23,114 research outputs found

    Web Services Support for Dynamic Business Process Outsourcing

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    Outsourcing of business processes is crucial for organizations to be effective, efficient and flexible. To meet fast-changing market conditions, dynamic outsourcing is required, in which business relationships are established and enacted on-the-fly in an adaptive, fine-grained way unrestricted by geographic distance. This requires automated means for both the establishment of outsourcing relationships and for the enactment of services performed in these relationships over electronic channels. Due to wide industry support and the underlying model of loose coupling of services, Web services increasingly become the mechanism of choice to connect organizations across organizational boundaries. This paper analyzes to which extent Web services support the dynamic process outsourcing paradigm. We discuss contract -based dynamic business process outsourcing to define requirements and then introduce the Web services framework. Based on this, we investigate the match between the two. We observe that the Web services framework requires further support for cross - organizational business processes and mechanisms for contracting, QoS management and process-based transaction support and suggest ways to fill those gaps

    Management as a Symbolizing Construction?

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    In this article, we outline the concept of management as a symbolizing construction. According to Niklas LUHMANN, organizations process by referring to decisions. But decisions are not simply "given" and in principle invisible. This is the reason why organizations institute formalities like protocols, signatures or other insignia of the official that symbolize the decision—without actually being a decision. These symbols allow for making decisions "process-able." And just like a protocol or a signature, management symbolizes decisions as well. Management provides an organizational practice with symbols of decision making without being the "unity" of the decisions, as decisions perpetually have to be reconstructed, redefined and rearranged in the communication of all organizational units. Therefore management symbolizes on the one hand more than it can achieve. On the other hand the importance of management as a symbolizing construction lies in allowing the reconstruction, redefining and rearrangement of decisions by making them visible and recognizable. Heroic managers, meetings, management tools and procedures are solutions to the paradox of decision making. By symbolizing decidedness they create credibilities that conceal the self-referential construction of organizational communication and the paradox of its decision praxis

    SOA and BPM, a Partnership for Successful Organizations

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    In order to stay effective and competitive, companies have to be able to adapt themselves to permanent market requirements, to improve constantly their business process, to act as flexible and proactive economic agents. To achieve these goals, the IT systems within the organization have to be standardized and integrated, in order to provide fast and reliable data access to users both inside and outside the company. A proper system architecture for integrating company’s IT assets is a service oriented one. A service-oriented architecture (SOA) is an IT architectural style that allows integration of the company’s business as linked, repeatable tasks called services. A subject closely related to SOA is Business Process Management (BPM), an approach that aims to improve business processes. The paper also presents some aspects of this topic, as well as the relationship between SOA and BPM. They complement each other and help companies improve their business performance.Information Systems, SOA, Web Services, BPM

    From techno-scientific grammar to organizational syntax. New production insights on the nature of the firm

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    The paper aims at providing the conceptual building blocks of a theory of the firm which addresses its "ontological questions" (existence,boundaries and organization) by placing production at its core. We draw on engineering for a more accurate description of the production process itself, highlighting its inner complexity and potentially chaotic nature, and on computational linguistics for a production-based account of the nature of economic agents and of the mechanisms through which they build ordered production sets. In so doing, we give a "more appropriate" production basis to the crucial issues of how firm's boundaries are set, how its organisational structure is defined, and how it changes over time. In particular, we show how economic agents select some tasks to be performed internally, while leaving some other to external suppliers, on the basis of criteria based on both the different degrees of internal congruence of the tasks to be performed (i.e. the internal environment), and on the outer relationships carried out with other agents (i.e. the external environment)

    Enhancing co-design reliability by inter-organizational learning and loose coupling concepts

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    http://www.ice-proceedings.org/The aim of this article is to enable actors of different organizations to self-adapt, to self-organize and, in fine, to make functional and structural improvements together. We examine formal cooperative processes and informal cooperative practices which are expressions of tight and loose couplings within a complex socio-technical system. We use a systemic approach to understand close relations between loose couplings and their potential outcomes (in terms of organizational learning, cooperative effect and consequences). We propose a co-design reliability model which enables us to better understand intra- and inter-organizational learning during cooperative actions. Our findings confirm that loose couplings are crucial in complex organizations. Loose couplings enhance the reliability of co- design operations by enabling informal cooperative practices which often underlie the success of formal cooperative processes. Our future work will be to test the impact of enhancements to co-design operations through the application of newly developed material and process artefacts informed by the holistic understanding of cooperative actions

    Loose Coupling Based Reference Scheme for Shop Floor-Control-System/Production-Equipment Integration.

