33 research outputs found

    UTT: Decentralized Ecash with Accountable Privacy

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    We present UnTraceable Transactions (UTT), a system for decentralized ecash with accountable privacy. UTT is the first ecash system that obtains three critical properties: (1) it provides decentralized trust by implementing the ledger, bank, auditor, and registration authorities via threshold cryptography and Byzantine Fault Tolerant infrastructure; (2) it balances accountability and privacy by implementing anonymity budgets: users can anonymously send payments, but only up to a limited amount of currency per month. Past this point, transactions can either be made public or subjected to customizable auditing rules; (3) by carefully choosing cryptographic building blocks and co-designing the cryptography and decentralization, UTT is tailored for high throughput and low latency. With a combination of optimized cryptographic building blocks and vertical scaling (optimistic concurrency control), UTT can provide almost 1,000 payments with accountable privacy per second, with latencies of around 100 milliseconds and less. Through horizontal scaling (multiple shards), UTT can scale to tens of thousands of such transactions per second. With 60 shards we measure over 10,000 transactions with accountable privacy per second. We formally define and prove the security of UTT using an MPC-style ideal functionality. Along the way, we define a new MPC framework that captures the security of reactive functionalities in a stand-alone setting, thus filling an important gap in the MPC literature. Our new framework is compatible with practical instantiations of cryptographic primitives and provides a trade-off between concrete efficiency and provable security that may be also useful for future work

    On the Security Loss of Unique Signatures

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    We consider the question of whether the security of unique digital signature schemes can be based on game-based cryptographic assumptions using linear-preserving black-box security reductions—that is, black-box reductions for which the security loss (i.e., the ratio between work of the adversary and the work of the reduction) is some a priori bounded polynomial. A seminal result by Coron (Eurocrypt\u2702) shows limitations of such reductions; however, his impossibility result and its subsequent extensions all suffer from two notable restrictions: (1) they only rule out so-called simple reductions, where the reduction is restricted to only sequentially invoke straight-line instances of the adversary; and (2) they only rule out reductions to non-interactive (two-round) assumptions. In this work, we present the first full impossibility result: our main result shows that the existence of any linear-preserving black-box reduction for basing the security of unique signatures on some bounded-round assumption implies that the assumption can be broken in polynomial time

    Aggregatable Distributed Key Generation

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    In this paper, we introduce a distributed key generation (DKG) protocol with aggregatable and publicly-verifiable transcripts. Compared with prior publicly-verifiable approaches, our DKG reduces the size of the final transcript and the time to verify it from O(n2) to O(nlogn) , where n denotes the number of parties. As compared with prior non-publicly-verifiable approaches, our DKG leverages gossip rather than all-to-all communication to reduce verification and communication complexity. We also revisit existing DKG security definitions, which are quite strong, and propose new and natural relaxations. As a result, we can prove the security of our aggregatable DKG as well as that of several existing DKGs, including the popular Pedersen variant. We show that, under these new definitions, these existing DKGs can be used to yield secure threshold variants of popular cryptosystems such as El-Gamal encryption and BLS signatures. We also prove that our DKG can be securely combined with a new efficient verifiable unpredictable function (VUF), whose security we prove in the random oracle model. Finally, we experimentally evaluate our DKG and show that the per-party overheads scale linearly and are practical. For 64 parties, it takes 71 ms to share and 359 ms to verify the overall transcript, while for 8192 parties, it takes 8 s and 42.2 s respectively

    Trustless, Censorship-Resilient and Scalable Votings in the Permission-based Blockchain Model

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    Voting systems are the tool of choice when it comes to settle an agreement of different opinions. We propose a solution for a trustless, censorship-resilient and scalable electronic voting platform. By leveraging the blockchain together with the functional encryption paradigm, we fully decentralize the system and reduce the risks that a voting provider, like a corrupt government, does censor or manipulate the outcome

