270 research outputs found

    Analysis and Design Ecommerce with User Centered Design (UCD) Method at PT. Multi Prima Mandiri Sukses

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    The development of technology moves so rapidly beyond human expectations in general, all eyes and minds are shocked by the sophistication of a technology that is packaged to represent various systems in the world, as well as the business world which is touched by technological developments and changes the way of doing business from the old model to be more sophisticated and efficient. PT. Multi Prima Mandiri Sukses is a company that sells laserjet toner ink and various laserjet printer rentals for office needs. The problem that occurs is in the sales department that so far sales are still carried out conventionally by ordering by telephone and sales records are still in the form of physical data where sales reach is not wide and sales data are easily lost. To overcome this problem, an online sales platform was built in the form of e-commerce with the UML (Unified Modeling Language) approach and with the design of the UCD (User Centered Design) method, the programming language used was PHP with MySQL database. The results of this research are in the form of an available online sales system which includes purchases and sales reports with a user center as a reference for developing an e-commerce sales system

    Rebuilding Contested States: A comparative study of institutional design during political transition in Egypt, Iraq, Libya, & Tunisia

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    Rebuilding a contested state following an authoritarian breakdown requires widespread support for the new political system from all communal groups. A central theoretical assertion of the institutional design literature is that inclusion of communal groups in institutional frameworks creates support for a political system. However, empirical evidence to either verify or refute this claim is inconclusive. A survey of institutional design literature reveals an implicit distinction between de jure inclusion (inclusive frameworks) and de facto inclusion (inclusion in practice). To date, this distinction has not been sufficiently differentiated and systematically examined, with large-N studies most often examining the impact solely of de jure inclusion on support, and case studies failing to make a clear conceptual distinction between these two elements of inclusion. To address this gap in the research, this study asks: during a period of political transition in a contested state, does de jure inclusion, de facto inclusion, or a combination of both, build support for a political system? To investigate this question, the study undertakes a small-N comparative study of institutional design during political transitions in the Middle East and North Africa region. Four countries are selected that underwent rebuilding of their political institutions following authoritarian breakdown: Egypt, Iraq, Libya, and Tunisia. Four hypotheses are advanced that capture the expectation that either de jure inclusion, de facto inclusion, or a combination of both, will build support for a political system. The hypotheses are investigated in two key institutional design moments in the selected countries: electoral system design and constitution-making. The study finds that de jure inclusion is not a sufficient mechanism to create support of all communal groups for the political system, whilst de facto inclusion may be sufficient. In no case where de jure inclusion alone was observed, was support for the political system present. In all cases where de facto inclusion was present, there was support for the political system, regardless of whether or not there was de jure inclusion. The study contributes to our understanding of the rebuilding of contested states following authoritarian breakdown, suggesting that, alongside an emphasis on de jure inclusion in electoral system design and constitution-making, de facto inclusion deserves consideration

    Energising the nation: The historical and contemporary framing of Australian energy policy

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    This paper provides an intervention to the Energy Policy debate about the influence of epistemic frames on energy decisions and particularly, the framing of energy problems. We seek to deepen understanding of how and why different energy problem representations can be formed. Drawing on the social constructionist approach of Bacchji (2009, 2012), we explore the framing of energy policy using the empirical lens of the foundation of Australian energy policy since the early 20th century—the three development stages of Australian electricity provisioning. Rather than offering a direct contribution to the debate about the future of the Australian electricity sector or an alternative classification of differing conceptualisations of energy, we ‘drill down’ into one aspect of the Sovacool et al (2016) classification framework—'the explanation of energy’—by investigating the framing of Australian energy policy from Federation to the contemporary. Using a six-question analytical grid, we examine how debates about energy (aka electricity) have been constructed and reconfigured and represent a key mechanism through which the state has represented, constituted and configured its role in the nation. The paper concludes that the framing and reframing of the problem of ‘energy’ over time reflects broader transformations in the problem of ‘governing’.This paper was prepared for the 14-15 June 2018 University of Sydney workshop ‘Energy: Its Institutions, Networks and Lived Experiences’ funded by the School of Social and Political Sciences, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Sydney

