6 research outputs found

    Handling Data Consistency through Spatial Data Integrity Rules in Constraint Decision Tables

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    Diseño de una infraestructura de datos espaciales y su aplicación a la gestión de proyectos de exploración aurífera en el departamento de Antoquia-Colombia

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    The development of gold mining in Colombia depends heavily on finding new successful projects in its Exploration phase. While there is a wealth of information available from government agencies and private enterprise, it has no knowledge of the existence of systemic models to make a planning that integrates geological information and is able to generate information processed when making decisions about agreements quantified variables previously established criteria. This work aims to develop a pilot methodology to identify favorable areas in search and prospecting for new mineral deposits, using the spatial analysis of data in a Geographic Information System (GIS). The base information used is the regional geological mining mapping, geochemistry, geophysics and specialized themes generated by government and private entities of the border between the municipalities of Segovia, Department of Antioquia, Colombia. The main feature of this methodology is the integration of data, since no information is collected and processed under criteria and indicators to take any decision on it. The integration is to collect in a single model of planning, data that are representative of geological information for later interrelationship according to previously defined variables, which according to the geological technical concept are relevant and / or provide determining criteria to decide whether an area is potentially attractive to start a gold exploration phase. The results in developing this methodology have demonstrated the ability to generate areas of interest through this model has the ability to query information organized in which you can display certain basic criteria when defining an area as possible for a process exploration, always confirming the contents in the study area, since even today digitized information is scarce. This methodology can be used for other areas of study in Colombia.El desarrollo la minería aurífera en Colombia depende en gran medida de encontrar nuevos proyectos exitosos en su fase de Exploración. Si bien es cierto que existe una gran cantidad de información disponible proveniente de entidades oficiales y de la empresa privada, no se tiene un conocimiento de la existencia de modelos sistémicos que permitan realizar una planeación que integre la información geológica y se logre generar una información procesada a la hora de tomar decisiones de acuerdos a unas variables cuantificadas con criterios establecidos previamente. Este trabajo pretende desarrollar una metodología piloto para identificar áreas favorables en la búsqueda y prospección de nuevos depósitos minerales, mediante el análisis espacial de datos en un Sistema de Información Geográfica (SIG). La información base utilizada es la cartográfica geológico-minera regional, geoquímica, geofísica y temática especializada generada por entidades estatales y privadas de la zona limítrofe entre los municipios de Segovia, Departamento de Antioquia, Colombia. La principal característica de esta metodología es la Integración de datos, dado que información no está recopilada y procesada bajo criterios e indicadores que permitan tomar alguna decisión respecto de la misma. La integración consiste en recopilar en un modelo único de planeación, los datos que son representativos de información geológica para su posterior interrelación de acuerdo a variables definidas previamente, que de acuerdo al concepto técnico geológico son relevantes y/o aportan criterios determinantes para tomar una decisión sobre si un área es potencialmente atractiva para iniciar una fase de Exploración aurífera. Los resultados al desarrollar esta metodología han demostrado la capacidad de generar áreas de interés, a través de este modelo se tiene la posibilidad de consultar información organizada en la cual se podrá visualizar ciertos criterios básicos a la hora de definir una área como factible para un proceso de exploración, ratificando siempre los contenidos en las área objeto de estudio, dado que aun hoy la información digitalizada es escasa. Dicha metodología que puede ser empleada a favor para otras áreas de estudio en Colombia

    Estruturação, modelagem e implementação de banco de dados geoespaciais para o cadastro ambiental rural

