991 research outputs found

    LinkGAN: Linking GAN Latents to Pixels for Controllable Image Synthesis

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    This work presents an easy-to-use regularizer for GAN training, which helps explicitly link some axes of the latent space to a set of pixels in the synthesized image. Establishing such a connection facilitates a more convenient local control of GAN generation, where users can alter the image content only within a spatial area simply by partially resampling the latent code. Experimental results confirm four appealing properties of our regularizer, which we call LinkGAN. (1) The latent-pixel linkage is applicable to either a fixed region (\textit{i.e.}, same for all instances) or a particular semantic category (i.e., varying across instances), like the sky. (2) Two or multiple regions can be independently linked to different latent axes, which further supports joint control. (3) Our regularizer can improve the spatial controllability of both 2D and 3D-aware GAN models, barely sacrificing the synthesis performance. (4) The models trained with our regularizer are compatible with GAN inversion techniques and maintain editability on real images

    Neural Illumination: Lighting Prediction for Indoor Environments

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    This paper addresses the task of estimating the light arriving from all directions to a 3D point observed at a selected pixel in an RGB image. This task is challenging because it requires predicting a mapping from a partial scene observation by a camera to a complete illumination map for a selected position, which depends on the 3D location of the selection, the distribution of unobserved light sources, the occlusions caused by scene geometry, etc. Previous methods attempt to learn this complex mapping directly using a single black-box neural network, which often fails to estimate high-frequency lighting details for scenes with complicated 3D geometry. Instead, we propose "Neural Illumination" a new approach that decomposes illumination prediction into several simpler differentiable sub-tasks: 1) geometry estimation, 2) scene completion, and 3) LDR-to-HDR estimation. The advantage of this approach is that the sub-tasks are relatively easy to learn and can be trained with direct supervision, while the whole pipeline is fully differentiable and can be fine-tuned with end-to-end supervision. Experiments show that our approach performs significantly better quantitatively and qualitatively than prior work

    Analysis of 3D Face Reconstruction

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    This thesis investigates the long standing problem of 3D reconstruction from a single 2D face image. Face reconstruction from a single 2D face image is an ill posed problem involving estimation of the intrinsic and the extrinsic camera parameters, light parameters, shape parameters and the texture parameters. The proposed approach has many potential applications in the law enforcement, surveillance, medicine, computer games and the entertainment industries. This problem is addressed using an analysis by synthesis framework by reconstructing a 3D face model from identity photographs. The identity photographs are a widely used medium for face identi cation and can be found on identity cards and passports. The novel contribution of this thesis is a new technique for creating 3D face models from a single 2D face image. The proposed method uses the improved dense 3D correspondence obtained using rigid and non-rigid registration techniques. The existing reconstruction methods use the optical ow method for establishing 3D correspondence. The resulting 3D face database is used to create a statistical shape model. The existing reconstruction algorithms recover shape by optimizing over all the parameters simultaneously. The proposed algorithm simplifies the reconstruction problem by using a step wise approach thus reducing the dimension of the parameter space and simplifying the opti- mization problem. In the alignment step, a generic 3D face is aligned with the given 2D face image by using anatomical landmarks. The texture is then warped onto the 3D model by using the spatial alignment obtained previously. The 3D shape is then recovered by optimizing over the shape parameters while matching a texture mapped model to the target image. There are a number of advantages of this approach. Firstly, it simpli es the optimization requirements and makes the optimization more robust. Second, there is no need to accurately recover the illumination parameters. Thirdly, there is no need for recovering the texture parameters by using a texture synthesis approach. Fourthly, quantitative analysis is used for improving the quality of reconstruction by improving the cost function. Previous methods use qualitative methods such as visual analysis, and face recognition rates for evaluating reconstruction accuracy. The improvement in the performance of the cost function occurs as a result of improvement in the feature space comprising the landmark and intensity features. Previously, the feature space has not been evaluated with respect to reconstruction accuracy thus leading to inaccurate assumptions about its behaviour. The proposed approach simpli es the reconstruction problem by using only identity images, rather than placing eff ort on overcoming the pose, illumination and expression (PIE) variations. This makes sense, as frontal face images under standard illumination conditions are widely available and could be utilized for accurate reconstruction. The reconstructed 3D models with texture can then be used for overcoming the PIE variations

    Advanced Biometrics with Deep Learning

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    Biometrics, such as fingerprint, iris, face, hand print, hand vein, speech and gait recognition, etc., as a means of identity management have become commonplace nowadays for various applications. Biometric systems follow a typical pipeline, that is composed of separate preprocessing, feature extraction and classification. Deep learning as a data-driven representation learning approach has been shown to be a promising alternative to conventional data-agnostic and handcrafted pre-processing and feature extraction for biometric systems. Furthermore, deep learning offers an end-to-end learning paradigm to unify preprocessing, feature extraction, and recognition, based solely on biometric data. This Special Issue has collected 12 high-quality, state-of-the-art research papers that deal with challenging issues in advanced biometric systems based on deep learning. The 12 papers can be divided into 4 categories according to biometric modality; namely, face biometrics, medical electronic signals (EEG and ECG), voice print, and others

    Master Texture Space: An Efficient Encoding for Projectively Mapped Objects

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    Projectively textured models are used in an increasingly large number of applicationsthat dynamically combine images with a simple geometric surface in a viewpoint dependentway. These models can provide visual fidelity while retaining the effects affordedby geometric approximation such as shadow casting and accurate perspective distortion.However, the number of stored views can be quite large and novel views must be synthesizedduring the rendering process because no single view may correctly texture the entireobject surface. This work introduces the Master Texture encoding and demonstrates thatthe encoding increases the utility of projectively textured objects by reducing render-timeoperations. Encoding involves three steps; 1) all image regions that correspond to the samegeometric mesh element are extracted and warped to a facet of uniform size and shape,2) an efficient packing of these facets into a new Master Texture image is computed, and3) the visibility of each pixel in the new Master Texture data is guaranteed using a simplealgorithm to discard occluded pixels in each view. Because the encoding implicitly representsthe multi-view geometry of the multiple images, a single texture mesh is sufficientto render the view-dependent model. More importantly, every Master Texture image cancorrectly texture the entire surface of the object, removing expensive computations suchas visibility analysis from the rendering algorithm. A benefit of this encoding is the supportfor pixel-wise view synthesis. The utility of pixel-wise view synthesis is demonstratedwith a real-time Master Texture encoded VDTM application. Pixel-wise synthesis is alsodemonstrated with an algorithm that distills a set of Master Texture images to a singleview-independent Master Texture image