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    Currently, for tunnels, the design centerline and design cross-section with timestamps are used for dynamic three-dimensional (3D) modeling. However, thisapproach cannot correctly reflect some qualities of tunneling or some special cases,such as landslips. Therefore, a dynamic 3D model of a tunnel based onspatiotemporal data from survey cross-sections is proposed in this paper. Thismodel can not only playback the excavation process but also reflect qualities of aproject typically missed. In this paper, a new conceptual model for dynamic 3Dmodeling of tunneling survey data is introduced. Some specific solutions areproposed using key corresponding technologies for coordinate transformation of cross-sections from linear engineering coordinates to global projection coordinates,data structure of files and database, and dynamic 3D modeling. A 3D tunnel TINmodel was proposed using the optimized minimum direction angle algorithm. Thelast section implements the construction of a survey data collection, acquisition, anddynamic simulation system, which verifies the feasibility and practicality of thismodeling method