240 research outputs found

    Resampled Priors for Variational Autoencoders

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    We propose Learned Accept/Reject Sampling (LARS), a method for constructing richer priors using rejection sampling with a learned acceptance function. This work is motivated by recent analyses of the VAE objective, which pointed out that commonly used simple priors can lead to underfitting. As the distribution induced by LARS involves an intractable normalizing constant, we show how to estimate it and its gradients efficiently. We demonstrate that LARS priors improve VAE performance on several standard datasets both when they are learned jointly with the rest of the model and when they are fitted to a pretrained model. Finally, we show that LARS can be combined with existing methods for defining flexible priors for an additional boost in performance

    Variance Loss in Variational Autoencoders

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    In this article, we highlight what appears to be major issue of Variational Autoencoders, evinced from an extensive experimentation with different network architectures and datasets: the variance of generated data is significantly lower than that of training data. Since generative models are usually evaluated with metrics such as the Frechet Inception Distance (FID) that compare the distributions of (features of) real versus generated images, the variance loss typically results in degraded scores. This problem is particularly relevant in a two stage setting, where we use a second VAE to sample in the latent space of the first VAE. The minor variance creates a mismatch between the actual distribution of latent variables and those generated by the second VAE, that hinders the beneficial effects of the second stage. Renormalizing the output of the second VAE towards the expected normal spherical distribution, we obtain a sudden burst in the quality of generated samples, as also testified in terms of FID.Comment: Article accepted at the Sixth International Conference on Machine Learning, Optimization, and Data Science. July 19-23, 2020 - Certosa di Pontignano, Siena, Ital

    Accelerated Parallel Non-conjugate Sampling for Bayesian Non-parametric Models

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    Inference of latent feature models in the Bayesian nonparametric setting is generally difficult, especially in high dimensional settings, because it usually requires proposing features from some prior distribution. In special cases, where the integration is tractable, we could sample new feature assignments according to a predictive likelihood. However, this still may not be efficient in high dimensions. We present a novel method to accelerate the mixing of latent variable model inference by proposing feature locations from the data, as opposed to the prior. First, we introduce our accelerated feature proposal mechanism that we will show is a valid Bayesian inference algorithm and next we propose an approximate inference strategy to perform accelerated inference in parallel. This sampling method is efficient for proper mixing of the Markov chain Monte Carlo sampler, computationally attractive, and is theoretically guaranteed to converge to the posterior distribution as its limiting distribution.Comment: Previously known as "Accelerated Inference for Latent Variable Models

    Variational Autoencoders with Riemannian Brownian Motion Priors

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    Variational Autoencoders (VAEs) represent the given data in a low-dimensional latent space, which is generally assumed to be Euclidean. This assumption naturally leads to the common choice of a standard Gaussian prior over continuous latent variables. Recent work has, however, shown that this prior has a detrimental effect on model capacity, leading to subpar performance. We propose that the Euclidean assumption lies at the heart of this failure mode. To counter this, we assume a Riemannian structure over the latent space, which constitutes a more principled geometric view of the latent codes, and replace the standard Gaussian prior with a Riemannian Brownian motion prior. We propose an efficient inference scheme that does not rely on the unknown normalizing factor of this prior. Finally, we demonstrate that this prior significantly increases model capacity using only one additional scalar parameter.Comment: Published in ICML 202
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