2,535 research outputs found

    Strategic management of intellectual capital of the enterprise in the framework of informatization of the economy

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    In the course of the research, one has determined the scientific and theoretical approaches, related to the identification of the directions and tools needed to improve strategic management; one also provided the main directions of the intellectual capital formation and development within the enterprise, which include the state of the capital at the present stage and the requirements to it from the future knowledge economy: the introduction of human capital into the assets of the enterprise, the promotion of the creative activity of the employees of the enterprise by using factors of human and social capital activation, as well as the establishment of an accounting system and evaluation of intangible assets. We have highlighted a range of specific principles of the intellectual capital management at the enterprise: the establishment of a partnership between all participants of the production process within the enterprise, namely, its owners, managers, and employees; the determination of criteria for assessing the contribution of every employee into the final result of the enterprise activity; the arrangement of an integrated network of the workers’ mass participation to identify the potential reserves, improve the production efficiency, and the product quality; the development of measures upon the principles’ implementation; and the primary task orientation of management on the future competition. One formulated the scientific and methodological foundations regarding the development of measures, aimed to improve the management of the intellectual capital of an enterprise, which include a sequence, the procedure of determination, the justification, the evaluation of the appropriateness of particular measures, the involvement of a wide range of workers in their development via the methods of interrogation and questionin

    Agricultural information dissemination using ICTs: a review and analysis of information dissemination models in China

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    Open Access funded by China Agricultural UniversityOver the last three decades, China’s agriculture sector has been transformed from the traditional to modern practice through the effective deployment of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs). Information processing and dissemination have played a critical role in this transformation process. Many studies in relation to agriculture information services have been conducted in China, but few of them have attempted to provide a comprehensive review and analysis of different information dissemination models and their applications. This paper aims to review and identify the ICT based information dissemination models in China and to share the knowledge and experience in applying emerging ICTs in disseminating agriculture information to farmers and farm communities to improve productivity and economic, social and environmental sustainability. The paper reviews and analyzes the development stages of China’s agricultural information dissemination systems and different mechanisms for agricultural information service development and operations. Seven ICT-based information dissemination models are identified and discussed. Success cases are presented. The findings provide a useful direction for researchers and practitioners in developing future ICT based information dissemination systems. It is hoped that this paper will also help other developing countries to learn from China’s experience and best practice in their endeavor of applying emerging ICTs in agriculture information dissemination and knowledge transfer

    Social, administrative and educational dimensions of the “human – subject of economic life” phenomenon under conditions of information society transition to a new level of development

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    Перехід інформаційного суспільства на новий рівень розвитку в тріаді генезисних процесів «становлення – формування – розвиток» спричинює численні зміни. Серед них: становлення суспільства знань; інтенсивний розвиток інформаційного простору задіянням ресурсів активного інформаційного простору, неактивного інформаційного простору майбутнього та неактивного інформаційного простору минулого; становлення рольового призначення людини як трудового потенціалу і людського капіталу. Ці зміни актуалізують процеси формування та розвитку людини-суб’єкта економічного життя. Розгляд цих процесів у суспільному, управлінському та освітньому вимірах дає можливість виокремити низку домінант сучасності. Це зростаючо-домінуюча роль комп’ютерної комунікації. Спрямування управління на поєднання інтересів окремих людей з інтересами організації та її стратегічними цілями. Задіяння соціального управління як менеджменту людських ресурсів. Розвиток людини як особистості. Формування та розвиток ІК-компетентності в системі неперервної освіти.Переход информационного общества на новый уровень развития в триаде генезисних процессов «становление – формирование – развитие» вызывает многочисленные изменения. Среди них: становление общества знаний; интенсивное развитие информационного пространства задействованием ресурсов активного информационного пространства, неактивного информационного пространства будущего и неактивного информационного пространства прошлого; становления ролевого назначения человека как трудового потенциала и человеческого капитала. Эти изменения актуализируют процессы формирования и развития человека-субъекта экономической жизни. Рассмотрение этих процессов в общественной, управленческом и образовательном измерениях дает возможность выделить ряд доминант современности. Это растущая и доминирующая роль компьютерной коммуникации. Направление управления на сосотнесение интересов отдельных людей с интересами организации и ее стратегическими целями. Задействования социального управления как менеджмента человеческих ресурсов. Развитие человека как личности. Формирование и развитие ИК-компетентности в системе непрерывного образования.The information society transition to a new level of development in the triad of genesis processes of "incipience – formation – development" causes a lot of changes: the formation of a knowledge society; intensive development of the information space by using the resources of the active information space, the inactive information space of the future and the inactive information space of the past; formation of person’s purpose as labor potential and human capital. These changes actualize the processes of formation and development of the human as subject of economic life. Consideration of these processes in the social, administrative and educational dimensions makes it possible to single out a number of dominant features of the present – it is the growing dominant role of computer communication; management focusing on combining the interests of individuals with the interests of the organization and its strategic goals is important; engaging social management as human resource management; personal development of human; formation and development of IСT competence in the system of continuous education

    The Research of Technological Approach to the Modeling of Information and Analytic Provision of Managing an Enterprise

