360,000 research outputs found

    Trends in aeropropulsion research and their impact on engineering education

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    This presentation is concerned with the trends in aeropropulsion both in the U.S. and abroad and the impact of these trends on the educational process in our universities. In this paper, we shall outline the new directions for research which may be of interest to educators in the aeropropulsion field. Awareness of new emphases, such as emission reductions, noise control, maneuverability, speed, etc., will have a great impact on engineering educators responsible for restructuring courses in propulsion. The information presented herein will also provide some background material for possible consideration in the future development of propulsion courses. In describing aeropropulsion, we are concerned primarily with air-breathing propulsion; however many observations apply equally as well to rocket engine systems. Aeropropulsion research needs are primarily motivated by technologies required for advanced vehicle systems and frequently driven by external requirements such as economic competitiveness, environmental concern and national security. In this presentation, vehicle based research is first described, followed by a discussion of discipline and multidiscipline research necessary to implement the vehicle-focused programs. The importance of collaboration in research and the training of future researchers concludes this presentation

    2006 NASA Seal/Secondary Air System Workshop; Volume 1

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    The 2006 NASA Seal/Secondary Air System workshop covered the following topics: (i) Overview of NASA s new Exploration Initiative program aimed at exploring the Moon, Mars, and beyond; (ii) Overview of NASA s new fundamental aeronautics technology project; (iii) Overview of NASA Glenn Research Center s seal project aimed at developing advanced seals for NASA s turbomachinery, space, and reentry vehicle needs; (iv) Reviews of NASA prime contractor, vendor, and university advanced sealing concepts including tip clearance control, test results, experimental facilities, and numerical predictions; and (v) Reviews of material development programs relevant to advanced seals development. Turbine engine studies have shown that reducing seal leakages as well as high-pressure turbine (HPT) blade tip clearances will reduce fuel burn, lower emissions, retain exhaust gas temperature margin, and increase range. Several organizations presented development efforts aimed at developing faster clearance control systems and associated technology to meet future engine needs. The workshop also covered several programs NASA is funding to develop technologies for the Exploration Initiative and advanced reusable space vehicle technologies. NASA plans on developing an advanced docking and berthing system that would permit any vehicle to dock to any on-orbit station or vehicle. Seal technical challenges (including space environments, temperature variation, and seal-on-seal operation) as well as plans to develop the necessary "androgynous" seal technologies were reviewed. Researchers also reviewed seal technologies employed by the Apollo command module that serve as an excellent basis for seals for NASA s new Crew Exploration Vehicle (CEV)

    Integrated Pressure-Fed Liquid Oxygen / Methane Propulsion Systems - Morpheus Experience, MARE, and Future Applications

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    An integrated liquid oxygen (LOx) and methane propulsion system where common propellants are fed to the reaction control system and main engines offers advantages in performance, simplicity, reliability, and reusability. LOx/Methane provides new capabilities to use propellants that are manufactured on the Mars surface for ascent return and to integrate with power and life support systems. The clean burning, non-toxic, high vapor pressure propellants provide significant advantages for reliable ignition in a space vacuum, and for reliable safing or purging of a space-based vehicle. The NASA Advanced Exploration Systems (AES) Morpheus lander demonstrated many of these key attributes as it completed over 65 tests including 15 flights through 2014. Morpheus is a prototype of LOx/Methane propellant lander vehicle with a fully integrated propulsion system. The Morpheus lander flight demonstrations led to the proposal to use LOx/Methane for a Discovery class mission, named Moon Aging Regolith Experiment (MARE) to land an in-situ science payload for Southwest Research Institute on the Lunar surface. Lox/Methane is extensible to human spacecraft for many transportation elements of a Mars architecture. This paper discusses LOx/Methane propulsion systems in regards to trade studies, the Morpheus project experience, the MARE NAVIS (NASA Autonomous Vehicle for In-situ Science) lander, and future possible applications. The paper also discusses technology research and development needs for Lox/Methane propulsion systems

    FY2011 Oak Ridge National Laboratory Annual Progress Report for the Power Electronics and Electric Machinery Program