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    Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Geociências, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Geociências Aplicadas, 2017.A crescente produção de dados geoespaciais em formatos digitais e consequentemente o aumento da demanda por dados/informações espaciais, em termos quantitativos e qualitativos, requer dos órgãos públicos e privados a organização de uma estrutura que permita aos usuários o fácil conhecimento das informações já produzidas, o registro de novas informações e a disponibilização delas. A proposta deste trabalho é desenvolver uma ferramenta que auxilie o governo do Distrito Federal na organização das informações geoespaciais referente ao Cadastro Ambiental Rural – CAR, a partir da elaboração da modelagem de dados geoespaciais para uma melhor compreensão e organização dos dados disponibilizados pelo Sistema de Cadastro Ambiental Rural – SICAR. Por conseguinte, a estruturação do banco de dados passará, necessariamente, pelas etapas de desenvolvimento de modelo lógico e implementação física dos dados relacionados ao CAR e, por fim, serão propostos procedimentos que facilitem a gestão dos dados geoespaciais relacionados ao tema CAR. Para tanto, a modelagem proposta explicita as regras aplicadas aos dados oriundos dos cadastros ambientais rurais e que podem ser aplicadas e aprimoradas com o propósito de desenvolver novas ferramentas de gestão de informações relacionadas ao tema CAR.The increasing of geospatial data production in digital formats and consequently the increasing of the demand for spatial data / information in quantitative and qualitative terms requires from the public and private agencies to organize a structure that allows the users to easily know the information already produced and the registration of the new informations and the availability of them. The aim of this project is to develop a tool to aid the Distrito Federal government in the organization of geospatial information related to the Rural Environmental Registry - CAR, based on the elaboration of geospatial data modeling that allows a better understanding and organization of the data provided by the Environmental Cadastre System - SICAR. Therefore, the structuring of the data bank will necessarily go through the stages of development of a logical model and physical implementation of the data related to the CAR. Finally, there will be proposed that will help the management of the geospatial data related to the CAR. So, this modeling method exposes these rules applied from the data of the rural environmental registers and it can be used and improved for the purpose of developing new information management tools related to the CAR theme