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    The article is devoted to the solution of actual problems of innovative development of information and analytical provision of managing an enterprise according to the newest technology. A number of recommendations concerning technological upgrading foundation of modernization of information and analytic provision of managing an enterprise are elaborated. Technological approach to the modeling of information provision of business management is substantiated. Actualizing information and analytic provision of managing an enterprise has been carried out in developed flexible information system that is organized as internal network structure. Technological foundation of information and analytical process enterprise to modernize has been considered based on the modern tools of information and communication decisions. Information and analytical provision of managing have been developed through internal and external parallels of impact, which interconnection coordinates theory, methodology and organization of information processes with actualization of its model. The model of information and analytic provision of managing an enterprise according to the individual characteristics of corporate culture, and information environment and development strategy of business entity on the basis of characteristics of technological provision of information process is developed. Information complex has been suggested as developed system with technological process of forming initial data and modernizing processing, transmission and storage of information in accordance with distinctive characteristics of enterprise and general tendencies of its developmen

    The analysis on third party logistics company K using information technology to enhance their core competitiveness

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    Performance Evaluation of Port Logistics Informatization Construction: A Case Study from China

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    Global economic integration has accelerated frequency of trade between different countries and promoted logistics industry to quickly become another development highland. Facts have proved that logistics has been separated from production and circulation as an independent link, driven by existing technology and demand, and with its characteristics and needs of the times, logistics has formed a strong professional field. At the same time, it can also independently undertake corresponding brokerage business activities in trade exchanges. To better understand the role of port and logistics in trade, it is particularly necessary to study port logistics informatization. Considering efficiency of input and output, more attention should be paid to performance evaluation of port logistics informatization construction. Based on analysis of port logistics informatization development, evaluation index system and DEA evaluation model which can represent performance of port logistics informatization were constructed. 17 listed ports in China were taken as examples for empirical study, and suggestions for development of port logistics informatization are put forward. Results show that among 17 ports, only Tangshan port, Shenzhen port, Yantian port and Chongqing port have a technical efficiency value of 1, while the other 13 ports have a certain degree of redundancy in technical efficiency value of information input, indicating that development and construction of port logistics informatization has a very important impact on port logistics income. Efficiency value of average annual net profit indicates that the port has redundant investment in information construction, which means that construction of port logistics informatization can not only blindly pay attention to informatization input, and that shortage of informatization output will be affected by other factors to a certain extent. The more investment in informatization construction is not the better, and different ports are affected by different types of factors. Therefore, it is necessary to combine actual development status of ports and to apply right medicine to avoid insufficiency or redundancy of port input, to realize optimal investment strategy for informatization construction of port logistics. Through this study, it is expected to achieve the purpose of systematically sorting out, concluding and expanding relevant theories of port logistics informatization construction, clarifying management problems that need to be solved, indicating methods for promotion of informatization construction, and providing new ideas and reference basis for reform, transformation and upgrading of port enterprises


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    This working paper offers insights on science and technology in China with supporting official and interview data. The paper, as evidenced from the title, is indicating the future role of Chongqing and its evolution primarily focusing on the period of rapid development of the Municipality after Chongqing became a political entity on the same level as provinces of China. This has coincided with the planning, construction and completion of the Three Gorges Dam Project involving the resettlement of 1,000,000 people – most them coming to the rural areas Chongqing Municipality. Three major sub-themes are highlighted. First, the city played important role during more than 2000 years of its history (in 1981, for example it became first inland port in China open for foreign commerce). In the XX century Chongqing was national capital during the Second World War and the Japanese invasion (Nationalists government). Since then it enjoyed higher political status and economic independence than any other city of the same size in whole western China. Second, the municipality’s geographical position and demographic condition makes it quite unique in West China. It has a population of 31 million, an area of 82 square km, a population density of 379 persons per km2 and a location at the upper reaches of Chang (Yangtze) River. This makes it the gate of Southwest China. Third, Chongqing has a strong basic multi-faced economy in the region. Central investment since the 1950s has assisted the development of a relatively strong modern industrial base in the city. Despite the post-Mao reform era’s impact on social and economic disparities as between the coastal areas and the west, Chongqing remains one of the China’s strongest city economies. Its industrial output value ranked 11th among the 35 biggest city economies in China in 2000, though it ranked behind the top ten most industrialized coastal cities, all of which had attracted much greater foreign investment during the reform era. The campaign to Open up the West provides Chongqing with the opportunity to act as the growth pole for a number of less industrialized provincial-level units in north-west and south-west China. Fourth, the initiatives by central authorities and the extraordinary task of Three Gorges Dam project required among other great tasks also relocation of over 1,2 million people, the rebuilding of two cities, eleven county towns and one hundred sixteen townships from the site of Three Gorges Dam water reservoir. Until 2005 there were already almost one million residents resettled. Less than 20 per cent moved outside Chongqing municipality and the majority was to be accommodated within the region of Chongqing Municipality.Regional development; clusters; Regional innovation System (RIS); Development block; competence block; technology system; High Technology Parks; Overview of Science and Technology; FDI