6,300 research outputs found

    Evaluation of the DfES ICT Test Bed Project: annual report 2004

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    ICT research bursaries : a compendium of research reports a report on the ICT Research Bursaries 2002–03

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    An assessment of the ways in which teachers evaluate software, Bridging the gap: ICT in the transition year, Colouring outside the lines: research into the potential of using new digital technologies to increase home-school interactivity in a conductive education environment, The development and use of a computer-based model for assessing thinking skills, The Hedley Walter High School: cultural change in learning through the use of new technologies, ICT and subject literacies: a study of the relationship between ICT and subject literacies in the secondary school, An investigation into the visual and kinaesthetic affordances of interactive whiteboards, Making IT happen: patterns of ICT use among a group of UK school staff, Networking success: an investigation of the effectiveness of the Birmingham Grid for Learning's ICT Research Network, The Ripple Project: the whole school impact of conducting learner-centred ICT projects in infant classrooms, The use of interactive whiteboards in the primary school: effects on pedagogy, Video conferencing in the mathematics lesson, Trainee teachers and 'impact' learning: A study of trainees' views on what helps them to use ICT effectively in their subject teaching, An investigation of how different ways of presenting information using ICT may affect children's thinking, New Opportunities Funding: Did it work? A follow-up to NOF training, The HomE-Work Project, e-Learning in broadband-connected classrooms, Digital video and bilingual children with special educational needs: Supporting literacy activities, Sustainability and evolution of ICT-supported classroom practice, The impact of prior technological experiences on children's ability to use play as a medium for developing capability with new ICT tools, How can the use of an interactive whiteboard enhance the nature of teaching and learning in secondary mathematics and modern foreign languages?, Already at a disadvantage? ICT in the home and children's preparation for primary school, The impact of technology on children with physical disabilities: an evaluative case study at a special school in the West Midlands, Bedding in: factors that facilitate implementation and integration of ICT in classroom practice, Developing a networked learning community with ICT - learning the hard way, Exploring the elements that make an effective web-based science lesso

    An investigation of the research evidence relating to ICT pedagogy

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    Evaluation of the ICT Test Bed project: final report, June 2007

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    The report describes three strands of evaluation used in the review of the 2006 outcomes from ICT Test Bed and the findings from each strand. a) Quantitative data: Benchmarking of changes in performance on national tests against matched comparator schools and national averages; b) Qualitative data: Site visits including classroom observations, interviews with local authority managers, head teachers, teachers, administrative staff, technicians and students; and c) Document analysis

    A review of the evidence on the use of ICT in the Early Years Foundation Stage

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    This report reviewed existing evidence on the potential of technology to support the development of educational policy and practice in the context of the Early Years Foundation Stage. Reference is made to the use of ICT by young children from aged birth to five years and its potential impacts, positive and negative on their cognitive, social, emotional educational, visual and physical development

    The impact of ICT in schools: Landscape review

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    Kaldor primary public art project: Working with contemporary public art and teachers through the e5 instructional model

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    This paper discusses the Kaldor Primary Public Art Project that was conceived and enacted during the late 2009 and first half of 2010, where the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (Victoria, Australia) worked in collaboration with Kaldor Public Art Projects.The concept of this project was developed by Kaldor Public Art Projects, a not-for-profit organisation that has pioneered the presentation of influential art projects in Australia. These projects have changed and shaped Australians’ perceptions and appreciation of contemporary art through the support and development of individual artists. The project aim was to build teacher capacity in using contemporary visual art in primary arts programs. The key components of the project highlighted building understanding and use of the e5 Instructional Model (Department of Education and Early Childhood., 2009); using interactive whiteboards as an instructional tool; and developing a resource for primary teachers that aligns with the Victorian Essential Learning Standards (Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority, State Government of Victoria , 2009). This paper reflects the experiences of the ten teachers from Victorian government and catholic schools involved in the project. Throughout particular focus is made to honouring the voice of the teachers and students who experienced the contemporary public art units and lesson sequences using the e5 Instructional Model. Acknowledgement of the varied experiences prior and through the project is made to areas of visual arts program in schools and involvement in contemporary arts practice to highlight visual arts teachers' professional development and formation of a community

    Attitudes of Public Primary School Students in Jordan towards using Interactive Boards in Classroom: Empirical Study

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    The present study aimed to explore the attitudes of public primary school students in Jordan towards employing interactive boards in classroom.  The researcher used a descriptive analytical approach.  She selected a purposive sample that consisting from 20 female and male 6th grade students. Those students were selected from two public primary schools in Amman, Jordan. Those two schools use interactive boards in classrooms. Face-to-face interviews were conducted with those students during the first semester of the academic year (2020/2021). Descriptive statistical methods (percentages and frequencies) were used. Several results were concluded. For instance, public primary school students in Jordan have positive attitudes towards employing interactive boards in classroom. Keywords: Attitudes, public primary school, Jordan, interactive boards, classroom. DOI: 10.7176/JEP/11-31-10 Publication date: November 30th 2020

    Meaning between, in, and around words, gestures and postures: multimodal meaning making in children's classroom communication

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    The view of language from a social semiotic perspective is clear. Language is one of many semiotic resources we employ in our communicative practices. That is to say that while language is at times dominant, it always operates within a multimodal frame and furthermore, at times modes other than language are dominant. The proposed 2014 National Curriculum for the UK, on the other hand, values pupils' face-to-face classroom interaction in terms of standard spoken English (i.e. in terms of the mode of language alone). This paper offers examples demonstrating how embodied modes such as gesture, posture, facial expression, gaze and haptics work in conjunction with speech in children's collaborative construction of knowledge. In other words, what may have been previously conceived as gaps and silences - often interpreted as an absence of language - are in fact instantiations of the work of semiotic modes other than language. In order to consider this closely, this paper offers evidence from a multimodal micro-analysis of pupil-to-pupil, face-to-face interaction in one science lesson in a Year Five UK Primary classroom. It demonstrates how children's meaning-making is achieved through apt use of all available semiotic resources
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