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    The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced in May 2011 a new cooperative research effort comprising DOE, the U.S. Council for Automotive Research (composed of automakers Ford Motor Company, General Motors Company, and Chrysler Group), Tesla Motors, and representatives of the electric utility and petroleum industries. Known as U.S. DRIVE (Driving Research and Innovation for Vehicle efficiency and Energy sustainability), it represents DOE's commitment to developing public-private partnerships to fund high risk-high reward research into advanced automotive technologies. The new partnership replaces and builds upon the partnership known as FreedomCAR (derived from 'Freedom' and 'Cooperative Automotive Research') that ran from 2002 through 2010 and the Partnership for a New Generation of Vehicles initiative that ran from 1993 through 2001. The Oak Ridge National Laboratory's (ORNL's) Power Electronics and Electric Machines (PEEM) subprogram within the DOE Vehicle Technologies Program (VTP) provides support and guidance for many cutting-edge automotive technologies now under development. Research is focused on developing revolutionary new power electronics (PE), electric motor (EM), and traction drive system technologies that will leapfrog current on-the-road technologies. The research and development (R&D) is also aimed at achieving a greater understanding of and improvements in the way the various new components of tomorrow's automobiles will function as a unified system to improve fuel efficiency. In supporting the development of advanced vehicle propulsion systems, the PEEM subprogram has enabled the development of technologies that will significantly improve efficiency, costs, and fuel economy. The PEEM subprogram supports the efforts of the U.S. DRIVE partnership through a three phase approach intended to: (1) identify overall propulsion and vehicle related needs by analyzing programmatic goals and reviewing industry's recommendations and requirements and then develop the appropriate technical targets for systems, subsystems, and component R&D activities; (2) develop and validate individual subsystems and components, including EMs and PE; and (3) determine how well the components and subsystems work together in a vehicle environment or as a complete propulsion system and whether the efficiency and performance targets at the vehicle level have been achieved. The research performed under this subprogram will help remove technical and cost barriers to enable the development of technology for use in such advanced vehicles as hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs), plug-in HEVs (PHEVs), battery electric vehicles, and fuel-cell-powered automobiles that meet the goals of the VTP. A key element in making these advanced vehicles practical is providing an affordable electric traction drive system. This will require attaining weight, volume, efficiency, and cost targets for the PE and EM subsystems of the traction drive system. Areas of development include: (1) novel traction motor designs that result in increased power density and lower cost; (2) inverter technologies involving new topologies to achieve higher efficiency with the ability to accommodate higher temperature environments while achieving high reliability; (3) converter concepts that use methods of reducing the component count and integrating functionality to decrease size, weight, and cost; (4) new onboard battery charging concepts that result in decreased cost and size; (5) more effective thermal control through innovative packaging technologies; and (6) integrated motor-inverter traction drive system concepts. ORNL's PEEM research program conducts fundamental research, evaluates hardware, and assists in the technical direction of the VTP Advanced Power Electronics and Electric Motors (APEEM) program. In this role, ORNL serves on the U.S. DRIVE Electrical and Electronics Technical Team, evaluates proposals for DOE, and lends its technological expertise to the direction of projects and evaluation of developing technologies. ORNL also executes specific projects for DOE. DOE's continuing R&D into advanced vehicle technologies for transportation offers the possibility of reducing the nation's dependence on foreign oil and the negative economic impacts of crude oil price fluctuations. It also supports the Administration's goal of deploying 1 million PHEVs by 2015

    Data-Driven User Behavior Evaluation

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    Automotive Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) compete worldwide to stand out with new trends and technologies. Automated Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) are an example of advanced solutions where a lot of effort is put into the development and utilization of vehicle data. ADAS systems range from different types of information/warning systems to adaptive functions designed to assist the driver in the driving tasks and ensure more efficient and comfortable driving. These types of systems have become standard at many OEMs, including Tesla, Cadillac, BMW, Mercedes, Volvo Cars, and others. Volvo Cars is well-known for the development of such ADAS functions as ACC (Adaptive Cruise Control) and PA (Pilot Assist). These functions offer lateral and/or longitudinal support, but leave the driver in full control and with responsibility for the driving task.The ADAS systems are not fully automated. These systems have a number of limitations related to the context where they can operate. Previous studies have demonstrated that the drivers’ understanding and adoption of these systems is not definite and may vary from full technology acceptance to complete ignorance. Therefore, in-depth understanding and interpretation of driver behavior and needs regarding the use of ADAS can significantly help developers to reflect on and improve the systems to meet the users’ expectations. Recently, the availability of data coming from the in-vehicle sensors network has increased significantly. The amount of received data potentially enables the in-depth quantitative driver behavior evaluation in a time-efficient and reliable way. Moreover, the ability of vehicle sensors and actuator data to synchronize the driver and system performance and assess the driving conditions in the moment of driver-system interaction can contribute to the comprehensive context-aware ADAS evaluation.\ua0 Developing methods for objective assessment of driver behavior is a task with a high level of complexity. This process requires (i) investigation of the driver behavior assessment area where vehicle data can be useful; (ii) identification of the influencing factors for evaluating ADAS functions; (iii) definition of the relevant data for the data-driven driver behavior evaluation; (iv) investigation of the ways to improve the feasibility of vehicle data. The research presented in this thesis focuses on the understanding of vehicle data applicability in user-related studies. The core of this research is the methodology for objective ADAS evaluation and a mixed-method approach that helps to integrate the quantitative methodologies into existing, mainly qualitative, evaluation practices.The conducted research revealed that vehicle data offers the possibility to determine individual user behavior, and to describe, categorize, and compare this to the average within a group. All of the above mentioned makes the applicability of vehicle data for user-related studies meaningful

    Summary & recommendations NASA/MIT Workshop on Short Haul Air Transport

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    October 1971Workshop ran from Mon., 2 Aug. to Fri., 27 Aug 1971Executive summary: A review is given of the material covered by the MIT/NASA Waterville Valley workshop which dealt with the institutional, socio-economic, operational, and technological problems associated with introducing new forms of short haul domestic air transportation. It was found that future air systems hold great potential in satisfying society's needs for a low noise, low landspace, high access, high speed, large network system for public travel over distances between 5 and 500 miles. Technology recommendations supported further development in each of the areas because of their importance to future short haul air systems. A recommendation was made for developing improved guidance and control systems for STOL and VTOL vehicles, and for a review of research and development needs in non-vehicle areas such as air traffic control, and metroport operations. The crucial issue for introducing new forms of short haul air transport was identified by the workshop as community acceptance of new airport/metroport ground facilities. An environmental statement and hearing are now required for federal investment in such facilities. It was concluded that quiet air systems were necessary (but not sufficient) for obtaining community approval.Performed for the Office of Advanced Research and Technology, NAS
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