAV formation structure with robust and synchronized features. Here we introduce the RTBA (Route Temporary Blindness Avoidance) model to keep the structure stable and the HPSO (hybrid particle swarm optimization) method is given to find an optimal synchronized formation. The major contributions include the following: (1) setting up the dynamic hierarchy topologic structure of UCAV formation; (2) the RTB phenomenon is described and the RTBA model is put forward; (3) the node choosing rules are used to keep the invulnerability of the formation and the detective information quantifying method is given to measure the effectiveness of the connected nodes; and (4) the hybrid particle swarm optimization method is given to find an optimal synchronized topologic structure. According to the related principles and models, the simulations are given in the end, and the results show that the simplification of the model is available in engineering, and the RTBA model is useful to solve the real problems in combat in some degree

    Cognitive Radio for Emergency Networks

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    In the scope of the Adaptive Ad-hoc Freeband (AAF) project, an emergency network built on top of Cognitive Radio is proposed to alleviate the spectrum shortage problem which is the major limitation for emergency networks. Cognitive Radio has been proposed as a promising technology to solve todayâ?~B??~D?s spectrum scarcity problem by allowing a secondary user in the non-used parts of the spectrum that aactully are assigned to primary services. Cognitive Radio has to work in different frequency bands and various wireless channels and supports multimedia services. A heterogenous reconfigurable System-on-Chip (SoC) architecture is proposed to enable the evolution from the traditional software defined radio to Cognitive Radio

    Evolution of Supply Chain Collaboration: Implications for the Role of Knowledge

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    Increasingly, research across many disciplines has recognized the shortcomings of the traditional “integration prescription” for inter-organizational knowledge management. This research conducts several simulation experiments to study the effects of different rates of product change, different demand environments, and different economies of scale on the level of integration between firms at different levels in the supply chain. The underlying paradigm shifts from a static, steady state view to a dynamic, complex adaptive systems and knowledge-based view of supply chain networks. Several research propositions are presented that use the role of knowledge in the supply chain to provide predictive power for how supply chain collaborations or integration should evolve. Suggestions and implications are suggested for managerial and research purposes

    Resilient group consensus in heterogeneously robust networks with hybrid dynamics

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    This paper studies resilient coordinated control over networks with hybrid dynamics and malicious agents. In a hybrid multi‐agent system, continuous‐time and discrete‐time agents concurrently exist and communicate through local interaction. We introduce the notion of heterogeneous robustness to capture the topological structure and facilitate convergence analysis of hybrid agents over multiple subnetworks, where the exact number and identities of malicious agents are not known. A hybrid resilient strategy is first designed to ensure group consensus of the heterogeneously robust network admitting completely distributed implementation. We then develop a scaled consensus protocol which allows different clusters within each subnetwork, providing further flexibility over the resilient control tasks. Finally, some numerical examples are worked out to illustrate the effectiveness of theoretical results

    From scaling to governance of the land system: bridging ecological and economic perspectives

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    One of the main unresolved problems in policy making is the step from scale issues to effective governance. What is appropriate for a lower level, such as a region or location, might be considered undesirable at a global scale. Linking scaling to governance is an important issue for the improvement of current environmental management and policies. Whereas social–ecological science tends to focus on adaptive behavior and aspects of spatial ecological data, new institutional economics focuses more on levels in institutional scales and temporal dimensions. Consequently, both disciplines perceive different scaling challenges while aiming at a similar improvement of effective governance. We propose that future research needs to focus on four themes: (1) How to combine spatial properties such as extent and grain with the economic units of market and agent; (2) How to combine the different governance instruments proposed by both perspectives; (3) How to communicate the different scaling perspectives (hierarchy vs. no hierarchy) and meanings to policy makers and other stakeholders; and (4) How to deal with the non-equilibrium conditions in the real world and the disciplinary perspectives. Here, we hypothesize that a combined system perspective of both disciplines will improve our understanding of the missing link between scaling and governanc