    Practical Round-Optimal Blind Signatures in the ROM from Standard Assumptions

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    Blind signatures serve as a foundational tool for privacy-preserving applications and have recently seen renewed interest due to new applications in blockchains and privacy-authentication tokens. With this, constructing practical round-optimal (i.e., signing consists of the minimum two rounds) blind signatures in the random oracle model (ROM) has been an active area of research, where several impossibility results indicate that either the ROM or a trusted setup is inherent. In this work, we present two round-optimal blind signatures under standard assumptions in the ROM with different approaches: one achieves the smallest sum of the signature and communication sizes, while the other achieves the smallest signature size. Both of our instantiations are based on standard assumptions over asymmetric pairing groups, i.e., CDH, DDH, and/or SXDH. Our first construction is a highly optimized variant of the generic blind signature construction by Fischlin (CRYPTO\u2706) and has signature and communication sizes 447 B and 303 B, respectively. We progressively weaken the building blocks required by Fischlin and we result in the first blind signature where the sum of the signature and communication sizes fit below 1 KB based on standard assumptions. Our second construction is a semi-generic construction from a specific class of randomizable signature schemes that admits an all-but-one reduction. The signature size is only 96 B while the communication size is 2.2 KB. This matches the previously known smallest signature size while improving the communication size by several orders of magnitude. Finally, both of our constructions rely on a (non-black box) fine-grained analysis of the forking lemma that may be of independent interest

    Foundations of Coin Mixing Services

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    Coin mixing services allow users to mix their cryptocurrency coins and thus enable unlinkable payments in a way that prevents tracking of honest users\u27 coins by both the service provider and the users themselves. The easy bootstrapping of new users and backwards compatibility with cryptocurrencies (such as Bitcoin) with limited support for scripts are attractive features of this architecture, which has recently gained considerable attention in both academia and industry. A recent work of Tairi et al. [IEEE S&P 2021] formalizes the notion of a coin mixing service and proposes A2^{2}L, a new cryptographic protocol that simultaneously achieves high efficiency and interoperability. In this work, we identify a gap in their formal model and substantiate the issue by showing two concrete counterexamples: we show how to construct two encryption schemes that satisfy their definitions but lead to a completely insecure system. To amend this situation, we investigate secure constructions of coin mixing services. First, we develop the notion of blind conditional signatures (BCS), which acts as the cryptographic core for coin mixing services. We propose game-based security definitions for BCS and propose A2^{2}L+^{+}, a modified version of the protocol by Tairi et al. that satisfies our security definitions. Our analysis is in an idealized model (akin to the algebraic group model) and assumes the hardness of the one-more discrete logarithm problem. Finally, we propose A2^{2}LUC^\text{UC}, another construction of BCS that achieves the stronger notion of UC-security (in the standard model), albeit with a significant increase in computation cost. This suggests that constructing a coin mixing service protocol secure under composition requires more complex cryptographic machinery than initially thought

    Pairing-Free Blind Signatures from Standard Assumptions in the ROM

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    Blind Signatures are a useful primitive for privacy preserving applications such as electronic payments, e-voting, anonymous credentials, and more. However, existing practical blind signature schemes based on standard assumptions require either pairings or lattices. We present the first construction of a round-optimal blind signature in the random oracle model based on standard assumptions without resorting to pairings or lattices. In particular, our construction is secure under the strong RSA assumption and DDH (in pairing-free groups). For our construction, we provide a NIZK-friendly signature based on strong RSA, and efficiently instantiate Fischlin\u27s generic framework (CRYPTO\u2706). Our Blind Signature scheme has signatures of size 4.28 KB and communication cost 62.19 KB. On the way, we develop techniques that might be of independent interest. In particular, we provide efficient relaxed range-proofs with subversion zero-knowledge and compact commitments to elements of arbitrary groups

    Kaleidoscope: An Efficient Poker Protocol with Payment Distribution and Penalty Enforcement