    Investigating optimal internet data collection in low resource networks

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    Community networks have been proposed by many networking experts and researchers as a way to bridge the connectivity gaps in rural and remote areas of the world. Many community networks are built with low-capacity computing devices and low-capacity links. Such community networks are examples of low resource networks. The design and implementation of computer networks using limited hardware and software resources has been studied extensively in the past, but scheduling strategies for conducting measurements on these networks remains an important area to be explored. In this study, the design of a Quality of Service monitoring system is proposed, focusing on performance of scheduling of network measurement jobs in different topologies of a low-resource network. We also propose a virtual network testbed and perform evaluations of the system under varying measurement specifications. Our results show that the system is capable of completing almost 100% of the measurements that are launched by users. Additionally, we found that the error due to contention for network resources among measurements stays constant at approximately 34% with increasing number of measurement nodes

    Table Driven Adaptive Effectively Heterogeneous Multi-core Architectures

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    Exploiting flexibilities and scope of multi-core architectures for performance enhancement is one of the highly used approaches used by many researchers. However, with increasing dynamic nature of the workloads of everyday computing, even general multi-core architectures seem to just touch an upper limit on the deliverable performance. This has paved way for meticulous consideration of heterogeneous multi-core architectures. Such architectures can be further enhanced, by making the heterogeneity of the cores dynamic in nature. s work proposes techniques, which change configurations of these cores dynamically with workload. Thus, depending on requirements and pre-programmed preferences, each core can arrange itself to be power optimized or speed optimized. In addition, the project has been designed using RTL (Verilog) to provide completely realistic grip on the silicon investment. The project can be simulated using SPEC2000 and SPEC2006 benchmarks, and is completely synthesizable using IBM_LPE library for 65nm (IBM65LPE).School of Electrical & Computer Engineerin

    Integrate use of drones and qr codes as complementary components for monitoring, control and surveillance systems for artisanal fishing vessels in Peru

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    This dissertation aims to design a new monitoring, control and surveillance (MCS) component that may be suitable for Peruvian artisanal fishing. When it refers to suitable, it means that it should be low-cost and compatible with other MCS systems to improve the fight against Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) fishing. In this regard, through the triangulation among methods including the content analysis as well as interviews and questionnaires to the primary stakeholders of the Peruvian artisanal fishing, it was found that there is a direct connection between a suitable MCS and the fulfilment of the target 14.b of the Sustainable Development Goal 14: provide artisanal fishers access to marine resources and markets. This connection is the key factor to aid to solve the two most important Peruvian artisanal fishing problems, immersed in a vicious circle that prevents their development: informality and low productivity of the value chain. Thus, if the Peruvian artisanal fishing it is formalized, there is going to be a fewer risk to marine ecosystems, so, fishers would have more access to resources. Likewise, the value chain would be more productive, and the fishers would have more access to local and international markets and in turn more possibility to formalization. In this sense, the way to achieve such formalization is through a suitable MCS. Finally, to find a suitable MCS, with the data gotten from triangulation and having employed a multi-criteria decision-making method to compare the most important trends in MCS, it is concluded that the integrated use of drones and Quick Response codes are the best solution possible to a suitable MCS. This new design was theoretically tested taking the results of a previous study from 2016. However, for their implementation, future research focusing on the application and experimentation of the new design is necessary