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    Nowadays, the world is facing disasters on an unprecedented scale: millions of people are affected by natural disasters globally each year and, only in the last decade, more than 80% of all disaster-related deaths were caused by natural hazards. Scientific predictions and evidence indicate that global climate changes are increasing the number of extreme events, creating more frequent and intensified natural hazards such as floods and windstorms. Population growth, urbanization and the inability of poor populations to escape from the vicious cycle of poverty are conditions to foresee that there will most likely be an increase in the number of people who are vulnerable to natural hazards, with a resulting increase of natural disasters and environmental emergencies. In recent years, international preoccupation for disasters and their impacts has intensified and risen closer to the top of the development agenda. For many years, response to disasters was largely confined to emergency relief and short-term life-saving actions. But over the last two decades, the critical importance of disaster preparedness, mitigation, and prevention has been widely recognized. The humanitarian and the United Nations system are therefore called to intensify their efforts to improve their capacity in order to provide support to the countries in need and to be better prepared to intervene. Such request came, amongst others, from the UN General Secretary in various occasions. In the frame of humanitarian operations, the World Food Programme (WFP) of the United Nations is in the front line. The WFP is the biggest UN Agency and responds to more than 120 emergencies per year worldwide. According to the UN reform, WFP is also the leader of logistics for UN and international bodies during emergency response operations. WFP initiated a process to reinforce its capacity to be a leading force in the area of emergency response, improving its Information Management capacity in support to emergency preparedness and response. To do so, an agreement of collaboration with the recently formed Information Technology for Humanitarian Assistance Cooperation and Action (ITHACA) Association has been signed and a joint collaboration started in February 2007. One of the objectives of the collaboration is about the use of Geomatics and Information Technology instruments in the Early Warning and Early Impact analysis field. Many worldwide experiences conducted in this area, show that the use of remote sensing and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) technologies, combined with up-to-date, reliable and easily accessible reference base geographic datasets, constitute the key factor for the success of emergency operations and for developing valuable natural disaster preparedness, mitigation and prevention systems. As a matter of fact, the unique characteristics associated with geographic, or geospatial, information technologies facilitate the integration of scientific, social and economic data through space and time, opening up interesting possibilities for monitoring, assessment and change detection activities, thus enabling better informed interventions in human and natural systems. Besides its proven value, the geospatial information is an expensive resource and needs to be fully utilized to maximize the return on investment required for its generation, management and use. Reuse and sharing of spatial information for multiple purposes is an important approach applied in countries where investment in spatial data collection and in their appropriate management has advanced on the basis of its known asset value. Very substantial economic benefits have been estimated by countries that have moved in the direction of optimizing data reuse. However, it is still relatively easy to find examples of projects and other development activities from around the globe that required expensive recapture of essential spatial data because they were originally captured in unique or non-standard file formats, or perhaps discarded after initial use. Recapture of data has also been undertaken in many cases simply because its prior existence was known only by its originators. The United Nations has not been immune to this problem, both within and between the multitude of entities that make up the Secretariat and its agencies, funds and programmes. Historically, the production and use of geospatial data within the UN entities has been accomplished by its component organizations, according to their individual needs and expertise. This has resulted in multiple efforts, reduced opportunities for sharing and reuse of data, and a unnecessary cost burden for the UN system as a whole. Thus, a framework data development approach has been considered necessary. This has resulted in the proposal that implement an UN Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI). The term SDI is used to denote the relevant base collection of technologies, policies and institutional arrangements that facilitate the availability of and access to spatial data. A SDI hosts geographic data and attributes, sufficient documentation (metadata), a means to discover, visualize and evaluate the data (catalogues and Web mapping), and some methods to provide access to the geographic data. Beyond this, it will also host additional services or software to support applications of the data. The concept of developing a Spatial Data Infrastructure to fulfil UN data management needs was duly approved by United Nations Geographic Information Working Group (UNGIWG) members in 2005 at their 6th Plenary Meeting in Addis Ababa, in the context of a UN-specific SDI, or UNSDI. The WFP, like all other UN agencies, has been called to develop a Spatial Data Infrastructure, according to the UNGIWG recommendations. Therefore, during the last year the different units of WFP involved in the use of geospatial data worked at defining and implementing a WFP SDI with the aim of contributing at the whole UNSDI project. This effort was coordinated and supported by the ITHACA association. Aim of the study The objective of the conducted research has been to investigate the better solution for collecting and organizing geospatial data within a suitable geodatabase with two main purposes:  to support the WFP SDI effort: the development of consistent reusable themes of base cartographic content, known as Framework, Fundamental or Core Data, is recognized as a main and first ingredient in the construction of a SDI. Therefore, the definition of a geodatabase supporting all the WFP units dealing with GIS and geospatial data can be considered a fundamental and necessary step in the whole complex process of the development of the WFP SDI. Common used data provide key for the integration and, in the context of the SDI implementation, the definition of a Core Data geodatabase can be thought as one instrumentality to help improving interoperability, reducing expenses resulting from the inevitable duplications. Moreover, the major aim of the planned geodatabase is to supply all WFP users of a "minimum spatial dataset" which assures valuable geographic analyses and mapping, in support to decision makers during emergencies operations.  to support all activities carried out by ITHACA: the planned geodatabase must constitute a suitable instrument which realizes the integration and the organization of the large geospatial data needed by all ITHACA units in their activities, allowing their effective distribution, sharing and reuse, avoiding any duplication. Moreover, the implemented solution must also guarantee the correct management and updating of the data, keeping their integrity. Finally, this instrument must also allow the easy and fast sharing of necessary information produced by ITHACA during Early Impact activities with the WFP's users engaged in the emergencies rescue operations. In conclusion, the major expected output of the study carried out, described in this thesis, has been the design and the development of a global database and of related rules and procedures in order to correctly store, manage, and exchange geospatial data needed either by WFP humanitarian workers and ITHACA users. The developed database solution allows integrating and updating globally consistent geographic data coming from different sources in many formats, providing each user with the latest datasets, thus avoiding duplications and mistakes. In methodological terms, the following procedure has been adopted: - defining requirements, identification of all activities supported by the geodatabase, analysis of the data flows expected in all supported activities, examining existing data sources and relevant standards (particularly those proposed by the UNGIWG); - development of the data model. The data model has been shaped according to specific needs and demands of the involved user groups within the different interested organizations. The adopted design techniques do not wander off the techniques proposed in literature for general database design, even if it has been necessary, in some steps, to consider the specific features of geographic data; - geodatabase schema generation and implementation of the defined geographic database model as an ESRI ArcSDE Enterprise Geodatabase based on Oracle 10g as DBM

    Towards a desing method for 3D collaborative GIS

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    Our thesis work focuses on collaborative 3D GIS and considers two main aspects governing their implementation: a conceptual framework for an approach to design these systems and a technical framework dealing with the main issues of integration of multiple data sources from different partners in a 3D collaborative database