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    Acoplamiento del sistema informático de control de piso de producción (SFS) con el conjunto de equipos de fabricación (SPE) es una tarea compleja. Tal acoplamiento involucra estándares abiertos y propietarios, tecnologías de información y comunicación, entre otras herramientas y técnicas. Debido a la turbulencia de mercados, ya sea soluciones personalizadas o soluciones basadas en estándares eventualmente requieren un esfuerzo considerable de adaptación. El concepto de acoplamiento débil ha sido identificado en la comunidad de diseño organizacional como soporte para la sobrevivencia de la organización. Su presencia reduce la resistencia de la organización a cambios en el ambiente. En este artículo los resultados obtenidos por la comunidad de diseño organizacional son identificados, traducidos y organizados para apoyar en la solución del problema de integración SFS-SPE. Un modelo clásico de acoplamiento débil, desarrollado por la comunidad de estudios de diseño organizacional, es resumido y trasladado al área de interés. Los aspectos claves son identificados para utilizarse como promotores del acoplamiento débil entre SFS-SPE, y presentados en forma de esquema de referencia. Así mismo, este esquema de referencia es presentado como base para el diseño e implementación de una solución genérica de acoplamiento o marco de trabajo (framework) de acoplamiento, a incluir como etapa de acoplamiento débil entre SFS y SPE. Un ejemplo de validación con varios conjuntos de equipos de fabricación, usando diferentes medios físicos de comunicación, comandos de controlador, lenguajes de programación de equipos y protocolos de comunicación es presentado, mostrando un nivel aceptable de autonomía del SFS. = Coupling shop floor software system (SFS) with the set of production equipment (SPE) becomes a complex task. It involves open and proprietary standards, information and communication technologies among other tools and techniques. Due to market turbulence, either custom solutions or standards based solutions eventually require a considerable effort of adaptation. Loose coupling concept has been identified in the organizational design community as a compensator for organization survival. Its presence reduces organization reaction to environment changes. In this paper the results obtained by the organizational de sign community are identified, translated and organized to support the SFS-SPE integration problem solution. A classical loose coupling model developed by organizational studies community is abstracted and translated to the area of interest. Key aspects are identified to be used as promoters of SFS-SPE loose coupling and presented in a form of a reference scheme. Furthermore, this reference scheme is proposed here as a basis for the design and implementation of a generic coupling solution or coupling framework, that is included as a loose coupling stage between SFS and SPE. A validation example with various sets of manufacturing equipment, using different physical communication media, controller commands, programming languages and wire protocols is presented, showing an acceptable level of autonomy gained by the SFS

    Cooperation Patterns and Adaptation Patterns for Service-Based Inter-Organizational Workflows

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    International audienceModernization is an effective approach to making existing mainframe and distributed systems more responsive to business needs. SOA (service-oriented architecture) is an adequate paradigm that allows companies to tap into the business value in their current systems and position IT for rapid future changes to the business model. In our research works, we focus on the use of SOA to implement Inter- Organizational WorkFlows (IOWF). The goal is to take benefits from the advantages offered by the SOA paradigm like interoperability, reusability and flexibility in order to deal with workflow models easily adaptable, evolvable and reusable. This paper focuses on two specific architectures of IOWF which are the "chained execution" and the "subcontracting"; the first issue of this work is to define Service-Based Cooperation Patterns (SBCP) suitable to the two architectures considered. A SBCP is based on SOA; it is defined through three main dimensions: the distribution of services among the partner's sites, the control of instance execution and the structure of interaction between the workflows involved in the cooperation. The second issue of the paper consists of adaptation and evolution of IOWF process models obeying to the defined SBCP. Then, we state the main operations of adaptation that can be applied on these models; we focus on adaptation at process and interactional levels. Conformably to the three dimensions of SBCP, we define three classes of adaptation patterns: "service adaptation", "control flow adaptation" and "interaction adaptation" patterns. Also, we particularly distinguish some operations of adaptation called evolution of process models based on two perspectives: the expansion of the global functionality of the process and the expansion of the cooperation; we show that some evolutions are realized by reuse of existing IOWF models. For implementation, we consider IOWF process models specified with BPEL