    Designing web-based adaptive learning environment : distils as an example

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    In this study, two components are developed for the Web-based adaptive learning: an online Intelligent Tutoring Tool (ITT) and an Adaptive Lecture Guidance (ALG). The ITT provides students timely problem-solving help in a dynamic Web environment. The ALG prevents students from being disoriented when a new domain is presented using Web technology. A prototype, Distributed Intelligent Learning System (DISTILS), has been implemented in a general chemistry laboratory domain. In DISTILS, students interact with the ITT through a Web browser. When a student selects a problem, the problem is formatted and displayed in the user interface for the student to solve. On the other side, the ITT begins to solve the problem simultaneously. The student can then request help from the ITT through the interface. The ITT interacts with the student, verifying those solution activities in an ascending order of the student knowledge status. In DISTILS, a Web page is associated with a HTML Learning Model (HLM) to describe its knowledge content. The ALG extracts the HLM, collects the status of students\u27 knowledge in HLM, and presents a knowledge map illustrating where the student is, how much proficiency he/she already has and where he/she is encouraged to explore. In this way, the ALG helps students to navigate the Web-based course material, protecting them from being disoriented and giving them guidance in need. Both the ITT and ALG components are developed under a generic Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA)-driven framework. Under this framework, knowledge objects model domain expertise, a student modeler assesses student\u27s knowledge progress, an instruction engine includes two tutoring components, such as the ITT and the ALG, and the CORBA-compatible middleware serves as the communication infrastructure. The advantage of such a framework is that it promotes the development of modular and reusable intelligent educational objects. In DISTILS, a collection of knowledge objects were developed under CORBA to model general chemistry laboratory domain expertise. It was shown that these objects can be easily assembled in a plug-and-play manner to produce several exercises for different laboratory experiments. Given the platform independence of CORBA, tutoring objects developed under such a framework have the potential to be easily reused in different applications. Preliminary results showed that DISTILS effectively enhanced learning in Web environment. Three high school students and twenty-two NJIT students participated in the evaluation of DISTILS. In the final quiz of seven questions, the average correct answers of the students who studied in a Web environment with DISTILS (DISTILS Group) was 5.3, and the average correct answers of those who studied in the same Web environment without DISTILS (NoDISTILS Group) was 2.75. A t-test conducted on this small sample showed that the DISTILS group students significantly scored better than the NoDISTILS group students

    Benefits of BIM technology on construction management

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    İnşaat projelerinin çok disiplinli ve karmaşık bir yapıda oluşu yönetimsel zorluklarında yanında getirmektedir. Yapım yönetiminde en önemli 2 madde zaman ve maliyet yönetimidir. İnşaat projelerine 7 boyutlu bakma imkanı sağlayan yapı bilgi modellemesi teknolojisi yönetimsel zorlukları ortadan kaldırmaktadır. Yapıların imalatından önce tamamen sanal ortamda oluşturulması hata payını en aza indirmektedir. Tüm yapıda neler olacağı sanal ortamda simüle edilerek gözlemlenme imkanı sağlar. Bu inşaat sektörünün dijital döşümüne olanak tanır. Yapı bilgi modellemesi teknolojisi, yapım yönetimi ekiplerine önemli ölçüde kolaylık sağlayacaktır. Geleneksel yöntemlerle çizilen projeler 2 boyutlu olarak CAD ortamında hazırlanır ve sadece çizgilerle temsil edilir. Yapı bilgi modellemesi ile inşaat projeleri 3 boyutlu olarak akıllı objeler kullanılarak tasarlama imkanı sunar. 4. Boyut olarak zaman yönetimi incelenir ve 5. Boyut olarak maliyet tahmini yapılır. Bu çalışmada BIM sistemlerinin ne olduğu açıklandı. geleneksel yöntemlerle BIM arasında ki farkları gözlemlemek için bir adet vaka çalışması yapıldı. BIM’in Yapım yönetimine olan faydaları incelendi. Yapılan vaka analizi ve literatür taraması sonucunda görüldü ki BIM inşaat sektöründe dijital bir dönüşüm sağlamaktadır. Tüm paydaşlar arasında aynı dili konuşma imkanı sunan ortam hazırlamaktadır