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    The research on secure poker protocols without trusted intermediaries has a long history that dates back to modern cryptography\u27s infancy. Two main challenges towards bringing it into real-life are enforcing the distribution of the rewards, and penalizing misbehaving/aborting parties. Using recent advances on cryptocurrencies and blockchain technologies, Andrychowicz et al. (IEEE S\&P 2014 and FC 2014 BITCOIN Workshop) were able to address those problems. Improving on these results, Kumaresan et al. (CCS 2015) and Bentov et al. (ASIACRYPT 2017) proposed specific purpose poker protocols that made significant progress towards meeting the real-world deployment requirements. However, their protocols still lack either efficiency or a formal security proof in a strong model. Specifically, the work of Kumaresan et al. relies on Bitcoin and simple contracts, but is not very efficient as it needs numerous interactions with the cryptocurrency network as well as a lot of collateral. Bentov et al. achieve further improvements by using stateful contracts and off-chain execution: they show a solution based on general multiparty computation that has a security proof in a strong model, but is also not very efficient. Alternatively, it proposes to use tailor-made poker protocols as a building block to improve the efficiency. However, a security proof is unfortunately still missing for the latter case: the security properties the tailor-made protocol would need to meet were not even specified, let alone proven to be met by a given protocol. Our solution closes this undesirable gap as it concurrently: (1) enforces the rewards\u27 distribution; (2) enforces penalties on misbehaving parties; (3) has efficiency comparable to the tailor-made protocols; (4) has a security proof in a simulation-based model of security. Combining techniques from the above works, from tailor-made poker protocols and from efficient zero-knowledge proofs for shuffles, and performing optimizations, we obtain a solution that satisfies all four desired criteria and does not incur a big burden on the blockchain

    Snowblind: A Threshold Blind Signature in Pairing-Free Groups

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    Both threshold and blind signatures have, individually, received a considerable amount of attention. However little is known about their combination, i.e., a threshold signature which is also blind, in that no coalition of signers learns anything about the message being signed or the signature being produced. Several applications of blind signatures (e.g., anonymous tokens) would benefit from distributed signing as a means to increase trust in the service and hence reduce the risks of key compromise. This paper builds the first blind threshold signatures in pairing-free groups. Our main contribution is a construction that transforms an underlying blind non-threshold signature scheme with a suitable structure into a threshold scheme, preserving its blindness. The resulting signing protocol proceeds in three rounds, and produces signatures consisting of one group element and two scalars. The underlying non-threshold blind signature schemes are of independent interest, and improve upon the current state of the art (Tessaro and Zhu, EUROCRYPT ’22) with shorter signatures (three elements, instead of four) and simpler proofs of security. All of our schemes are proved secure in the Random Oracle and Algebraic Group Models, assuming the hardness of the discrete logarithm problem

    Server-Aided Privacy-Preserving Proximity Testing

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    Proximity testing is at the core of many Location-Based online Services (LBS) which we use in our daily lives to order taxis, find places of interest nearby, connect with people. Currently, most such services expect a user to submit his location to them and trust the LBS not to abuse this information, and use it only to provide the service. Existing cases of such information being misused (e.g., by the LBS employees or criminals who breached its security) motivates the search for better solutions that would ensure the privacy of user data, and give users control of how their data is being used.In this thesis, we address this problem using cryptographic techniques. We propose three cryptographic protocols that allow two users to perform proximity testing (check if they are close enough to each other) with the help of two servers.In the papers 1 and 2, the servers are introduced in order to allow users not to be online at the same time: one user may submit their location to the servers and go offline, the other user coming online later and finishing proximity testing. The drastically improves the practicality of such protocols, since the mobile devices that users usually run may not always be online. We stress that the servers in these protocols merely aid the users in performing the proximity testing, and none of the servers can independently extract the user data.In the paper 3, we use the servers to offload the users\u27 computation and communication to. The servers here pre-generate correlated random data and send it to users, who can use it to perform a secure proximity testing protocol faster. Paper 3, together with the paper 2, are highly practical: they provide strong security guarantees and are suitable to be executed on resource-constrained mobile devices. In fact, the work of clients in these protocols is close to negligible as most of the work is done by servers