15 research outputs found

    Sparsity Meets Robustness: Channel Pruning for the Feynman-Kac Formalism Principled Robust Deep Neural Nets

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    Deep neural nets (DNNs) compression is crucial for adaptation to mobile devices. Though many successful algorithms exist to compress naturally trained DNNs, developing efficient and stable compression algorithms for robustly trained DNNs remains widely open. In this paper, we focus on a co-design of efficient DNN compression algorithms and sparse neural architectures for robust and accurate deep learning. Such a co-design enables us to advance the goal of accommodating both sparsity and robustness. With this objective in mind, we leverage the relaxed augmented Lagrangian based algorithms to prune the weights of adversarially trained DNNs, at both structured and unstructured levels. Using a Feynman-Kac formalism principled robust and sparse DNNs, we can at least double the channel sparsity of the adversarially trained ResNet20 for CIFAR10 classification, meanwhile, improve the natural accuracy by 8.698.69\% and the robust accuracy under the benchmark 2020 iterations of IFGSM attack by 5.425.42\%. The code is available at \url{https://github.com/BaoWangMath/rvsm-rgsm-admm}.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figure

    An Integrated Approach to Produce Robust Models with High Efficiency

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    Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) needs to be both efficient and robust for practical uses. Quantization and structure simplification are promising ways to adapt DNNs to mobile devices, and adversarial training is the most popular method to make DNNs robust. In this work, we try to obtain both features by applying a convergent relaxation quantization algorithm, Binary-Relax (BR), to a robust adversarial-trained model, ResNets Ensemble via Feynman-Kac Formalism (EnResNet). We also discover that high precision, such as ternary (tnn) and 4-bit, quantization will produce sparse DNNs. However, this sparsity is unstructured under advarsarial training. To solve the problems that adversarial training jeopardizes DNNs' accuracy on clean images and the struture of sparsity, we design a trade-off loss function that helps DNNs preserve their natural accuracy and improve the channel sparsity. With our trade-off loss function, we achieve both goals with no reduction of resistance under weak attacks and very minor reduction of resistance under strong attcks. Together with quantized EnResNet with trade-off loss function, we provide robust models that have high efficiency

    Achieving Adversarial Robustness via Sparsity

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    Network pruning has been known to produce compact models without much accuracy degradation. However, how the pruning process affects a network's robustness and the working mechanism behind remain unresolved. In this work, we theoretically prove that the sparsity of network weights is closely associated with model robustness. Through experiments on a variety of adversarial pruning methods, we find that weights sparsity will not hurt but improve robustness, where both weights inheritance from the lottery ticket and adversarial training improve model robustness in network pruning. Based on these findings, we propose a novel adversarial training method called inverse weights inheritance, which imposes sparse weights distribution on a large network by inheriting weights from a small network, thereby improving the robustness of the large network

    STEER: Simple Temporal Regularization For Neural ODEs

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    Training Neural Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs) is often computationally expensive. Indeed, computing the forward pass of such models involves solving an ODE which can become arbitrarily complex during training. Recent works have shown that regularizing the dynamics of the ODE can partially alleviate this. In this paper we propose a new regularization technique: randomly sampling the end time of the ODE during training. The proposed regularization is simple to implement, has negligible overhead and is effective across a wide variety of tasks. Further, the technique is orthogonal to several other methods proposed to regularize the dynamics of ODEs and as such can be used in conjunction with them. We show through experiments on normalizing flows, time series models and image recognition that the proposed regularization can significantly decrease training time and even improve performance over baseline models.Comment: Neurips 202

    Towards Optimal Randomized Strategies in Adversarial Example Game

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    The vulnerability of deep neural network models to adversarial example attacks is a practical challenge in many artificial intelligence applications. A recent line of work shows that the use of randomization in adversarial training is the key to find optimal strategies against adversarial example attacks. However, in a fully randomized setting where both the defender and the attacker can use randomized strategies, there are no efficient algorithm for finding such an optimal strategy. To fill the gap, we propose the first algorithm of its kind, called FRAT, which models the problem with a new infinite-dimensional continuous-time flow on probability distribution spaces. FRAT maintains a lightweight mixture of models for the defender, with flexibility to efficiently update mixing weights and model parameters at each iteration. Furthermore, FRAT utilizes lightweight sampling subroutines to construct a random strategy for the attacker. We prove that the continuous-time limit of FRAT converges to a mixed Nash equilibria in a zero-sum game formed by a defender and an attacker. Experimental results also demonstrate the efficiency of FRAT on CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100 datasets.Comment: Extended version of paper https://doi.org/10.1609/aaai.v37i9.26247 which appeared in AAAI 202